
Defines functions xf_surrogate

Documented in xf_surrogate

#' A function for estimating the proportion of treatment effect explained using cross-fitting.
#'@param ds a \code{data.frame}.
#'@param x names of all covariates in \code{ds} that should be included to control for confounding (eg. age, sex, etc). Default is \code{NULL}.
#'@param s names of surrogates in \code{ds}.
#'@param y name of the outcome in \code{ds}.
#'@param a treatment variable name (eg. groups). Expect a binary variable made of \code{1}s and \code{0}s.
#'@param K number of folds for cross-fitting. Default is \code{5}.
#'@param outcome_learners string vector indicating learners to be used for estimation of the outcome function (e.g., \code{"SL.ridge"}). See the SuperLearner package for details.
#'@param ps_learners string vector indicating learners to be used for estimation of the propensity score function (e.g., \code{"SL.ridge"}). See the SuperLearner package for details.
#'@param interaction_model logical indicating whether outcome functions for treated and control should be estimated separately. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#'@param trim_at threshold at which to trim propensity scores. Default is \code{0.05}.
#'@param outcome_family default is \code{'gaussian'} for continuous outcomes. Other choice is \code{'binomial'} for binary outcomes.
#'@param mthd selected regression method. Default is \code{'superlearner'}, which uses the \code{SuperLearner} package for estimation. Other choices include \code{'lasso'} (which uses \code{glmnet}), \code{'sis'} (which uses \code{SIS}), \code{'cal'} (which uses \code{RCAL}).
#'@param n_ptb Number of perturbations. Default is \code{0} which means asymptotic standard errors are used.
#'@param ncores number of cpus used for parallel computations. Default is \code{parallel::detectCores()-1}
#'@param ... additional parameters (in particular for super_learner)
#' @return a \code{tibble} with columns: \itemize{
#'    \item \code{R}: estimate of the proportion of treatment effect explained, equal to 1 - \code{deltahat_s}/\code{deltahat}.
#'    \item \code{R_se} standard error for the PTE.
#'    \item \code{deltahat_s}: residual treatment effect estimate.
#'    \item \code{deltahat_s_se}: standard error for the residual treatment effect.
#'    \item \code{pi_o}: estimate of the proportion of overlap.
#'    \item \code{R_o}: PTE only in the overlap region.
#'    \item \code{R_o_se}: the standard error for \code{R_o}.
#'    \item \code{deltahat_s_o}: residual treatment effect in overlap region,
#'    \item \code{deltahat_s_se_o}: standard error for \code{deltahat_s_o}.
#'    \item \code{deltahat}: overall treatment effect estimate.
#'    \item \code{deltahat_se}: standard error for overall treatment effect estimate.
#'    \item \code{delta_diff}: difference between the treatment effects, equal to the numerator of PTE.
#'    \item \code{dd_se}: standard error for \code{delta_diff}
#'    }
#'@importFrom purrr map
#'@importFrom stats gaussian quantile rnorm rbeta sd
#'@importFrom tibble tibble
#'@importFrom dplyr pull mutate
#' n <- 300
#' p <- 50
#' q <- 2
#' wds <- sim_data(n = n, p = p)
#'  sl_est <- xf_surrogate(ds = wds,
#'    x = paste('x.', 1:q, sep =''),
#'    s = paste('s.', 1:p, sep =''),
#'    a = 'a',
#'    y = 'y',
#'    K = 4,
#'    trim_at = 0.01,
#'    mthd = 'superlearner',
#'    outcome_learners = c("SL.mean","SL.lm", "SL.svm", "SL.ridge"),
#'    ps_learners = c("SL.mean", "SL.glm", "SL.svm", "SL.lda"),
#'    ncores = 1)
#'  lasso_est <- xf_surrogate(ds = wds,
#'    x = paste('x.', 1:q, sep =''),
#'    s = paste('s.', 1:p, sep =''),
#'    a = 'a',
#'    y = 'y',
#'    K = 4,
#'    trim_at = 0.01,
#'    mthd = 'lasso',
#'    ncores = 1)
xf_surrogate <- function(ds,
                         x = NULL,
                         K = 5,
                         outcome_learners = NULL,
                         ps_learners = outcome_learners,
                         interaction_model = TRUE,
                         trim_at = 0.05,
                         outcome_family = gaussian(),
                         mthd = 'superlearner',
                         n_ptb = 0,
                         ncores = parallel::detectCores()-1,
                         ...) {

  #sanity checks
      stop("no missing values allowed in 'x'")
    isfact <- sapply(ds[, x], is.factor)
    if(sum(isfact) > 0 | sum(sapply(ds[, x], is.character))>0){
      stop("only numeric covariates allowed in 'x'. Please consider using model.matrix() beforehand...")
    # if(sum(isfact>1)){
    #   newx <- as.matrix(model.matrix(as.formula(paste0(c("~", all_of(x)[isfact]), collapse = " + ")), data=ds)[,-1, drop=FALSE])
    #   temp <- ds %>% select(-all_of(x)[isfact])
    #     mutate(newx, after = x[!isfact][length(x[!isfact])])
    #   x <- x[!isfact]
    #   x <- append(x, colnames(newx))
    # }
  if(sum(sapply(ds[, s], is.factor))>0 | sum(sapply(ds[, s], is.character))>0){
    stop("only numeric surrogate allowed in 's'")
    stop("no missing values allowed in 's'")

  if(any(!(unlist(ds[, a]) %in% c(0,1)))){
    stop("Treatment 'a' should only contain 0s and 1s")
    stop("no missing values allowed in 'a'")
    stop("no missing values allowed in 'y'")

  n <- nrow(ds)

  if (is.null(x)) {
    delta_s_fit <- xfit_dr(ds = ds,
                           x = s,
                           y = y,
                           a = a,
                           K = K,
                           outcome_learners = outcome_learners,
                           ps_learners = ps_learners,
                           interaction_model = interaction_model,
                           trim_at = trim_at,
                           outcome_family = outcome_family,
                           mthd = mthd,
                           ncores = ncores, ...)

    n1 <- sum(ds %>% pull(!!sym(a)))
    n0 <- sum( 1 - ds %>% pull(!!sym(a)))
    u1 <- ds %>%
      mutate(u_i = n/n1*!!sym(a)*!!sym(y) - n/n0*(1-!!sym(a))*!!sym(y)) %>%
    deltahat <- mean(u1)
  } else {
    delta_s_fit <- xfit_dr(ds = ds,
                           x = c(x, s),
                           y = y,
                           a = a,
                           K = K,
                           outcome_learners = outcome_learners,
                           ps_learners = ps_learners,
                           interaction_model = interaction_model,
                           trim_at = trim_at,
                           outcome_family = outcome_family,
                           mthd = mthd,
                           ncores = ncores, ...)
    delta_fit <- xfit_dr(ds = ds,
                         x = x,
                         y = y,
                         a = a,
                         K = K,
                         outcome_learners = outcome_learners,
                         ps_learners = ps_learners,
                         interaction_model = interaction_model,
                         trim_at = trim_at,
                         outcome_family = outcome_family,
                         mthd = mthd,
                         ncores = ncores, ...)
    deltahat <- delta_fit$estimate
    u1 <- delta_fit$observation_data[[1]]$u_i

  u2 <- delta_s_fit$observation_data[[1]]$u_i
  deltahat_s <- delta_s_fit$estimate

  w_o <- delta_s_fit$observation_data[[1]] %>%
    mutate(theta = 1*(!!sym("pi1") > trim_at & !!sym("pi0") > trim_at)) %>%
  deltahat_s_o <- mean(w_o*u2)

  if (n_ptb > 0) {
    g_ptb <- purrr::map(1:n_ptb, function(i) sqrt(12)*rbeta(n, shape1 = 1,
                                                            shape2 = 1) - sqrt(12)/2 + 1)
    ptb_ds <- purrr::map(g_ptb, function(g) {
      deltahat_g <- mean(u1*g)
      deltahat_sg <- mean(u2*g)
      R_g <- 1 - deltahat_sg/deltahat_g
    }) %>%
    ptb_out <- ptb_ds %>%
      summarise(R_qci_l = quantile(!!sym("R_g"), 0.025),
                R_qci_h = quantile(!!sym("R_g"), 0.975),
                R_ptb_se = sd(!!sym("R_g"))) %>%
      mutate(ptb_ds = list(ptb_ds))

  sigmasq <- mean(u2^2/deltahat^2 + u1^2*deltahat_s^2/deltahat^4 - 2*u1*u2*deltahat_s/deltahat^3)
  sigmasq_o <- mean(u2^2/deltahat^2 + (w_o*u1)^2*deltahat_s^2/deltahat^4 - 2*w_o*u1*u2*deltahat_s/deltahat^3)
  sigmasq_diff <- mean(u1^2 + u2^2 - 2*u1*u2)
  out <- tibble(
    R = 1 - deltahat_s/deltahat,
    R_se = sqrt(sigmasq/length(u1)),
    deltahat_s_se = sqrt(mean(u2^2)/length(u2)),
    pi_o = mean(w_o),
    R_o = 1 - deltahat_s_o/deltahat,
    R_o_se = sqrt(sigmasq_o/length(u1)),
    deltahat_s_se_o = sqrt(mean((w_o*u2)^2)/length(u2)),
    deltahat_se = sqrt(mean(u1^2)/length(u1)),
    delta_diff = deltahat - deltahat_s,
    dd_se = sqrt(sigmasq_diff/length(u1))
  if (n_ptb > 0) {
    out <- out %>%
      full_join(ptb_out, by = character())

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