
Defines functions plot_graph

Documented in plot_graph

#' Plot the binary tree built using CytomeTree.
#'@param CytomeTreeObj An object of class CytomeTree.
#'@param Ecex Number indicating the amount by which text
#'on the edges should be scaled. Default is \code{1}.
#'@param Ecolor An integer or a string of character
#'to color edges of the graph.  Default is \code{8}.
#'@param Vcex Number indicating the amount by which text
#'in the vertices should be scaled.  Default is \code{.8}.  
#'@param Vcolor A vector of class numeric or character to color
#'vertices of the graph. Default is \code{0}.
#'@param ... additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link{plot_graph}}
#'@author Chariff Alkhassim
#'@import igraph
plot_graph <- function(CytomeTreeObj, Ecex = 1, Ecolor = 8,
                       Vcex = .8, Vcolor = 0, ...)
  if(!methods::is(CytomeTreeObj, "CytomeTree")){
    stop("CytomeTreeObj must be of class CytomeTree.")
  Tree <- CytomeTreeObj$mark_tree
    return(cat("CytomeTree found a single population.\n"))
  Tree_level <- length(Tree)
  adj_list <- c()
  cptleaf <- 1
  for(level in 1:(Tree_level - 1))
    cpt <- 1
    NnodeLevel <- length(Tree[[level]])
    for(Nnode in 1:NnodeLevel){
      if(Tree[[level]][[Nnode]] == as.character(cptleaf)){
        cptleaf <- cptleaf + 1
      L_child <- Tree[[level + 1]][[cpt]] 
      R_child <- Tree[[level + 1]][[cpt + 1]] 
      cpt <- cpt + 2
      adj_list <- rbind(adj_list, 
                          c(L_child, R_child),
  g <- graph.data.frame(data.frame(parent=as.character(adj_list[,1]), 
  E(g)$label.cex <- Ecex
  E(g)$color <- Ecolor
  V(g)$label.cex <- Vcex
  V(g)$color <- Vcolor
  igraph::plot.igraph(g, layout = igraph::layout_as_tree(g), 
                      edge.label=E(g)$text, ...)

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cytometree documentation built on Dec. 5, 2019, 1:06 a.m.