# TODO Add option to plot the distribution of class probabilities per observation and overall
# - start by arranging by each of the probability cols from A-D
# TODO When hlines have same score, make sure each line has 1/(num overlapping lines) of the color on x-axis
# so we can see them all (must be possible)
# TODO Add captions that 1) Explain the plot dynamically, 2) Explain the hlines
# TODO Sort legend by highest overall (average?) probability
# __________________ #< c57c79b191073c821289f43e8a78cd1a ># __________________
# Plot probabilities ####
## ............................................................................
## Documentation ####
#' @title Plot predicted probabilities
#' @description
#' \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{lifecycle::badge("experimental")}
#' Creates a \code{\link[ggplot2:ggplot]{ggplot2}} line plot object with the probabilities
#' of either the target classes or the predicted classes.
#' The observations are ordered by the highest probability.
#' TODO line geom: average probability per observation
#' TODO points geom: actual probabilities per observation
#' The meaning of the \strong{horizontal lines} depend on the settings.
#' These are either \emph{recall} scores, \emph{precision} scores,
#' or \emph{accuracy} scores, depending on the \code{`probability_of`}
#' and \code{`apply_facet`} arguments.
#' @author Ludvig Renbo Olsen, \email{}
#' @keywords internal
#' @family plotting functions
#' @param data \code{data.frame} with probabilities, target classes and (optional) predicted classes.
#' Can also include observation identifiers and a grouping variable.
#' Example for binary classification:
#' \tabular{rrrrr}{
#' \strong{Classifier} \tab \strong{Observation} \tab \strong{Probability} \tab \strong{Target} \tab \strong{Prediction} \cr
#' SVM \tab 1 \tab 0.3 \tab cl_1 \tab cl_1 \cr
#' SVM \tab 2 \tab 0.7 \tab cl_1 \tab cl_2 \cr
#' NB \tab 1 \tab 0.2 \tab cl_2 \tab cl_1 \cr
#' NB \tab 2 \tab 0.8 \tab cl_2 \tab cl_2 \cr
#' ... \tab ... \tab ... \tab ... \tab ... \cr
#' }
#' Example for multiclass classification:
#' \tabular{rrrrrrr}{
#' \strong{Classifier} \tab \strong{Observation} \tab \strong{cl_1} \tab \strong{cl_2} \tab \strong{cl_3} \tab \strong{Target} \tab \strong{Prediction} \cr
#' SVM \tab 1 \tab 0.2 \tab 0.1 \tab 0.7 \tab cl_1 \tab cl_3 \cr
#' SVM \tab 2 \tab 0.3 \tab 0.5 \tab 0.2 \tab cl_1 \tab cl_2 \cr
#' NB \tab 1 \tab 0.8 \tab 0.1 \tab 0.1 \tab cl_2 \tab cl_1 \cr
#' NB \tab 2 \tab 0.1 \tab 0.6 \tab 0.3 \tab cl_3 \tab cl_2 \cr
#' ... \tab ... \tab ... \tab ... \tab ... \tab ... \tab ... \cr
#' }
#' You can have multiple rows per observation ID per group. If, for instance, we
#' have run repeated cross-validation of 3 classifiers, we would have one predicted probability
#' per fold column per classifier.
#' As created with the various validation functions in \code{cvms}, like
#' \code{\link[cvms:cross_validate_fn]{cross_validate_fn()}}.
#' @param target_col Name of column with target levels.
#' @param probability_cols Name of columns with predicted probabilities.
#' For \strong{binary} classification, this should be \strong{one column} with the probability of the
#' \strong{second class} (alphabetically).
#' For \strong{multiclass} classification, this should be \strong{one column per class}.
#' These probabilities must sum to \code{1} row-wise.
#' @param predicted_class_col Name of column with predicted classes.
#' This is required when \code{probability_of = "prediction"} and/or \code{add_hlines = TRUE}.
#' @param obs_id_col Name of column with observation identifiers for grouping the \strong{x-axis}.
#' When \code{NULL}, each row is an observation.
#' Use case: when you have multiple predicted probabilities per observation by a classifier
#' (e.g. from repeated cross-validation).
#' Can also be a grouping variable that you wish to aggregate.
#' @param group_col Name of column with groups. The plot elements
#' are split by these groups and can be identified by their color.
#' E.g. the \emph{classifier} responsible for the prediction.
#' \strong{N.B.} With more than \strong{\code{8}} groups,
#' the default \code{`color_scale`} might run out of colors.
#' @param probability_of Whether to plot the probabilities of the
#' target classes (\code{"target"}) or the predicted classes (\code{"prediction"}).
#' For each row, we extract the probability of either the
#' \emph{target class} or the \emph{predicted class}. Both are useful
#' to plot, as they show the behavior of the classifier in a way a confusion matrix doesn't.
#' One classifier might be very certain in its predictions (whether wrong or right), whereas
#' another might be less certain.
#' @param order How to order of the the probabilities. (Character)
#' One of: \code{"descending"}, \code{"ascending"}, and \code{"centered"}.
#' @param color_scale \code{ggplot2} color scale object for adding discrete colors to the plot.
#' E.g. the output of
#' \code{\link[ggplot2:scale_colour_brewer]{ggplot2::scale_colour_brewer()}} or
#' \code{\link[ggplot2:scale_colour_viridis_d]{ggplot2::scale_colour_viridis_d()}}.
#' \strong{N.B.} The number of colors in the object's palette should be at least the same as
#' the number of groups in the \code{`group_col`} column.
#' @param add_points Add a point for each predicted probability.
#' These are grouped on the x-axis by the \code{`obs_id_col`} column. (Logical)
#' @param add_hlines Add horizontal lines. (Logical)
#' The meaning of these lines depends on the \code{`probability_of`}
#' and \code{`apply_facet`} arguments:
#' \tabular{rrr}{
#' \strong{\code{apply_facet}} \tab \strong{\code{probability_of}} \tab \strong{Metric} \cr
#' \code{FALSE} \tab \code{"target"} \tab \strong{Accuracy} \cr
#' \code{FALSE} \tab \code{"prediction"} \tab \strong{Accuracy} \cr
#' \code{TRUE} \tab \code{"target"} \tab \strong{Recall / Sensitivity} \cr
#' \code{TRUE} \tab \code{"prediction"} \tab \strong{Precision / PPV} \cr
#' }
#' @param show_x_scale TODO
#' @param positive TODO
#' @param add_caption Whether to add a caption explaining the plot. This is dynamically generated
#' and intended as a starting point. (Logical)
#' You can overwrite the text with \code{ggplot2::labs(caption = "...")}.
#' @param apply_facet Whether to use
#' \code{\link[ggplot2:facet_wrap]{ggplot2::facet_wrap()}}. (Logical)
#' By default, faceting is applied when there are more than one probability column (multiclass).
#' @param smoothe Whether to use \code{\link[ggplot2:geom_smooth]{ggplot2::geom_smooth()}} instead of
#' \code{\link[ggplot2:geom_line]{ggplot2::geom_line()}}.
#' This also adds a \code{95\%} confidence interval by default.
#' Settings can be passed via the \code{`smoothe_settings`} argument.
#' @param theme_fn The \code{ggplot2} theme function to apply.
#' @param line_settings Named list of arguments for \code{\link[ggplot2:geom_line]{ggplot2::geom_line()}}.
#' The \code{mapping} argument is set separately.
#' Any argument not in the list will use its default value.
#' Default: \code{list(size = 0.5)}
#' \strong{N.B.} Ignored when \code{smoothe = TRUE}.
#' @param smoothe_settings Named list of arguments for \code{\link[ggplot2:geom_smooth]{ggplot2::geom_smooth()}}.
#' The \code{mapping} argument is set separately.
#' Any argument not in the list will use its default value.
#' Default: \code{list(size = 0.5, alpha = 0.18, level = 0.95, se = TRUE)}
#' \strong{N.B.} Only used when \code{smoothe = TRUE}.
#' @param point_settings Named list of arguments for \code{\link[ggplot2:geom_point]{ggplot2::geom_point()}}.
#' The \code{mapping} argument is set separately.
#' Any argument not in the list will use its default value.
#' Default: \code{list(size = 0.1, alpha = 0.4)}
#' @param hline_settings Named list of arguments for \code{\link[ggplot2:geom_hline]{ggplot2::geom_hline()}}.
#' The \code{mapping} argument is set separately.
#' Any argument not in the list will use its default value.
#' Default: \code{list(size = 0.35, alpha = 0.5)}
#' @param facet_settings Named list of arguments for \code{\link[ggplot2:facet_wrap]{ggplot2::facet_wrap()}}.
#' The \code{facets} argument is set separately.
#' Any argument not in the list will use its default value.
#' Commonly set arguments are \code{nrow} and \code{ncol}.
#' @param ylim Limits for the y-scale.
#' @details
#' @return
#' A \code{ggplot2} object with a faceted line plot. TODO
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Attach cvms
#' library(cvms)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' library(dplyr)
#' #
#' # Multiclass
#' #
#' # Plot probabilities of target classes
#' # From repeated cross-validation of three classifiers
#' # plot_probabilities(
#' # data = predicted.musicians,
#' # target_col = "Target",
#' # probability_cols = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
#' # predicted_class_col = "Predicted Class",
#' # group_col = "Classifier",
#' # obs_id_col = "ID",
#' # probability_of = "target"
#' # )
#' # Plot probabilities of predicted classes
#' # From repeated cross-validation of three classifiers
#' # plot_probabilities(
#' # data = predicted.musicians,
#' # target_col = "Target",
#' # probability_cols = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
#' # predicted_class_col = "Predicted Class",
#' # group_col = "Classifier",
#' # obs_id_col = "ID",
#' # probability_of = "prediction"
#' # )
#' # Center probabilities
#' # plot_probabilities(
#' # data = predicted.musicians,
#' # target_col = "Target",
#' # probability_cols = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
#' # predicted_class_col = "Predicted Class",
#' # group_col = "Classifier",
#' # obs_id_col = "ID",
#' # probability_of = "prediction",
#' # order = "centered"
#' # )
#' #
#' # Binary
#' #
#' # Filter the predicted.musicians dataset
#' # binom_data <- predicted.musicians %>%
#' # dplyr::filter(
#' # Target %in% c("A", "B")
#' # ) %>%
#' # # "B" is the second class alphabetically
#' # dplyr::rename(Probability = B) %>%
#' # dplyr::mutate(`Predicted Class` = ifelse(
#' # Probability > 0.5, "B", "A")) %>%
#' # dplyr::select(-dplyr::all_of(c("A","C","D")))
#' # Plot probabilities of predicted classes
#' # From repeated cross-validation of three classifiers
#' # plot_probabilities(
#' # data = binom_data,
#' # target_col = "Target",
#' # probability_cols = "Probability",
#' # predicted_class_col = "Predicted Class",
#' # group_col = "Classifier",
#' # obs_id_col = "ID",
#' # probability_of = "target"
#' # )
#' # plot_probabilities(
#' # data = binom_data,
#' # target_col = "Target",
#' # probability_cols = "Probability",
#' # predicted_class_col = "Predicted Class",
#' # group_col = "Classifier",
#' # obs_id_col = "ID",
#' # probability_of = "prediction",
#' # ylim = c(0.5, 1)
#' # )
#' }
plot_probabilities <- function(data,
predicted_class_col = NULL,
obs_id_col = NULL,
group_col = NULL,
probability_of = "target",
positive = 2,
order = "centered",
theme_fn = ggplot2::theme_minimal,
color_scale = ggplot2::scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Dark2"),
apply_facet = length(probability_cols) > 1,
smoothe = FALSE,
add_points = !is.null(obs_id_col),
add_hlines = TRUE,
add_caption = TRUE,
show_x_scale = FALSE,
line_settings = list(),
smoothe_settings = list(),
point_settings = list(),
hline_settings = list(),
facet_settings = list(),
ylim = c(0, 1)) {
data = data,
target_col = target_col,
probability_cols = probability_cols,
predicted_class_col = predicted_class_col,
obs_id_col = obs_id_col,
group_col = group_col,
probability_of = probability_of,
positive = positive,
order = order,
theme_fn = theme_fn,
color_scale = color_scale,
apply_facet = apply_facet,
smoothe = smoothe,
add_points = add_points,
add_hlines = add_hlines,
add_caption = add_caption,
show_x_scale = show_x_scale,
line_settings = line_settings,
smoothe_settings = smoothe_settings,
point_settings = point_settings,
hline_settings = hline_settings,
facet_settings = facet_settings,
ylim = ylim
## ............................................................................
## Implementation ####
call_plot_probabilities_ <- function(data,
# Check arguments ####
assert_collection <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
## Data Frame ####
x = data,
any.missing = FALSE,
min.rows = 2,
min.cols = 2,
col.names = "named",
add = assert_collection
## List ####
. ~ line_settings + smoothe_settings +
point_settings + hline_settings +
any.missing = FALSE,
names = "unique"
## Strings ####
checkmate::assert_string(x = target_col, add = assert_collection)
x = predicted_class_col,
null.ok = TRUE,
min.chars = 1,
add = assert_collection
x = obs_id_col,
null.ok = TRUE,
min.chars = 1,
add = assert_collection
x = group_col,
null.ok = TRUE,
min.chars = 1,
add = assert_collection
checkmate::assert_string(x = probability_of, add = assert_collection)
checkmate::assert_string(x = order, add = assert_collection)
x = probability_cols,
any.missing = FALSE,
min.len = 1,
names = "unnamed",
unique = TRUE,
add = assert_collection
## Flag ####
checkmate::assert_flag(x = add_points, add = assert_collection)
checkmate::assert_flag(x = add_hlines, add = assert_collection)
checkmate::assert_flag(x = add_caption, add = assert_collection)
checkmate::assert_flag(x = apply_facet, add = assert_collection)
## Number ####
x = ylim,
len = 2,
sorted = TRUE,
any.missing = FALSE,
names = "unnamed",
unique = TRUE,
add = assert_collection
# Check 'positive'
lower = 1,
upper = 2,
any.missing = FALSE,
len = 1
checkmate::check_string(positive, min.chars = 1)
## Function ####
checkmate::assert_function(x = theme_fn, add = assert_collection)
## Additional checks ####
# Color scale
if ("Scale" %ni% class(color_scale)) {
assert_collection$push("'color_scale' must be a 'Scale' object.")
x = colnames(data),
must.include = c(
what = "colnames",
add = assert_collection
x = probability_of,
subset.of = c("target", "prediction"),
add = assert_collection
x = order,
subset.of = c("descending", "ascending", "centered"),
add = assert_collection
if (isTRUE(add_hlines) && is.null(predicted_class_col)) {
assert_collection$push("When 'add_hlines' is TRUE, 'predicted_class_col' cannot be 'NULL'.")
# Check probabilities sum to 1
if (length(probability_cols)>1 &&
!rows_sum_to(data[, probability_cols], sum_to = 1, digits = 5)) {
"when 'probability_cols' has length > 1, probability columns m",
"ust sum to 1 row-wise."
## Column types ####
checkmate::check_character(x = data[[target_col]], any.missing = FALSE),
checkmate::check_factor(x = data[[target_col]], min.levels = 2, any.missing = FALSE)
checkmate::check_character(x = data[[predicted_class_col]], any.missing = FALSE, null.ok = TRUE),
checkmate::check_factor(x = data[[predicted_class_col]], any.missing = FALSE)
x = data[, probability_cols],
types = "double",
add = assert_collection
# End of argument checks ####
#### Update settings lists ####
# Update setting lists
line_settings <- update_hyperparameters(
size = 0.5,
hyperparameters = line_settings
smoothe_settings <- update_hyperparameters(
alpha = 0.18,
size = 0.5,
level = 0.95,
se = TRUE,
hyperparameters = smoothe_settings
point_settings <- update_hyperparameters(
size = 0.1,
alpha = 0.4,
hyperparameters = point_settings
hline_settings <- update_hyperparameters(
size = 0.35,
alpha = 0.5,
hyperparameters = hline_settings
facet_settings <- update_hyperparameters(
hyperparameters = facet_settings
#### Prepare dataset ####
data <- dplyr::ungroup(data)
data <- base_select(data, cols = c(
group_col, obs_id_col, target_col,
probability_cols, predicted_class_col))
# Record whether lines are averages for the caption
lines_are_averages <- TRUE
if (is.null(obs_id_col)){
obs_id_col <- create_tmp_name(data, "Observation")
data <- data %>%
dplyr::group_by_at(group_col) %>%
dplyr::mutate(!!obs_id_col := seq_len(dplyr::n()))
lines_are_averages <- FALSE
# Ensure ID column is factor
data[[obs_id_col]] <- as.factor(data[[obs_id_col]])
# Create tmp column names
prob_of_col <- create_tmp_name(data, ".probability_of")
avg_prob_col <- create_tmp_name(data, name = ".avg_probability")
rank_col <- create_tmp_name(data, ".observation_rank")
# Prepare extraction of probabilities
if (probability_of == "target"){
of_col <- target_col
cat_levels <- levels_as_characters(data[[of_col]], drop_unused = TRUE, sort_levels=TRUE)
} else if (probability_of == "prediction"){
of_col <- predicted_class_col
# Make sure there are all the cat_levels for binomial case
cat_levels <- sort(union(
levels_as_characters(data[[predicted_class_col]], drop_unused = TRUE),
levels_as_characters(data[[target_col]], drop_unused = TRUE)
# Extract probabilities of target/prediction
data[[prob_of_col]] <- extract_probabilities_of(
data = data,
probability_cols = probability_cols,
of_col = of_col,
cat_levels = cat_levels,
positive = positive)
# Remove probability cols
data <- base_deselect(data, cols = probability_cols)
# Order by IDs' average probability
data <- add_id_aggregates(
data = data,
group_col = group_col,
obs_id_col = obs_id_col,
of_col = of_col,
prob_of_col = prob_of_col,
order = order,
apply_facet = apply_facet,
rank_col_name = rank_col,
avg_prob_col = avg_prob_col
# Create group_col if none (simplifies code a lot)
remove_legend <- FALSE
if (is.null(group_col)){
group_col <- create_tmp_name(data, "Group")
data[[group_col]] <- factor(".tmp")
remove_legend <- TRUE
# Calculate horizontal lines
# When 'probability_of' is 'target', these are recalls
# When 'probability_of' is 'prediction', these are precisions
# When 'apply_facet' is FALSE, these are accuracies
if (isTRUE(add_hlines)) {
if (isTRUE(apply_facet)){
hline_by <- c(group_col, of_col)
} else {
hline_by <- group_col
hlines <- data %>%
dplyr::group_by_at(hline_by) %>%
hline = mean(!! == !!
# Add scores to data
data <- data %>%
dplyr::left_join(hlines, by = hline_by)
#### Create plot ####
pl <- data %>%
mapping = ggplot2::aes_string(
x = rank_col, y = avg_prob_col)
) +
# Group plot
if (!is.null(group_col)){
pl <- pl +
ggplot2::aes_string(color = group_col, group = group_col)
# Add horizontal lines (recall or precision)
if (isTRUE(add_hlines)){
call_geom_hline <- function(...){
ggplot2::geom_hline(ggplot2::aes_string(yintercept = "hline", color = group_col), ...)
pl <- pl +, hline_settings)
# Add points
if (isTRUE(add_points)){
call_geom_point <- function(...){
ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes_string(y = prob_of_col), ...)
pl <- pl +, point_settings)
# Add average probability lines
if (isTRUE(smoothe)) {
# Add geom_smooth with user's settings
pl <- pl +, smoothe_settings)
} else {
pl <- pl +, line_settings)
# Add faceting
if (isTRUE(apply_facet)){
pl <- pl +
facets = reformulate(paste0("`", of_col, "`")),
# Tweak layout
pl <- pl +
ggplot2::coord_cartesian(ylim = ylim) +
theme_fn() +
# Add margin to axis labels
axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_text(margin = ggplot2::margin(0, 6, 0, 0)), = ggplot2::element_text(margin = ggplot2::margin(0, 0, 6, 0)),
axis.title.x.bottom = ggplot2::element_text(margin = ggplot2::margin(6, 0, 0, 0)),
plot.caption = ggplot2::element_text(margin = ggplot2::margin(10, 0, 0, 0)),
panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_line(size = 0.25)
if (!isTRUE(show_x_scale)){
pl <- pl +
axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.x = ggplot2::element_blank()
# Prepare for y-axis label
y_lab_prob_of <- dplyr::case_when(
probability_of == "target" ~ "Target",
probability_of == "prediction" ~ "Predicted",
TRUE ~ ""
# Create caption text
caption <- caption_probability_plot_(
add_caption = add_caption,
probability_of = probability_of,
add_points = add_points,
add_hlines = add_hlines,
apply_facet = apply_facet,
remove_legend = remove_legend,
group_col = group_col,
lines_are_averages = lines_are_averages,
smoothe = smoothe,
smoothe_settings = smoothe_settings,
str_width = 70
# Add labels to axes
pl <- pl +
ggplot2::labs(x = paste0("Observations (", order, ")"),
y = paste0("Probability of ", y_lab_prob_of, " Class"),
caption = caption) +
ggplot2::theme(plot.caption.position = "plot")
# Remove legend if no groups
# TODO What happens with only 1 group?
if (isTRUE(remove_legend)){
pl <- pl +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")
## ............................................................................
## Helpers ####
# caption_probability_plot_(add_caption = T,
# probability_of = "target",
# apply_facet = T,
# add_points = T,
# add_hlines = T,
# remove_legend = F,
# group_col = "Classifier",
# lines_are_averages = T,
# smoothe = T,
# smoothe_settings = list("se" = T, "level" = 0.95),
# str_width = 70) %>% writeLines()
caption_probability_plot_ <- function(add_caption,
str_width = 70
# TODO Ensure the singulars/plurals work (e.g. line or lines)
caption <- NULL
if (isTRUE(add_caption)){
# Intro
caption <- paste0(
"The predicted probability of the ",
ifelse(probability_of == "target", "true", "predicted"),
" class for each observation",
ifelse(!isTRUE(remove_legend), paste0(" and ", group_col, ". "), ". ")
# TODO Make sure the smoothed caption part is actually correct?
# How should it be reported? Look up
# Points and lines
caption <- paste0(
"Points are actual probabilities. ",
paste0("Lines are smoothed averages",
paste0(" with a ", smoothe_settings[["level"]] *
100, "% CI. "),
". "
"Lines are observation averages. "
ifelse(isTRUE(smoothe), "Lines are smoothed. ", "")
# Horizontal lines
if (isTRUE(add_hlines)){
hlines_are <- dplyr::case_when(
!isTRUE(apply_facet) ~ "accuracy scores",
probability_of == "target" ~ "recall/sensitivity scores",
probability_of == "prediction" ~ "precision/PPV scores",
TRUE ~ ""
caption <- paste0(caption, "Horizontal lines are ", hlines_are, ".")
caption <- paste0(strwrap(caption, width = str_width), collapse = "\n")
# TODO Optimize for speed on large datasets!
# Perhaps this should be done as a data.table?
add_id_aggregates <- function(data, group_col, obs_id_col, of_col, prob_of_col,
order, apply_facet, rank_col_name = ".observation_rank",
avg_prob_col = ".avg_probability"){
if (order == "descending") {
arrange_fn <- function(data, col){dplyr::arrange(data, dplyr::desc(!!, .by_group = TRUE)}
} else if (order == "ascending") {
arrange_fn <- function(data, col){dplyr::arrange(data, !!, .by_group = TRUE)}
} else if (order == "centered") {
arrange_fn <- function(data, col){rearrr::center_max(data = data, col = col)}
} else if (order == "identity") {
arrange_fn <- function(data, col){data %>% dplyr::ungroup()}
# Order by IDs' average probability
if (isTRUE(apply_facet)){
by_cols <- c(group_col, of_col)
} else {
by_cols <- group_col
id_aggregates <- data %>%
dplyr::group_by_at(c(by_cols, obs_id_col)) %>%
dplyr::summarise(!!avg_prob_col := mean(!!,
.groups = "drop_last") %>%
arrange_fn(col = avg_prob_col) %>%
dplyr::group_by_at(by_cols) %>%
dplyr::mutate(!!rank_col_name := dplyr::row_number()) %>%
# Add padding when centered
if (order == "centered" && isTRUE(apply_facet)){
obs_per_group <- id_aggregates %>%
dplyr::group_by_at(group_col) %>%
tmp_index <- create_tmp_name(id_aggregates, name = "max_val_index")
max_val_indices_per_group <- id_aggregates %>%
dplyr::group_by_at(c(group_col, of_col)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(!!tmp_index := dplyr::row_number()) %>%
!! == max(!!
) %>%
base_select(cols = c(group_col, of_col, tmp_index))
tmp_max_ind <- create_tmp_name(id_aggregates, name = ".__max_ind__")
tmp_pad_left <- create_tmp_name(id_aggregates, name = "padding_left")
obs_per_group <- obs_per_group %>%
dplyr::left_join(max_val_indices_per_group, by = c(group_col, of_col)) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::mutate(!!tmp_max_ind := max(!!,
!!tmp_pad_left := max(!! - !! %>%
base_select(cols = c(group_col, of_col, tmp_pad_left))
id_aggregates <- id_aggregates %>%
dplyr::left_join(obs_per_group, by = c(group_col, of_col)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(!!rank_col_name := !! + !!
if (min(id_aggregates[[rank_col_name]]) > 0){
id_aggregates[[rank_col_name]] <- id_aggregates[[rank_col_name]] - min(id_aggregates[[rank_col_name]])
# Add ranks and aggregates to 'data'
data <- id_aggregates %>%
dplyr::right_join(data, by = c(by_cols, obs_id_col))
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