API for dataReporter
Reproducible Data Screening Checks and Report of Possible Errors

Global functions
`classes<-` Source code
`description<-` Source code
aggregateForBarplot Source code
aggregateForHistogram Source code
allCheckFunctions Man page Source code
allClasses Man page Source code
allSummaryFunctions Man page Source code
allVisualFunctions Man page Source code
allXFunctions Source code
artData Man page
basicVisual Man page Source code
basicVisual.Date Source code
basicVisual.character Source code
basicVisual.default Source code
basicVisual.factor Source code
basicVisual.haven_labelled Source code
basicVisual.integer Source code
basicVisual.labelled Source code
basicVisual.logical Source code
basicVisual.numeric Source code
basicVisualCFLB Man page Source code
basicVisualD Source code
basicVisualIN Source code
bigPresidentData Man page
centralValue Man page Source code
centralValue.Date Source code
centralValue.character Source code
centralValue.factor Source code
centralValue.haven_labelled Source code
centralValue.integer Source code
centralValue.labelled Source code
centralValue.logical Source code
centralValue.numeric Source code
centralValueB Source code
centralValueCF Source code
centralValueIN Source code
centralValueL Source code
check Man page Source code
check.Date Source code
check.character Source code
check.data.frame Source code
check.default Source code
check.factor Source code
check.haven_labelled Source code
check.integer Source code
check.labelled Source code
check.logical Source code
check.numeric Source code
checkFunction Man page Source code
checkResult Man page Source code
classes Man page Source code
classes.checkFunction Source code
classes.default Source code
classes.summaryFunction Source code
classes.visualFunction Source code
classes<- Man page
countMissing Man page Source code
dataReporter_as_factor Source code
dataReporter_haven_replace_with_old Source code
defaultCharacterChecks Man page Source code
defaultCharacterSummaries Man page Source code
defaultDateChecks Man page Source code
defaultDateSummaries Man page Source code
defaultFactorChecks Man page Source code
defaultFactorSummaries Man page Source code
defaultHavenlabelledChecks Man page Source code
defaultHavenlabelledSummaries Man page Source code
defaultIntegerChecks Man page Source code
defaultIntegerSummaries Man page Source code
defaultLabelledChecks Man page Source code
defaultLabelledSummaries Man page Source code
defaultLogicalChecks Man page Source code
defaultLogicalSummaries Man page Source code
defaultNumericChecks Man page Source code
defaultNumericSummaries Man page Source code
description Man page Source code
description.checkFunction Source code
description.default Source code
description.summaryFunction Source code
description.visualFunction Source code
description<- Man page
doCheckLabs Source code
doSmartNum Source code
escapeRMDStyle Source code
escapeRStyle Source code
exampleData Man page
findOutlierTBstyle Source code
findOutliers Source code
ggAggBarplot Source code
ggAggHist Source code
ggEmptyPlot Source code
graphicsEmptyPlot Source code
identifyCaseIssues Man page Source code
identifyCaseIssues.character Source code
identifyCaseIssues.factor Source code
identifyCaseIssues.haven_labelled Source code
identifyCaseIssues.labelled Source code
identifyCaseIssuesC Source code
identifyCaseIssuesF Source code
identifyCaseIssuesL Source code
identifyLoners Man page Source code
identifyLoners.character Source code
identifyLoners.factor Source code
identifyLoners.haven_labelled Source code
identifyLoners.labelled Source code
identifyLonersC Source code
identifyLonersF Source code
identifyLonersL Source code
identifyMissNumber Source code
identifyMissRepChar Source code
identifyMissing Man page Source code
identifyMissing.Date Source code
identifyMissing.character Source code
identifyMissing.factor Source code
identifyMissing.haven_labelled Source code
identifyMissing.integer Source code
identifyMissing.labelled Source code
identifyMissing.logical Source code
identifyMissing.numeric Source code
identifyMissingB Source code
identifyMissingCF Source code
identifyMissingD Source code
identifyMissingL Source code
identifyMissingNI Source code
identifyNums Man page Source code
identifyOutliers Man page Source code
identifyOutliers.Date Source code
identifyOutliers.integer Source code
identifyOutliers.numeric Source code
identifyOutliersD Source code
identifyOutliersNI Source code
identifyOutliersTBStyle Man page Source code
identifyOutliersTBStyle.Date Source code
identifyOutliersTBStyle.integer Source code
identifyOutliersTBStyle.numeric Source code
identifyOutliersTBStyleD Source code
identifyOutliersTBStyleNI Source code
identifyWhitespace Man page Source code
identifyWhitespace.character Source code
identifyWhitespace.factor Source code
identifyWhitespace.haven_labelled Source code
identifyWhitespace.labelled Source code
identifyWhitespaceC Source code
identifyWhitespaceF Source code
identifyWhitespaceL Source code
isCPR Man page Source code
isDanishDate Source code
isEmpty Man page
isKey Man page Source code
isSingular Man page Source code
isSupported Man page Source code
makeCodebook Man page Source code
makeDataReport Man page Source code
makeXFunction Source code
messageGenerator Man page Source code
minMax Man page Source code
normalizeFileName Source code
oClass Source code
oClass.default Source code
oClass.fakeLabelled Source code
oClass.smartNum Source code
presidentData Man page
print.checkResult Source code
print.functionSummary Source code
print.summaryResult Source code
printProblemValues Source code
quartiles Man page Source code
refCat Man page Source code
render Man page Source code
setChecks Man page Source code
setSummaries Man page Source code
setVisuals Man page Source code
showAllFactorLevels Source code
smartNum Man page Source code
standardVisual Man page Source code
standardVisual.Date Source code
standardVisual.character Source code
standardVisual.default Source code
standardVisual.factor Source code
standardVisual.haven_labelled Source code
standardVisual.integer Source code
standardVisual.labelled Source code
standardVisual.logical Source code
standardVisual.numeric Source code
standardVisualCFLB Source code
standardVisualD Source code
standardVisualIN Source code
sumMatGenerator Source code
summarize Man page Source code
summarize.Date Source code
summarize.character Source code
summarize.data.frame Source code
summarize.default Source code
summarize.factor Source code
summarize.haven_labelled Source code
summarize.integer Source code
summarize.labelled Source code
summarize.logical Source code
summarize.numeric Source code
summaryFunction Man page Source code
summaryResult Man page Source code
tableVisual Man page Source code
testData Man page
toyData Man page
uniqueValues Man page Source code
uniqueValues.Date Source code
uniqueValues.character Source code
uniqueValues.factor Source code
uniqueValues.haven_labelled Source code
uniqueValues.integer Source code
uniqueValues.labelled Source code
uniqueValues.logical Source code
uniqueValues.numeric Source code
uniqueValuesCFBI Source code
uniqueValuesL Source code
uniqueValuesN Source code
unpackLabelled Source code
variableType Man page Source code
visualFunction Man page Source code
visualize Man page Source code
visualize.Date Source code
visualize.character Source code
visualize.data.frame Source code
visualize.default Source code
visualize.factor Source code
visualize.haven_labelled Source code
visualize.integer Source code
visualize.labelled Source code
visualize.logical Source code
visualize.numeric Source code
whoami_available Man page Source code
dataReporter documentation built on Nov. 11, 2021, 9:06 a.m.