DualEndpointEmax-class: Dual endpoint model with emax function for dose-biomarker...

DualEndpointEmax-classR Documentation

Dual endpoint model with emax function for dose-biomarker relationship


This class extends the DualEndpoint class. Here the dose-biomarker relationship f(x) is modelled by a parametric EMAX function:


f(x) = E_{0} + \frac{(E_{max} - E_{0}) * (x/x^{*})}{ED_{50} + (x/x^{*})}

where x^{*} is a reference dose, E_{0} and E_{max} are the minimum and maximum levels for the biomarker and ED_{50} is the dose achieving half of the maximum effect 0.5 * E_{max}.

All parameters can currently be assigned uniform distributions or be fixed in advance.



either a fixed number or the two uniform distribution parameters


either a fixed number or the two uniform distribution parameters


either a fixed number or the two uniform distribution parameters


the reference dose x^{*}


model <- DualEndpointEmax(E0 = c(0, 100),
                          Emax = c(0, 500),
                          ED50 = c(10,200),
                          refDoseEmax = 1000,
                          mu = c(0, 1),
                          Sigma = matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1), nrow=2),
                          sigma2W = c(a=0.1, b=0.1),
                          rho = c(a=1, b=1))

crmPack documentation built on June 26, 2024, 5:07 p.m.