Modeling Howto"

  collapse = TRUE,
  fig.path = "../doc/figures/howto-",
  comment = "#>"

This Howto provides instructions on how to address certain modeling challenges and offers additional details and context for certain features of the package. A final section provides a complete worked out example. For a more general overview, please refer to the manual.

How to access scenario properties

The package provides a number of set*() functions to modify scenario properties such as set_param() and set_times(). Analogous set* functions are not provided because, generally, it should not be necessary to retrieve data from scenarios. However, it is possible (but not recommended) to access all scenario settings via objects slots. A slot is the name for an object attribute in R. The slots of an object can be accessed by using the @ operator. It behaves similar to the $ operator on named lists:

# Create a new scenario object
myscenario <- Lemna_Schmitt()

# Get model name

# Set a custom tag to identify the scenario
myscenario %>%
  set_tag("Lab experiment #1") -> myscenario

# Get custom tag

# The tag is also displayed when printing scenario properties

# Accessing scenario slots and their default values
myscenario@forcings.req # forcings required for effect calculations
myscenario@endpoints    # available effect endpoints
myscenario@control.req  # are control runs required for effect calculation?

The previous example displays some of the default values of a Lemna_Schmitt scenario. The set of available slots depends on the model type and is documented in the package help. For instance, scenario properties shared by all models are documented in the effect scenario class:

# Call the help page of effect scenarios class

A scenario class inherits all slots from its ancestors. A notable class which modifies simulation behavior and provides additional scenario properties is Transferable: it provides capabilities to consider biomass transfers at defined time points during simulation. Details about its class slots and functionality are described in the help pages.

# Call the help page of the biomass transfer class

Using tidyr syntax

The tidyr syntax, popularized by the tidyverse packages in R, provides a coherent and efficient approach to data manipulation and analysis. The tidyverse, which includes the widely used dplyr and ggplot2 packages, follows a standardized grammar that makes code more readable and intuitive. tidyr syntax emphasizes the use of functions with clear and descriptive names. This makes it easier for users to understand and reproduce analyses. The %>% (pipe) operator is a key component of tidyr syntax and enables fluent and expressive concatenation of operations. Overall, the introduction of tidyr syntax improves code readability, reproducibility, and collaboration, resulting in maintainable data analysis pipelines.

In brief, the advantages of tidyr syntax are:

# The example scenario `metsulfuron` based on the Lemna model by Schmitt et al. (2013)
# is modified by setting a new exposure series and initial state. Then, it is
# simulated.
  metsulfuron %>%
    set_noexposure() %>%  # set no exposure (i.e., a control run)
    set_init(c(BM = 50)) %>%  # set initial biomass


TKTD models have both species and substance specificity. If risks are identified at Tier 1 (standard test species approach) and exposure duration is expected to be shorter than in standard tests, the simplest solution is to develop TKTD models for standard test species. However, if Tier 2A (geometric mean/evidence weighting approach) or Tier 2B (species sensitivity distribution approach) information is available, it may be more appropriate to develop TKTD models for a wider range of species to increase the accuracy of the risk assessment. Validated TKTD models for these different species can be used as an alternative to assess specific risks using available field exposure profiles. This includes the calculation of exposure profile specific LPx/EPx values (multiplication factor for a specific overall exposure profile causing x % lethality or effect) based on an appropriate aquatic exposure assessment.

# Initialize the random numbers generator
# Generating a random exposure series spanning 14 days
random_conc <- runif(15, min=0, max=0.1)
exposure_profile <- data.frame(time=0:14, conc=random_conc)
# Run EPx calculations
minnow_it %>%
  set_exposure(exposure_profile) %>%  # set a specific exposure scenario
  epx()  # run EPx calculations

Moving exposure windows

A moving time window is a computing technique used in data analysis. Data is systematically analysed within a window of fixed length that moves or slides through the data set, in our case an exposure time-series. The window captures a subset of successive data points, and as it moves through the data; simulations and effect calculations are performed for each window.

effect() can report effect levels for all evaluated exposure windows on demand:

# Derive effect levels of all exposure windows
metsulfuron %>% 
  set_window(length=7, interval=1) %>%

The resulting table describes how effect levels change when the exposure window moves along the exposure series. It is also possible to specify the marginal effect threshold of reported results (this prevents overinterpretation of spurious effect levels originating from marginal numerical errors introduced during simulation), as in the following example:

# Only report effect levels larger than 1e-5 = 0.001%
metsulfuron %>% 
  set_window(length=7, interval=1) %>%
  effect(max_only=FALSE, marginal_effect=1e-5)

The effect over all moving windows can be visualized using ggplot:

# Generate a random exposure series spanning 14 days
ts <- data.frame(time = 0:14,
                 conc = runif(15, min=0, max=0.1))

# Run EPx calculations for a window length of 7 days and a step size of 1 day
metsulfuron %>%
  set_exposure(ts) %>%
  set_window(length=7, interval=1) %>%
  effect(max_only=FALSE) -> results

# Create a plot of effects over time
ggplot(results) +
  geom_point(aes(dat.start, BM*100)) +
  labs(x="Start of window (day)", y="Effect on biomass (%)")

The effect plot shows the effect for the time point where each window starts. Effects are not available, and therefore not plotted, for time points where the window exceeds the simulated timeframe.

Simulating biomass transfers

A transfer refers to an event where a certain amount of biomass (BM) is moved to a new medium after a period of time. This feature replicates a procedure occurring e.g. in Lemna effect studies and may be necessary to recreate study results. At each transfer, a defined amount of biomass is transferred to a new medium. This is modeled by interrupting the simulation at a transfer time point, modifying the biomass level BM, and scaling affected compartments according to new biomass levels. Scaling of compartments depending on biomass, such as internal toxicant mass, is necessary to correctly reflect mass balances and concentrations over time.

Option 1: Regular intervals

metsulfuron %>%
  set_init(c(BM=1)) %>%
  set_noexposure() %>%
  set_transfer(interval=3, biomass=1) %>%
  simulate() -> result

ggplot(result) +
  geom_line(aes(time, BM)) +
  labs(x="Time (days)", y="Biomass (g_dw/m2)", title="Biomass transfer every three days")

Option 2: Custom time points and custom biomass

metsulfuron %>%
  set_init(c(BM=1)) %>%
  set_noexposure() %>%
  set_transfer(times=c(3, 6), biomass=c(1, 0.5)) %>%
  simulate() -> result2

ggplot(result2) +
  geom_line(aes(time, BM)) +
  labs(x="Time (days)", y="Biomass (g_dw/m2)", title="Biomass transfer at custom time points")
# Call the help page of set_transfer

Fitting model parameters

Parameters of a model can be fitted (calibrated) against observed effect data. To fit a scenario to observed effect data:

  1. Combine the necessary inputs (model, exposure time-series, effect data).
  2. Fit the scenario for the given parameters and observed effect data.

For the first step, two options are available:

The following describes an example which fits selected parameters of the Lemna model by Schmitt et al. (2013) to observed frond numbers from experiments with the herbicide metsulfuron:

Option 1: direct calibration with one scenario and one effect dataset

# No exposure in control scenario
exposure <- data.frame(time=0:14, conc=0)

# set k_phot_fix, k_resp and Emax to the defaults recommended in Klein et al. (2022)
# for Tier 2C studies. Set initial biomass to 12.0 (original data is in fronds
# rather than biomass, but for sake of simplicity, no conversion was performed).
control <- metsulfuron %>% 
  set_param(c(k_phot_fix=TRUE, k_resp=0, Emax=1)) %>% 
  set_init(c(BM=12)) %>%
# `metsulfuron` is an example scenario based on Schmitt et al. (2013) and therefore
# uses the historical, superseded nomenclature by Schmitt et al. We recommend using
# the newer SETAC Lemna model by Klein et al. (2022) for current applications,
# see `Lemna_SETAC()` for details.

# Get control data from Schmitt et al. (2013)
obs_control <- Schmitt2013 %>%
  filter(ID == "T0") %>%
  select(t, BM=obs)

# Fit parameter `k_phot_max` to observed data: `k_phot_max` is a physiological
# parameter which is typically fitted to the control data
fit1 <- calibrate(
  x = control,
  par = c(k_phot_max = 1),
  data = obs_control,
  output = "BM",
  method="Brent", # Brent is recommended for one-dimensional optimization
  lower=0,        # lower parameter boundary
  upper=0.5       # upper parameter boundary

# Update the scenario with fitted parameter and simulate it
fitted_growth <- control %>% 
sim_mean <- fitted_growth %>%
  simulate() %>%

# Exposure and observations in long format for plotting
treatments <- exposure %>%
obs_mean <- obs_control %>%
  mutate(trial="control") %>%
  select(time=t, data=BM, trial)

# Plot results
  model_base = fitted_growth,
  treatments = treatments,
  rs_mean = sim_mean,
  obs_mean = obs_mean

Option 2: Create a list of calibration sets and then fit TK/TD model parameters on all datasets and exposure levels at the same time:

# get all the trials and exposure series from Schmitt et al. (2013) and create
# a list of calibration sets
Schmitt2013 %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
  group_map(function(data, key) {
    exp <- data %>% select(t, conc)
    obs <- data %>% select(t, BM=obs)
    sc <- fitted_growth %>% set_exposure(exp) 
    caliset(sc, obs)
  }) -> cs

# Fit parameters on results of all trials at once
fit2 <- calibrate(
  par=c(EC50=0.3, b=4.16, P_up=0.005),
  lower=c(0, 0.1, 0),
  upper=c(1000, 10, 0.1),

# Update the scenario with fitted parameter and simulate all trials
fitted_tktd <- fitted_growth %>%

treatments <- Schmitt2013 %>% select(time=t, conc, trial=ID)
rs_mean <- simulate_batch(
  model_base = fitted_tktd,
  treatments = treatments
# Observations in long format for plotting
obs_mean <- Schmitt2013 %>%
  select(time=t, data=obs, trial=ID)

# Plot results
  model_base = fitted_tktd,
  treatments = treatments,
  rs_mean = rs_mean,
  obs_mean = obs_mean

The resulting scenario with fitted parameters shows a very good fit with the observed effects from experiments.

After model parameters have been calibrated during model fitting against observational data, the parameter estimates obtained can be further evaluated by assessing the 95% confidence intervals for each parameter through likelihood profiling.

First, the profiling is conducted using the lik_profile() function. Then, the profiles can be visualized using plot_lik_profile().

# using the calibration set and calibrated parameters from the previous Lemna 
# Schmitt example, a likelihood profiling is done
# We set parameter boundaries to constrain the likelihood profiling within these 
# boundaries (this is optional)

# conduct profiling
res <- lik_profile(x = cs, # the calibration set
                   par = fit2$par, # the parameter values after calibration
                   output = "BM", # the observational output against which to 
                                  # compare the model fit
                   bounds = list(EC50_int = list(0.1, 4), 
                                 b = list(1, 5),
                                 P = list(0.0001, 0.2)))
# visualise profiling results

# access 95% confidence intervals of profiled parameters

Finally, relations between estimates of the calibrated parameters can be visualized using a parameter space explorer. This supports identifying potential parameter correlations and identifiability issues.

The parameter space explorer draws random parameter sets from the 95% confidence intervals obtained for each parameter during likelihood profiling, and evaluates the fit (likelihood) of each of these parameter sets by comparing the model with the original parameter set against the model with the new, randomly draw set.

First, the parameter space exploration is conducted using the explore_space() function. Then, the space can be visualized using plot_lik_profile().

# Call the help page for more information about the parameter space explorer
# conduct space exploration
res_space <- explore_space(
  x = cs,
  par = fit2$par,
  res = res, # output of the likelihood profiling function
  output = "BM")

# visualize the parameter space

Changes in parameter values over time

Sequences can be used to represent changing conditions over time, such as a change in model parameters which would otherwise be constant. This can be used to represent events such as a pump failure or change in temperature.

The function sequence() creates an object which represents a sequence of several scenarios. The sequence is treated as a single scenario and each scenario is simulated one after the other.

# base scenario only valid until day 7
sc1 <- metsulfuron %>%

# a parameter change occurs at day 7: k_loss increases from 0 to 0.1 d-1
sc2 <- metsulfuron %>%
  set_times(7:14) %>%

seq <- sequence(list(sc1, sc2))

For more information:

# Call the help page of `sequence`

Decrease assessment runtime

There are multiple ways to decrease the runtime of a simulation. One option is to increase the maximum step length of the solver, hmax. It is an optional argument which can be passed to either simulate(), effect(), or epx(). The larger hmax, the faster the simulation generally completes. However, be careful: The larger hmax, the greater the risk that simulation results will be inaccurate and simulations may even fail due to numerical issues.

# Simulations with a maximum solver step length of hmax=0.01
metsulfuron %>%
  set_times(0:7) %>%

The calculation of EPx values may take a lot of time if one or more of the following conditions apply:

1) a large number of scenarios is assessed 2) the simulated exposure time-series are very long 3) moving exposure windows are considered which are very small in comparison to the length of the exposure series

The epx() function is implemented in a way that it can parallelize calculations by using more than one CPU. To enable parallel processing, a command like the following needs to preceed the call to epx():


If the computer running the calculation has n physical CPU cores, then the time necessary to calculate EPx values will (in the best case) decrease by the same factor. For more information on how to make use of parallelization in R, please refer to the future package:

vignette("future-1-overview", package="future")

Implementing custom models

The set of supported models can be extended by users as needed. Experimental or one-time use models can be implemented in a user's script and inserted into the package's workflow.

The starting point to add a new model is an implementation of the model's rules and dynamics in R code. In most cases, this will be a code snippet which describes the model's Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE):

## An exemplary implementation of the GUTS-RED-SD TKTD model ##
# Model ODEs following the deSolve specification
sd_ode <- function(t, state, params) {
  with(as.list(c(state, params)), {
    dDw <- kd * (Cw(t) - Dw)            # dDw/dt, scaled damage
    dH <- kk * max(0, Dw - z)           # dH/dt, cumulative hazard

    list(c(dDw, dH))                    # return derivatives

The previous example implements the model equations in a way that can be processed by the deSolve package for numerical integration. For a detailed description on how to use deSolve, please refer to its vignette:

vignette("deSolve", package="deSolve")

With some additional scenario data such as initial state, output time points, and model parameters, we are able to simulate our custom TKTD model:

## Properties of a sample scenario ##
init <- c(Dw=0, H=0)                         # initial state
times <- 0:5                                 # output time points [0,5]
param <- c(kd=22, hb=0.01, z=0.5, kk=0.08)   # model parameters
exp <- data.frame(time=0:5,                  # exposure time-series

# Create a linear interpolation of the exposure time-series
expf <- approxfun(x=exp$time, y=exp$conc, method="linear", rule=2)
# Extend parameter set by interpolated exposure series
paramx <- as.list(c(param, Cw=expf))

# Numerically solve the ODE
deSolve::ode(y=init, times=times, parms=paramx, func=sd_ode)

When we have made sure that our custom model can be simulated and works as expected, we can continue with integrating it into the package's workflow. First, we will define a new scenario class that identifies our custom model by a unique name. Next, we have to tell the package how the models of this class can be simulated. In a final step, we may have to describe how effects are calculated for these models.

We start by defining a new scenario class that derives from a suitable ancestor. In general, we can inherit from the base class EffectScenario which provides the general scenario capabilities. However, if the custom model is just a variant of an existing model category, then it will be easier to derive from specialized scenario class that already provides certain features such as effect calculation. The following class tree gives an overview of the scenario classes in use:

|   Transferable
|___|__ Lemna
|   |   |__ LemnaSchmittScenario
|   |   |__ LemnaSetacScenario
|   |
|   |__ Myriophyllum
|   |   |__ MyrioExpScenario
|   |   |__ MyrioLogScenario
|   |
|   |__ Algae
|       |__ AlgaeWeberScenario
|       |__ AlgaeTKTDScenario
|       |__ AlgaeSimpleScenario    
|__ GutsRedSd
|__ GutsRedIt
|__ DebScenario
    |__ DebAbj
    |__ DebTox

To give an example, to implement a variant of a Lemna model, it would be advisable to derive from the class Lemna to benefit from already implemented features such as effect endpoint calculation and simulation of biomass transfers. For the custom GUTS-RED-SD model, the ideal choice would be to derive from GutsRedSd to minimize the implementation overhead. However, we will derive from the general EffectScenario class for the sake of our example and create a scenario object:

## Integrate a new model class into the package workflow ##
# Create a unique class that derives from 'EffectScenario'
setClass("MyGuts", contains="EffectScenario")

# Create an object of the new class and assign scenario properties
new("MyGuts", name="My custom model") %>%
  set_init(init) %>%
  set_times(times) %>%
  set_param(param) %>%
  set_exposure(exp, reset_times=FALSE) %>%
  set_endpoints("L") -> myscenario


The object myscenario now carries all the settings and data which we also used for our test simulation. In the next step, the solver() function will be overloaded to handle objects of the newly defined scenario class MyGuts. The adapted solver() function will collect the properties of a given scenario object, call the ODE solver, and return simulation results:

# the actual function calling deSolve can have a different signature
solver_myguts <- function(scenario, times, ...) {
  # overriding output times by function argument must be possible
    times <- scenario@times

  # get relevant data from scenario
  init <- scenario@init
  param <- scenario@param
  exp <- scenario@exposure@series
  if(nrow(exp) == 1) { # extend exposure series to have at least two rows
    row2 <- exp[1,]
    row2[[1]] <- row2[[1]]+1
    exp <- rbind(exp, row2)

  # Create a linear interpolation of the exposure time-series
  expf <- approxfun(x=exp[,1], y=exp[,2], method="linear", rule=2)
  # Extend parameter set by interpolated exposure series
  paramx <- as.list(c(param, Cw=expf)), times=times, parms=paramx, func=sd_ode, ...))

## Overload the solver() function ##
# The functions signature, i.e. the number and names of its arguments, must stay as is
setMethod("solver", "MyGuts", function(scenario, times, ...) solver_myguts(scenario, times, ...))

Overloading an S4 function is done using setMethod(). The first argument to setMethod() identifies which function we want to overload, in this case it is solver. The second argument, MyGuts, defines which object type our overloaded function will accept. In this case, we want to provide an implementation to simulate MyGuts scenarios. R will decide during runtime which of the function candidates to execute when solver() is called based on the type of the first argument to solver(). The third argument, function(object, ...) solver_myguts(scenario=object, ...) forwards calls to an appropriate function which can handle MyGuts objects. The function signature function(object, ...) must stay exactly as it is and must not be modified.

The code within the body of solver_myguts() is almost identical to the original code used to simulate the prototyped model. We have to deal with one corner case, though: some exposure time-series will contain only a single row, representing constant exposure over time, but this would raise an error in approxfun(). In order to avoid this error, we will duplicate the first row and append it to the series. Technically, this issue should be handled in the prototyped code as well but was left out for reasons of brevity.

The parameterized scenario object myscenario of class MyGuts can be passed to the overloaded simulate() function:

myscenario %>% simulate()

The custom model can now be simulated using the framework but it is still missing effect endpoints. If, on the other hand, we had decided to inherit our scenario class from a suitable ancestor, such as GutsRedSd, we could have stopped at this point as the ancestor would provide routines to calculate effects.

By default, any state variable is available as an effect endpoint and the calculated effect would reflect the change in the state variables' value at the end of the simulation. However, we need to calculate the survival endpoint in a different manner for GUTS-RED type models. To implement this specialized endpoint, we need to overload the function fx() which calculates effect endpoints:

## Overload effect endpoint calculation ##
# fx() is called by effect()
setMethod("fx", "MyGuts", function(scenario, ...) fx_myguts(scenario, ...))

# @param scenario Scenario object to assess
# @param window Start & end time of the moving exposure window
# @param ... any additional parameters
fx_myguts <- function(scenario, window, ...) {
  # simulate the scenario (it is already clipped to the moving exposure window)
  out <- simulate(scenario, ...)
  # only use model state at the end of the simulation
  out <- tail(out, 1)
  # calculate survival according to EFSA Scientific Opinion on TKTD models
  # p. 33, doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2018.5377
  t <- unname(window[2] - window[1])
  survival <- exp(-out$H) * exp(-scenario@param$hb * t)

# Derive effect levels for our sample scenario
myscenario %>% effect()

fx() is used by effect() to derive effect endpoints for each model. By convention, any overload of the fx() function must return a named numerical vector containing the effect endpoints for the provided scenario and moving exposure window. The scenario will already be parameterized to only simulate the current exposure window. The return value of fx() will then be used to calculate effect levels. In case of models requiring a control scenario, the effect level will be calculated as 1 - effect/control. For models not requiring a control, the overloaded fx() must return the final effect level, i.e. a value from the interval [0,1] (0% to 100% effect).

Complete working example

In this section, a complete example is given to make predictions and evaluate toxic effects using a calibrated model, as might be conducted in a risk assessment context. Specifically, the Lemna model will be set up to match the study of Schmitt et al. (2003, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2013.01.017) who exposed Lemna to metsulfuron-methyl.

The model will be parameterized with the values as described in the study. Then, the model will be inspected and used to make predictions for exposure scenarios, plot results, and get EPx calculations.

Setting up a scenario

Setting up the model (i.e. creating a scenario) involves defining the parameters, the environmental variables (external forcings and chemical exposure), and the initial conditions. Further, a tag can be assigned to easily identify the scenario by name. Also, for primary producer models, a transfer of biomass can be defined to match the experimental design of the study.

## Get all model parameters
# Lemna model parameters taken from file 'mm2.r' included
# in supporting material of Schmitt et al. (2013)
param_study <- list(
  #     - Effect -
  Emax     = 0.784,   # [same as conc. data]  maximum effect concentration
  EC50     = 0.3,     # [same as conc. data]  Midpoint of effect curve
  b        = 4.16,    # [-]  Slope of effect curve
  #     - Toxicokinetics -
  P_up     = 0.0054,  # [cm/d]  Permeability for uptake
  AperBM   = 1000,    # [cm^2/g_dw]  Frond area/dry weight
  Kbm      = 0.75,    # []  Biomass(fw)-water partition coefficient
  P_Temp   = F,       # Switch for temperature dependence of cuticle permeability
  MolWeight = 381,    # [g/mol] Molmass of molecule (determines Q10_permeability)
  #     - Fate of biomass -
  k_phot_fix  = F,    # If True k_G_max is not changed by environmental factors
  k_phot_max  = 0.47, # [1/d]  Maximum photosynthesis rate
  k_resp   = 0.05,    # [1/d]  Respiration rate at ref. temperature
  k_loss   = 0.0,     # [1/d]  Some rate of loss (e.g. Flow rate)
  #     - Temperature dependence -
  Tmin     = 8.0  ,   # [°C]  Minimum growth temperature 
  Tmax     = 40.5 ,   # [°C]  Maximum growth temperature
  Topt     = 26.7 ,   # [°C]  Optimum growth temperature 
  t_ref    = 25,      # [°C]  Reference temperature for respiration rate
  Q10      = 2,       # [-]   Temperature dependent factor for respiration rate
  #     - Light dependence (Linear) -
  k_0      = 3 ,      # [1/d]  Intercept of linear part
  a_k      = 5E-5 ,   # [(1/d)/(kJ/m^2/d)]   Slope of linear part
  #     - Phosphorus dependence (Hill like dependence) -
  C_P      = 0.3,     # [mg/L]  Phosporus concentration in water
  CP50     = 0.0043,  # [mg/L]  P-conc. where growth rate is half
  a_P      = 1,       # []  Hill coefficient
  KiP      = 101,     # [mg/L]  P-inhibition constant for very high P-conc.
  #     - Nitrogen dependence (Hill like dependence) -
  C_N      = 0.6,     # [mg/L]  Nitrogen concentration in water
  CN50     = 0.034,   # [mg/L]  N-conc. where growth rate is half
  a_N      = 1,       # []  Hill coefficient
  KiN      = 604,     # [mg/L]  n-inhibition constant for very high P-conc.
  #     - Density dependence -
  BM50     = 176,     # [g_dw/m^2] Cut off BM
  #     - Others -
  mass_per_frond = 0.0001,  # [g_dw/frond]  Dry weight per frond
  BMw2BMd  = 16.7     # [g_fresh/g_dry]  Fresh- / dryweight 

## Define the forcing variables
forc_temp <- data.frame(t = 0, tmp = 12) # [°C]  Current temperature (may also be a table)
forc_rad  <- data.frame(t = 0, rad = 15000) # [kJ/m²/d]  Radiation  (may also be given as table)

## Define a simple exposure pattern
# t 0..6  concentration 1 ug/L
# t 7..14 concentration 0 ug/L
exposure <- data.frame(time = 0:14, 
                       conc = c(rep(1, 7), rep(0, 8))

## Set initial values 
# given in file 'mmc2.r' of Schmitt et al. (2013)
init <- c(
  BM       = 50,     # [g_dw/m^2]  Dry Biomass dry weight per m2
  E        = 1,      # (0-1)  (Toxic) Effect = Factor on growth rate  (Range: 0 - 1, 1=no effect)
  M_int    = 0       # [ug]   Amount of toxicant in biomass

## create a scenario object, containing the model (with parameters) and the exposure time-series
Lemna_Schmitt() %>%               # the Lemna model by Schmitt et al. (2013)
  set_tag("metsulfuron") %>%      # set a tage for the specific implementation of the model
  set_init(init) %>%              # set the starting values (as prepared above)
  set_param(param_study) %>%      # set the parameters (as prepared above)
  set_exposure(exposure) %>%      # set the exposure scenario (exposure time series)
  set_forcings(temp=forc_temp, rad=forc_rad) -> metsulfuron # set the external forcing 
# variables, and save everything as an object

Simulating a scenario and plotting

## simulate with model, under a range of different exposure scenarios
# create several exposure scenarios
exp_scen <- data.frame(time = Schmitt2013$t,
                       conc = Schmitt2013$conc,
                       trial = Schmitt2013$ID)
# simulate for all these scenarios
results <- simulate_batch(
  model_base = metsulfuron,
  treatments = exp_scen,
  param_sample = NULL
# plot results
  model_base = metsulfuron,
  treatments = exp_scen,
  rs_mean = results,

## simulate with model, under a range of different exposure scenarios, and including 
## a biomass transfer
# simulate for all scenarios
results <- metsulfuron %>%
  set_transfer(interval = c(5), biomass = 10) %>% # implement a biomass transfer every 5 days
  simulate_batch(treatments = exp_scen)
# plot results
  model_base = metsulfuron,
  treatments = exp_scen,
  rs_mean = results,

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