test_that("predictors are properly combined with combine_predictors()", {
dep <- "y"
fx <- c("a", "b", "c", "d")
rfx <- "(1|e)"
formulas_1 <- combine_predictors(dep, fx, random_effects = rfx, max_effect_frequency = 1)
expect_equal(length(formulas_1), 50)
expect_equal(nchar(paste0(formulas_1, collapse = " ; ")), 1173)
formulas_2 <- combine_predictors(dep, fx, random_effects = rfx, max_effect_frequency = 1, max_interaction_size = 2)
expect_equal(length(formulas_2), 42)
expect_equal(nchar(paste0(formulas_2, collapse = " ; ")), 965)
formulas_3 <- combine_predictors(dep, fx, random_effects = rfx)
expect_equal(length(formulas_3), 165)
expect_equal(nchar(paste0(formulas_3, collapse = " ; ")), 5593)
formulas_4 <- combine_predictors(dep, fx, random_effects = rfx, max_interaction_size = 2)
expect_equal(length(formulas_4), 112)
expect_equal(nchar(paste0(formulas_4, collapse = " ; ")), 3597)
formulas_5_0 <- combine_predictors(dep, fx, random_effects = rfx, max_interaction_size = 0)
formulas_5_1 <- combine_predictors(dep, fx, random_effects = rfx, max_interaction_size = 1)
expect_equal(formulas_5_0, formulas_5_1)
expect_equal(length(formulas_5_0), 15)
expect_equal(nchar(paste0(formulas_5_0, collapse = " ; ")), 305)
"y ~ a + (1|e)", "y ~ b + (1|e)", "y ~ c + (1|e)", "y ~ d + (1|e)",
"y ~ a + b + (1|e)", "y ~ a + c + (1|e)", "y ~ a + d + (1|e)", "y ~ b + c + (1|e)",
"y ~ b + d + (1|e)", "y ~ c + d + (1|e)", "y ~ a + b + c + (1|e)", "y ~ a + b + d + (1|e)",
"y ~ a + c + d + (1|e)", "y ~ b + c + d + (1|e)", "y ~ a + b + c + d + (1|e)"
formulas_5_2 <- combine_predictors(dep, fx, random_effects = rfx, max_interaction_size = 0, max_fixed_effects = 2)
expect_equal(length(formulas_5_2), 10)
expect_equal(nchar(paste0(formulas_5_2, collapse = " ; ")), 181)
"y ~ a + (1|e)", "y ~ b + (1|e)", "y ~ c + (1|e)", "y ~ d + (1|e)",
"y ~ a + b + (1|e)", "y ~ a + c + (1|e)", "y ~ a + d + (1|e)",
"y ~ b + c + (1|e)", "y ~ b + d + (1|e)", "y ~ c + d + (1|e)"
formulas_6 <- combine_predictors(dep, fx, random_effects = NULL, max_interaction_size = 3, max_effect_frequency = 1)
expect_equal(length(formulas_6), 50)
expect_equal(nchar(paste0(formulas_6, collapse = " ; ")), 773)
formulas_7 <- combine_predictors(dep, fx, random_effects = NULL, max_interaction_size = 3)
expect_equal(length(formulas_7), 165)
expect_equal(nchar(paste0(formulas_7, collapse = " ; ")), 4273)
expect_error(xpectr::strip_msg(combine_predictors(dep, NULL, random_effects = NULL)),
"Assertion failed. One of the following must apply:\n * chec",
"kmate::check_list(fixed_effects): Must be of type 'list', no",
"t\n * 'NULL'\n * checkmate::check_character(fixed_effects): ",
"Must be of type\n * 'character', not 'NULL'"
fixed = TRUE)
xpectr::strip_msg(combine_predictors(NULL, fx, random_effects = NULL)),
"1 assertions failed Variable dependent Must be of type string not NULL"
fixed = TRUE)
formulas_8 <- combine_predictors("y", as.character(1:4),
random_effects = NULL,
max_interaction_size = 2, max_fixed_effects = 3,
max_effect_frequency = 1
expect_equal(length(formulas_8), 32)
# system.time({
# combine_predictors("y", as.character(1:6), random_effects = NULL, max_interaction_size = NULL)
# })
# system.time({
# combine_predictors("y", as.character(1:6), random_effects = NULL, max_interaction_size = NULL,
# max_fixed_effects = NULL)
# })
# user system elapsed
# 13.921 0.182 14.200
# data.frame("t"=c(0.132,0.312,0.836,2.199,6.903,26.337,103.696),
# "n"=c(4,5,6,7,8,9,10)) %>%
# ggplot(aes(x=n,y=t)) +
# geom_line()
# # length(
# combine_predictors("y", as.character(1:8), random_effects = NULL, max_interaction_size = 3)
# data.frame("V1"=c("+","+","+"),
# "V2"=c("*","+","*"),
# "V3"=c("*","*","*"),
# "V4"=c("+","+","*"),
# "V5"=c("*","*","+"),
# stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
# mutate( n_int = purr::pmap_dbl(., get_max_nway_interaction))
# fx <- c("a","b","c","d")
# combed_fx <-, 2)), stringsAsFactors=FALSE) %>%
# dplyr::rename(F1 = V1, F2=V2)
# ops_ <- data.frame("V1"=c("+","+","+"),
# "V2"=c("*","+","*"),
# "V3"=c("*","*","*"),
# "V4"=c("+","+","*"),
# "V5"=c("*","*","+"),
# stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# tidyr::crossing(combed_fx, ops_)
test_that("interchangeable predictors are properly combined with combine_predictors()", {
# testthat::skip(message = "Skipping check for CRAN release due to r_hub failure")
dep <- "y"
rfx <- "(1|e)"
# Without interchangeable effect
fx <- list("a", list("b"), "c", "d")
formulas_1 <- combine_predictors(dep, fx, random_effects = rfx, max_interaction_size = 0)
expect_equal(length(formulas_1), 15)
expect_equal(nchar(paste0(formulas_1, collapse = " ; ")), 305)
"y ~ a + (1|e)", "y ~ b + (1|e)", "y ~ c + (1|e)", "y ~ d + (1|e)",
"y ~ a + b + (1|e)", "y ~ a + c + (1|e)", "y ~ a + d + (1|e)",
"y ~ b + c + (1|e)", "y ~ b + d + (1|e)", "y ~ c + d + (1|e)",
"y ~ a + b + c + (1|e)", "y ~ a + b + d + (1|e)", "y ~ a + c + d + (1|e)",
"y ~ b + c + d + (1|e)", "y ~ a + b + c + d + (1|e)"
# With interchangeable effect
# fx <- list("a",list("b","c"),"d", list("f","g","h"), list("j","k","l"))
fx <- list("a", list("b", "c"), "d")
formulas_2 <- combine_predictors(dep, fx, random_effects = rfx, max_interaction_size = 0)
expect_equal(formulas_2, c(
"y ~ a + (1|e)", "y ~ b + (1|e)", "y ~ c + (1|e)", "y ~ d + (1|e)",
"y ~ a + b + (1|e)", "y ~ a + c + (1|e)", "y ~ a + d + (1|e)",
"y ~ b + d + (1|e)", "y ~ c + d + (1|e)", "y ~ a + b + d + (1|e)",
"y ~ a + c + d + (1|e)"
# With interchangeable effect and interactions
fx <- list("a", list("b", "c"), "d")
formulas_3 <- combine_predictors(dep, fx, random_effects = rfx, max_interaction_size = 2)
expect_equal(setdiff(formulas_3, c(
"y ~ a + (1|e)", "y ~ b + (1|e)", "y ~ c + (1|e)", "y ~ d + (1|e)",
"y ~ a * b + (1|e)", "y ~ a * c + (1|e)", "y ~ a * d + (1|e)",
"y ~ a + b + (1|e)", "y ~ a + c + (1|e)", "y ~ a + d + (1|e)",
"y ~ b * d + (1|e)", "y ~ b + d + (1|e)", "y ~ c * d + (1|e)",
"y ~ c + d + (1|e)", "y ~ a * b + d + (1|e)", "y ~ a * c + d + (1|e)",
"y ~ a * d + b + (1|e)", "y ~ a * d + c + (1|e)", "y ~ a + b * d + (1|e)",
"y ~ a + b + d + (1|e)", "y ~ a + c * d + (1|e)", "y ~ a + c + d + (1|e)",
"y ~ a * b + a * d + (1|e)", "y ~ a * b + b * d + (1|e)",
"y ~ a * c + a * d + (1|e)", "y ~ a * c + c * d + (1|e)",
"y ~ a * d + b * d + (1|e)", "y ~ a * d + c * d + (1|e)",
"y ~ a * b + a * d + b * d + (1|e)", "y ~ a * c + a * d + c * d + (1|e)"
)), character())
expect_equal(sort(formulas_3), sort(c(
"y ~ a + (1|e)", "y ~ b + (1|e)", "y ~ c + (1|e)", "y ~ d + (1|e)",
"y ~ a * b + (1|e)", "y ~ a * c + (1|e)", "y ~ a * d + (1|e)",
"y ~ a + b + (1|e)", "y ~ a + c + (1|e)", "y ~ a + d + (1|e)",
"y ~ b * d + (1|e)", "y ~ b + d + (1|e)", "y ~ c * d + (1|e)",
"y ~ c + d + (1|e)", "y ~ a * b + d + (1|e)", "y ~ a * c + d + (1|e)",
"y ~ a * d + b + (1|e)", "y ~ a * d + c + (1|e)", "y ~ a + b * d + (1|e)",
"y ~ a + b + d + (1|e)", "y ~ a + c * d + (1|e)", "y ~ a + c + d + (1|e)",
"y ~ a * b + a * d + (1|e)", "y ~ a * b + b * d + (1|e)",
"y ~ a * c + a * d + (1|e)", "y ~ a * c + c * d + (1|e)",
"y ~ a * d + b * d + (1|e)", "y ~ a * d + c * d + (1|e)",
"y ~ a * b + a * d + b * d + (1|e)", "y ~ a * c + a * d + c * d + (1|e)"
# formulas_4 <- combine_predictors(dep, fx, random_effects = rfx, max_interaction_size = NULL)
combine_predictors(dep, c("a", "b", "c", "d"), random_effects = rfx),
combine_predictors(dep, list("a", list("b"), "c", "d"), random_effects = rfx)
fx_1 <- list("a", "b", "c")
fx_2 <- list("a", "e", "c")
fx_3 <- list("a", "f", "c")
fx_4 <- list("a", list("b", "e", "f"), "c")
formulas_fx_1 <- combine_predictors(dep, fx_1, random_effects = rfx)
formulas_fx_2 <- combine_predictors(dep, fx_2, random_effects = rfx)
formulas_fx_3 <- combine_predictors(dep, fx_3, random_effects = rfx)
formulas_fx_4 <- combine_predictors(dep, fx_4, random_effects = rfx)
expect_equal(length(formulas_fx_4), length(unique(c(formulas_fx_1, formulas_fx_2, formulas_fx_3))))
fx <- list(list("a", "h"), list("b", "e", "f"), list("c", "t", "k"))
formulas_5 <- combine_predictors(dep, fx, random_effects = NULL, max_effect_frequency = 1)
"y ~ a * b * c", "y ~ a * b * k", "y ~ a * b * t",
"y ~ a * e * c", "y ~ a * e * k", "y ~ a * e * t",
"y ~ a * f * c", "y ~ a * f * k", "y ~ a * f * t",
"y ~ h * b * c", "y ~ h * b * k", "y ~ h * b * t",
"y ~ h * e * c", "y ~ h * e * k", "y ~ h * e * t",
"y ~ h * f * c", "y ~ h * f * k", "y ~ h * f * t"
), formulas_5)), 0)
test_that("fixed effect replacements works with combine_predictors()", {
model_formulas_lower <- combine_predictors(
dependent = "Price",
fixed_effects = tolower(c(
"Mileage", "Cylinder",
"Doors", "Cruise"
max_fixed_effects = 3,
max_interaction_size = 2,
max_effect_frequency = 1
model_formulas_title <- combine_predictors(
dependent = "Price",
fixed_effects = c(
"Mileage", "Cylinder",
"Doors", "Cruise"
max_fixed_effects = 3,
max_interaction_size = 2,
max_effect_frequency = 1
expect_equal(tolower(model_formulas_lower), tolower(model_formulas_title))
testthat::skip(message = "Skipping check for CRAN release due to r_hub failure")
expect_equal(model_formulas_title, c(
"Price ~ Cruise", "Price ~ Cylinder",
"Price ~ Doors", "Price ~ Mileage",
"Price ~ Cruise * Cylinder", "Price ~ Cruise * Doors",
"Price ~ Cruise * Mileage", "Price ~ Cruise + Cylinder",
"Price ~ Cruise + Doors", "Price ~ Cruise + Mileage",
"Price ~ Cylinder * Doors", "Price ~ Cylinder * Mileage",
"Price ~ Cylinder + Doors", "Price ~ Cylinder + Mileage",
"Price ~ Doors * Mileage", "Price ~ Doors + Mileage",
"Price ~ Cruise * Cylinder + Doors", "Price ~ Cruise * Cylinder + Mileage",
"Price ~ Cruise * Doors + Cylinder", "Price ~ Cruise * Doors + Mileage",
"Price ~ Cruise * Mileage + Cylinder", "Price ~ Cruise * Mileage + Doors",
"Price ~ Cruise + Cylinder * Doors", "Price ~ Cruise + Cylinder * Mileage",
"Price ~ Cruise + Cylinder + Doors", "Price ~ Cruise + Cylinder + Mileage",
"Price ~ Cruise + Doors * Mileage", "Price ~ Cruise + Doors + Mileage",
"Price ~ Cylinder * Doors + Mileage", "Price ~ Cylinder * Mileage + Doors",
"Price ~ Cylinder + Doors * Mileage", "Price ~ Cylinder + Doors + Mileage"
test_that("the expected errors are thrown by combine_predictors()", {
dependent = "Price",
fixed_effects = c(
"Mileage", "Cylinder",
"Doors", "Cruise"
max_fixed_effects = 3,
max_interaction_size = NA,
max_effect_frequency = 1
"1 assertions failed:\n * Variable 'max_interaction_size': M",
"ay not be NA."
fixed = T
dependent = "Price",
fixed_effects = c(
"Mileage", "Cylinder",
"Doors", "Cruise"
max_fixed_effects = 3,
max_interaction_size = 5,
max_effect_frequency = 1
"1 assertions failed:\n * Variable 'max_interaction_size': E",
"lement 1 is not <= 3."
fixed = T
dependent = "Price",
fixed_effects = c(
"Mileage", "Cylinder",
"Doors", "Cruise"
max_fixed_effects = 3,
max_interaction_size = -1,
max_effect_frequency = 1
"1 assertions failed:\n * Variable 'max_interaction_size': E",
"lement 1 is not >= 0."
fixed = T
dependent = "Price",
fixed_effects = c(
"Mileage", "Cylinder",
"Doors", "Cruise"
max_fixed_effects = 10
"1 assertions failed:\n * Variable 'max_fixed_effects': Elem",
"ent 1 is not <= 5."
fixed = T
dependent = "Price",
fixed_effects = c(
"Mileage", "Cylinder",
"Doors", "Cruise"
max_fixed_effects = -10
xpectr::strip("1 assertions failed:\n * Variable 'max_fixed_effects': Element 1 is not >= 2."),
fixed = T
dependent = "Price",
fixed_effects = c(
"Mileage", "Cylinder",
"Doors", "Cruise"
max_fixed_effects = c(2, 3)
"1 assertions failed:\n * Variable 'max_fixed_effects': Must",
" have length 1."
fixed = T
dependent = "Price",
fixed_effects = c(
"Mileage", "Cylinder",
"Doors", "Cruise"
max_effect_frequency = c(2, 3)
"1 assertions failed:\n * Variable 'max_effect_frequency': Must have length 1.",
fixed = T
dependent = NULL,
fixed_effects = c(
"Mileage", "Cylinder",
"Doors", "Cruise"
"1 assertions failed:\n * Variable 'dependent': Must be of t",
"ype 'string', not 'NULL'."
fixed = T
dependent = 3,
fixed_effects = c(
"Mileage", "Cylinder",
"Doors", "Cruise"
"1 assertions failed:\n * Variable 'dependent': Must be of t",
"ype 'string', not 'double'."
fixed = T
dependent = "Price",
fixed_effects = NULL
"Assertion failed. One of the following must apply:\n * chec",
"kmate::check_list(fixed_effects): Must be of type 'list', no",
"t 'NULL'\n * checkmate::check_character(fixed_effects): Must",
" be of type 'character', not 'NULL'"
fixed = T)
dependent = "Price",
fixed_effects = "lol"
"Assertion failed. One of the following must apply:\n * chec",
"kmate::check_list(fixed_effects): Must be of type 'list', no",
"t\n * 'character'\n * checkmate::check_character(fixed_effec",
"ts): Must have length >= 2,\n * but has length 1"
), fixed = T)
dependent = "Price",
fixed_effects = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i")
paste0("Assertion failed. One of the following must apply:\n * chec",
"kmate::check_list(fixed_effects): Must be of type 'list', no",
"t\n * 'character'\n * checkmate::check_character(fixed_effec",
"ts): Must have length <= 8,\n * but has length 9")),
fixed = T
dependent = "Price",
fixed_effects = c(1, 2, 3)
paste0("Assertion failed. One of the following must apply:\n * chec",
"kmate::check_list(fixed_effects): Must be of type 'list', no",
"t\n * 'double'\n * checkmate::check_character(fixed_effects)",
": Must be of type\n * 'character', not 'double'")),
fixed = T
dependent = "Price",
fixed_effects = c(
"Mileage", "Cylinder",
"Doors", "Cruise"
random_effects = 28
"1 assertions failed:\n * Variable 'random_effects': Must be",
" of type 'string' (or 'NULL'), not 'double'."
fixed = T
test_that("get_terms_matrix() works", {
terms_matrix <- get_terms_matrix(c("a", "b", "c"))
c("a", "b", "c", "a * b", "a * c", "b * c", "a * b * c")
c(1L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 1L)
c(0L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 1L)
c(0L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 1L)
c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3)
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