Man pages for csodata
Download Data from the CSO 'PxStat' API

cso_clear_cacheClear csodata cache
csodatacsodata: A package for downloading CSO data.
cso_disp_geo_metaPrints metadata from an ESRI shapefile to console
cso_disp_metaPrints metadata from a PxStat table to the console
cso_get_contentReturns a character vector listing the statistics in a CSO...
cso_get_dataReturn a CSO table as a data frame
cso_get_geoReturn geographic data as a sf data frame
cso_get_geo_metaReturns a data frame with the metadata of a vector shapefile
cso_get_intervalReturns a the time interval used to record data in a CSO...
cso_get_metaReturns a data frame with the metadata of a CSO data table
cso_get_tocReturns a data frame with all valid CSO PxStat tables listed...
cso_get_varsReturns a character vector listing the contents of a CSO data...
cso_get_var_valuesReturns a list of the values of variables of a CSO data table
cso_search_tocSearch list of all table descriptions for given string
csodata documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:37 a.m.