
Defines functions flatten_result assert_valid_indices xpluck_impl xpluck

Documented in xpluck

#' Get one or more elements deep within a nested data structure
#' `xpluck()` provides an alternative to [purrr::pluck()].
#' Unlike [purrr::pluck()], `xpluck()` allows you to extract multiple indices at
#' each nesting level.
#' @example man/examples/example-xpluck.R
#' @param .x A [list] or [vector]
#' @param ... A list of accessors for indexing into the object.
#'   Can be positive integers,
#'   negative integers (to index from the right),
#'   strings (to index into names) or
#'   missing (to keep all elements at a given level).
#'   Unlike [purrr::pluck()],
#'   each accessor may be a vector to extract multiple elements.
#'   If an accessor has length 0
#'   (e.g. [`NULL`], [character(0)] or [numeric(0)]),
#'   `xpluck()` will return [`NULL`].
#' @param .default Value to use if target is [`NULL`] or absent.
#' @return A [list] or [vector].
#' @export
xpluck <- function(.x, ..., .default = NULL) {
  indices <- rlang::dots_list(..., .preserve_empty = TRUE)
  flatten_result(xpluck_impl(.x, indices, .default))

xpluck_impl <- function(.x, indices, .default) {
  if (length(indices) == 0) return(.x)

  if (rlang::is_missing(indices[[1]])) indices[[1]] <- seq_along(.x)

  if (is.numeric(indices[[1]])) {
    # Negative indices count backwards
    indices[[1]][indices[[1]] < 0] <-
      length(.x) + 1 + indices[[1]][indices[[1]] < 0]

    # If you count too far backwards,
    # loop around to an index that is higher than the length of `.x`
    # so that `.x[i]` will be `NULL`
    indices[[1]][indices[[1]] <= 0] <- length(.x) + 1

  result <- list()

  for (i in seq_along(indices[[1]])) {
    result[i] <- .x[indices[[1]][[i]]]
    if (identical(result[i], list(NULL))) result[i] <- list(.default)
    result[[i]] <- xpluck_impl(result[[i]], indices[-1], .default)


assert_valid_indices <- function(indices) {
  # Find the position of the first index that is not a valid type
  invalid_index <- Position(
    function(x) {
      !rlang::is_missing(x) && !is.numeric(x) && !is.character(x) && !is.null(x)

  # If `Position()` doesn't find a match, it returns `NA`
  if (is.na(invalid_index)) return()

  invalid_index_class <- class(indices[[invalid_index]])

    "Index {invalid_index} must be a {.cls character} or {.cls numeric} vector",
    "or {.code NULL}, not a {.cls {invalid_index_class}}."

flatten_result <- function(result) {
  if (!is.list(result)) return(result)

  # In `purrr` >= 1.0, `vec_depth()` is renamed to `pluck_depth()`.
  pluck_depth <- if (exists("pluck_depth", asNamespace("purrr"))) {
    utils::getFromNamespace("pluck_depth", asNamespace("purrr"))
  } else {
    utils::getFromNamespace("vec_depth", asNamespace("purrr"))

  while (pluck_depth(result) > 2 && all(lengths(result) == 1)) {
    result <- purrr::flatten(result)

  # `list()` or `list(integer(0))`
  if (length(result) == 0 || identical(lengths(result), 0L)) {

  # `list(1, 2)` or `list("a", "b")`
  if (
    all(lengths(result) == 1) &&
    length(unique(purrr::map_chr(result, class))) == 1
  ) {

  # `list(c(1, 2))` or `list(c("a", "b"))`
  if (is.list(result) && length(result) == 1) {


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crossmap documentation built on Jan. 13, 2023, 1:13 a.m.