#' Retrieves info (urls, logo, description, tags, platform, date_added, notice, status,...) on CMC for given id
#' This code retrieves data for all specified coins!
#' @param coin_list string if NULL retrieve all currently active coins (`crypto_list()`),
#' or provide list of cryptocurrencies in the `crypto_list()` or `cryptoi_listings()` format (e.g. current and/or dead coins since 2015)
#' @param limit integer Return the top n records, default is all tokens
#' @param requestLimit (default: 1) limiting the length of request URLs when bundling the api calls (currently needs to be 1)
#' @param sleep integer (default: 0) Seconds to sleep between API requests
#' @param finalWait to avoid calling the web-api again with another command before 60s are over (FALSE=default)
#' @return List of (active and historically existing) cryptocurrencies in a tibble:
#' \item{id}{CMC id (unique identifier)}
#' \item{name}{Coin name}
#' \item{symbol}{Coin symbol (not-unique)}
#' \item{slug}{Coin URL slug (unique)}
#' \item{category}{Coin category: "token" or "coin"}
#' \item{description}{Coin description according to CMC}
#' \item{logo}{CMC url of CC logo}
#' \item{status}{Status message from CMC}
#' \item{notice}{Markdown formatted notices from CMC}
#' \item{alert_type}{Type of alert on CMC}
#' \item{alert_link}{Message link to alert}
#' \item{date_added}{Date CC was added to the CMC database}
#' \item{date_launched}{Date CC was launched}
#' \item{is_audited}{Boolean if CC is audited}
#' \item{flags}{Boolean flags for various topics}
#' \item{self_reported_circulating_supply}{Self reported circulating supply}
#' \item{tags}{Tibble of tags and tag categories}
#' \item{faq_description}{FAQ description from CMC}
#' \item{url}{Tibble of various resource urls. Gives website, technical_doc (whitepaper),
#' source_code, message_board, chat, announcement, reddit, twitter, (block) explorer urls}
#' \item{platform}{Metadata about the parent coin if available. Gives id, name, symbol,
#' slug, and token address according to CMC}
#' @importFrom cli cat_bullet
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble enframe
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom tidyr nest
#' @importFrom plyr laply
#' @importFrom tibble enframe
#' @importFrom lubridate ymd_hms
#' @import progress
#' @import purrr
#' @import dplyr
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # return info for bitcoin
#' coin_info <- crypto_info(limit=10)
#' }
#' @name crypto_info
#' @export
crypto_info <- function(coin_list = NULL, limit = NULL, requestLimit = 1, sleep = 0, finalWait = FALSE) {
# only if no coins are provided use crypto_list() to provide all actively traded coins
if (is.null(coin_list)) coin_list <- crypto_list()
# limit amount of coins downloaded
if (!is.null(limit)) coin_list <- coin_list[1:limit, ]
# extract slugs & ids
slugs <- coin_list %>% dplyr::distinct(slug)
ids <- coin_list %>% dplyr::distinct(id)
# Create slug_vec with requestLimit elements concatenated together
#n <- ceiling(nrow(ids)/requestLimit)
id_vec <- ids #plyr::laply(split(ids$id, sort(ids$id%%n)),function(x) paste0(x,collapse=","))
# get current coins
scrape_web <- function(idv){
path <- paste0("cryptocurrency/detail?id=")
page <- safeFromJSON(construct_url(paste0(path,idv),v=3))
if (is.vector(id_vec)) id_vec <- tibble::enframe(id_vec,name = NULL, value = "id")
# define backoff rate
rate <- purrr::rate_delay(pause = 60,max_times = 2)
rate2 <- purrr::rate_delay(sleep)
#rate_backoff(pause_base = 3, pause_cap = 70, pause_min = 40, max_times = 10, jitter = TRUE)
# Modify function to run insistently.
insistent_scrape <- purrr::possibly(purrr::insistently(purrr::slowly(scrape_web, rate2), rate, quiet = FALSE),otherwise=NULL)
# Progress Bar 1
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(format = ":spin [:current / :total] [:bar] :percent in :elapsedfull ETA: :eta",
total = nrow(id_vec), clear = FALSE)
message(cli::cat_bullet("Scraping crypto info", bullet = "pointer",bullet_col = "green"))
data <- id_vec %>% dplyr::mutate(out = purrr::map(id,.f=~insistent_scrape(.x)))
data2 <- data$out
# 2. Here comes the second part: Clean and create dataset
map_scrape <- function(lout){
if (length(lout)==0){
cat("\nThis row of the coin vector does not have info available! Cont to next row.\n")
} else {
out_list <- lout2 <- lout |> janitor::clean_names()
"watch_count","watch_list_rating","latest_added","launch_price","audit_infos","similar_coins","coin_bites_video")] <- NULL
out_list[sapply(out_list,is.null)] <- NA
out_list <- out_list %>% tibble::as_tibble()
# add
#out_list$status <- c(out$status %>% purrr::flatten() %>% as_tibble() %>% mutate(timestamp=as.POSIXlt(timestamp,format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")) %>% dplyr::pull(timestamp))
if(!is.null(lout2$tags)) {out_list$tags <- dplyr::pull(tibble(tags=lout2$`tags`) %>% tidyr::nest(tags=everything()))} else {out_list$tags <- NA}
if(!length(lout2$crypto_rating)==0) {out_list$crypto_rating <- dplyr::pull(tibble(crypto_rating=lout2$`crypto_rating`) %>% tidyr::nest(crypto_rating=everything()))} else {out_list$crypto_rating <- NA}
if(!is.null(lout2$urls)) {out_list$urls <- dplyr::pull(tibble(urls=lout2$`urls`) %>% tidyr::nest(urls=everything()))} else {out_list$urls <- NA}
if(!is.null(lout2$faq_description)) {out_list$faq_description <- dplyr::pull(tibble(faq_description=lout2$`faq_description`) %>% tidyr::nest(faq_description=everything()))} else {out_list$faq_description <- NA}
if(!is.null(lout2$platforms)) {out_list$platform <- dplyr::pull(lout2$platforms %>% as_tibble() %>% tidyr::nest(platform=everything()))} else {out_list$platform <- NA}
if(!is_null(lout2$date_launched)) {out_list$date_launched <- as.Date(lubridate::ymd_hms(lout2$date_launched))} else {out_list$date_launched <- NA}
if(!is_null(lout2$date_added)) {out_list$date_added <- as.Date(lubridate::ymd_hms(lout2$date_added))} else {out_list$date_added <- NA}
if(!is_null(lout2$latest_update_time)) {out_list$latest_update_time <- (lubridate::ymd_hms(lout2$latest_update_time))} else {out_list$latest_update_time <- NA}
if(!is_null(lout2$self_reported_circulating_supply)) {out_list$self_reported_circulating_supply <- as.numeric(lout2$self_reported_circulating_supply)} else {out_list$self_reported_circulating_supply <- NA}
# add link to pic
out_list$logo <- paste0("",out_list$id,".png")
# Modify function to run insistently.
insistent_map <- purrr::possibly(map_scrape,otherwise=NULL)
# Progress Bar 2
pb2 <- progress::progress_bar$new(format = ":spin [:current / :total] [:bar] :percent in :elapsedfull ETA: :eta",
total = length(data2), clear = FALSE)
message(cli::cat_bullet("Processing crypto info", bullet = "pointer",bullet_col = "green"))
out_all <- purrr::map(data2, .f = ~ insistent_map(.x))
# results
results <-, out_all)
if (length(results) == 0L) stop("No coin info data downloaded.", call. = FALSE)
# wait 60s before finishing (or you might end up with the web-api 60s bug)
if (finalWait){
pb <- progress_bar$new(
format = "Final wait [:bar] :percent eta: :eta",
total = 60, clear = FALSE, width= 60)
for (i in 1:60) {
#' Retrieves info (urls,logo,description,tags,platform,date_added,notice,status) on CMC for given exchange slug
#' This code uses the web api. It retrieves data for all active, delisted and untracked exchanges! It does not require an 'API' key.
#' @param exchange_list string if NULL retrieve all currently active exchanges (`exchange_list()`),
#' or provide list of exchanges in the `exchange_list()` format (e.g. current and/or delisted)
#' @param limit integer Return the top n records, default is all exchanges
#' @param requestLimit limiting the length of request URLs when bundling the api calls
#' @param sleep integer (default 60) Seconds to sleep between API requests
#' @param finalWait to avoid calling the web-api again with another command before 60s are over (TRUE=default)
#' @return List of (active and historically existing) exchanges in a tibble:
#' \item{id}{CMC exchange id (unique identifier)}
#' \item{name}{Exchange name}
#' \item{slug}{Exchange URL slug (unique)}
#' \item{description}{Exchange description according to CMC}
#' \item{notice}{Exchange notice (markdown formatted) according to CMC}
#' \item{logo}{CMC url of CC logo}
#' \item{type}{Type of exchange}
#' \item{date_launched}{Launch date of this exchange}
#' \item{is_hidden}{TBD}
#' \item{is_redistributable}{TBD}
#' \item{maker_fee}{Exchanges maker fee}
#' \item{taker_fee}{Exchanges maker fee}
#' \item{platform_id}{Platform id on CMC}
#' \item{dex_status}{Decentralized exchange status}
#' \item{wallet_source_status}{Wallet source status}
#' \item{status}{Activity status on CMC}
#' \item{tags}{Tibble of tags and tag categories}
#' \item{urls}{Tibble of various resource urls. Gives website, blog, fee, twitter.}
#' \item{countries}{Tibble of countries the exchange is active in}
#' \item{fiats}{Tibble of fiat currencies the exchange trades in}
#' @importFrom cli cat_bullet
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble enframe
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom tidyr nest
#' @importFrom plyr laply
#' @import progress
#' @import purrr
#' @import dplyr
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # return info for the first three exchanges
#' exchange_info <- exchange_info(limit=10)
#' }
#' @name exchange_info
#' @export
exchange_info <- function(exchange_list = NULL, limit = NULL, requestLimit = 1, sleep = 0, finalWait = FALSE) {
# only if no coins are provided use crypto_list() to provide all actively traded coins
if (is.null(exchange_list)) exchange_list <- exchange_list()
# limit amount of exchanges downloaded
if (!is.null(limit)) exchange_list <- exchange_list[1:limit, ]
# extract slugs
slugs <- exchange_list %>% dplyr::distinct(slug)
ids <- exchange_list %>% dplyr::distinct(id)
# Create slug_vec with requestLimit elements concatenated together
#n <- ceiling(nrow(ids)/requestLimit)
id_vec <- slugs #plyr::laply(split(ids$id, sort(ids$id%%n)),function(x) paste0(x,collapse=","))
# get current coins
scrape_web <- function(idv){
path <- paste0("exchange/detail?slug=")
page <- safeFromJSON(construct_url(paste0(path,idv),v=3))
# define backoff rate
rate <- purrr::rate_delay(pause = 60,max_times = 2)
rate2 <- purrr::rate_delay(sleep)
#rate_backoff(pause_base = 3, pause_cap = 70, pause_min = 40, max_times = 10, jitter = TRUE)
# Modify function to run insistently.
insistent_scrape <- purrr::possibly(purrr::insistently(purrr::slowly(scrape_web, rate2), rate, quiet = FALSE),otherwise=NULL)
# Progress Bar 1
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(format = ":spin [:current / :total] [:bar] :percent in :elapsedfull ETA: :eta",
total = nrow(id_vec), clear = FALSE)
message(cli::cat_bullet("Scraping crypto info", bullet = "pointer",bullet_col = "green"))
data <- id_vec %>% dplyr::mutate(out = purrr::map(slug,.f=~insistent_scrape(.x)))
data2 <- data$out
# 2. Here comes the second part: Clean and create dataset
map_scrape <- function(lout){
if (length(lout)==0){
cat("\nThis row of the exchange vector does not have info available! Cont to next row.\n")
} else {
out_list <- lout2 <- lout |> janitor::clean_names()
out_list[c("tags","quote","countries","por_switch","urls","fiats","net_worth_usd")] <- NULL
out_list[sapply(out_list,is.null)] <- NA
out_list <- out_list %>% tibble::as_tibble()
# add
#out_list$status <- c(out$status %>% purrr::flatten() %>% as_tibble() %>% mutate(timestamp=as.POSIXlt(timestamp,format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")) %>% dplyr::pull(timestamp))
if(!length(lout2$tags)==0) {out_list$tags <- dplyr::pull(tibble(tags=lout2$`tags`) %>% tidyr::nest(tags=everything()))} else {out_list$tags <- NA}
if(!length(lout2$countries)==0) {out_list$countries <- dplyr::pull(tibble(countries=lout2$`countries`) %>% tidyr::nest(countries=everything()))} else {out_list$countries <- NA}
if(!length(lout2$fiats)==0) {out_list$fiats <- dplyr::pull(tibble(fiats=lout2$`fiats`) %>% tidyr::nest(fiats=everything()))} else {out_list$fiats <- NA}
if(!length(lout2$urls)==0) {out_list$urls <- dplyr::pull(tibble(urls=lout2$`urls`) %>% tidyr::nest(urls=everything()))} else {out_list$urls <- NA}
if(!is_null(lout2$date_launched)) {out_list$date_launched <- as.Date(lubridate::ymd_hms(lout2$date_launched))} else {out_list$date_launched <- NA}
# Modify function to run insistently.
insistent_map <- purrr::possibly(map_scrape,otherwise=NULL)
# Progress Bar 2
pb2 <- progress::progress_bar$new(format = ":spin [:current / :total] [:bar] :percent in :elapsedfull ETA: :eta",
total = nrow(ids), clear = FALSE)
message(cli::cat_bullet("Processing exchange info", bullet = "pointer",bullet_col = "green"))
out_all <- purrr::map(data2, .f = ~ insistent_map(.x))
# Old code
results <-, out_all)
if (length(results) == 0L) stop("No exchange info data downloaded.", call. = FALSE)
# wait 60s before finishing (or you might end up with the web-api 60s bug)
if (finalWait){
pb <- progress_bar$new(
format = "Final wait [:bar] :percent eta: :eta",
total = 60, clear = FALSE, width= 60)
for (i in 1:60) {
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