
Defines functions make_option_type_table curl_options

Documented in curl_options

#' List curl version and options.
#' \code{curl_version()} shows the versions of libcurl, libssl and zlib and
#' supported protocols. \code{curl_options()} lists all options available in
#' the current version of libcurl.  The dataset \code{curl_symbols} lists all
#' symbols (including options) provides more information about the symbols,
#' including when support was added/removed from libcurl.
#' @export
#' @param filter string: only return options with string in name
#' @examples # Available options
#' curl_options()
#' # List proxy options
#' curl_options("proxy")
#' # Symbol table
#' curl_symbols("proxy")
curl_options <- function(filter = ""){
  opts <- curl_options_list()
  m <- grep(filter, names(opts), ignore.case = TRUE)

option_table <- (function(){
  env <- new.env()
    source("tools/option_table.txt", env)
  } else if(file.exists("../tools/option_table.txt")){
    source("../tools/option_table.txt", env)
  } else {
    stop("Failed to find 'tools/option_table.txt' from:", getwd())

  option_table <- unlist(as.list(env))
  names(option_table) <- sub("^curlopt_", "", tolower(names(option_table)))

#' @useDynLib curl R_option_types
make_option_type_table <- function(){
  # Only available for libcurl 7.73 and up.
  out <- .Call(R_option_types)
  if(!length(out)) return(out)
  out$name <- tolower(out$name)
  out$type <- factor(out$type, levels = 0:8, labels = c("long", "values", "off_t",
    "object", "string", "slist", "cbptr", "blob", "function"))
  structure(out, class = 'data.frame', row.names = seq_along(out$name))

curl_options_list <- local({
  cache <- NULL
      cache <<- if(length(option_type_table)){
        structure(option_type_table$value, names = option_type_table$name)
      } else {
        # Fallback method: extracted from headers at build-time

Try the curl package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

curl documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:29 a.m.