cso_get_meta: Returns a data frame with the metadata of a CSO data table

View source: R/cso_get_meta.R

cso_get_metaR Documentation

Returns a data frame with the metadata of a CSO data table


Checks the CSO PxStat API for a metadata on a dataset and returns it as a list of metadata and contained statistics.


cso_get_meta(table_code, cache = FALSE, flush_cache = TRUE)



string. A valid code for a table on data.cso.ie .


logical. Whether to use cached data, if available. Default value is FALSE.


logical. If TRUE (default) the cache will be checked for old, unused files. Any files which have not been accessed in the last month will be deleted


list with nine elements:

  • The title of the table.

  • The units used (the R class of the value column)

  • The Copyright on the data.

  • The time interval used in the data. (Census year, Quarter, Month)

  • The date the table was last modified.

  • The names of the variables included in the table, returned as a character vector with one element for each variable.

  • The names of the statistics included in the table, returned as a character vector with one element for each statistic.

  • An indicator if the statistics are experimental

  • Returns if the data is geographic


meta1 <- cso_get_meta("HS014")

csodata documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:37 a.m.