#' Produce a data report
#' Make a data overview report that summarizes the contents of a dataset
#' and flags potential problems. The potential problems are identified by
#' running a set of class-specific validation checks, so that different
#' checks are performed on different variables types. The checking
#' steps can be customized according to user input and/or data type of the inputted
#' variable. The checks are saved to an R markdown file which can
#' rendered into an easy-to-read data report in pdf, html or word formats.
#' This report also includes summaries and visualizations of each variable in the
#' dataset.
#' For each variable, a set of pre-check functions (controlled by the
#' \code{preChecks} argument) are first run and then then a battery of
#' functions are applied depending on the variable class. For each
#' variable type the summarize/visualize/check functions are applied
#' and and the results are written to an R markdown file.
#' @param data The dataset to be checked. This dataset should be of class \code{data.frame},
#' \code{tibble} or \code{matrix}. If it is of classs \code{matrix}, it will be converted to a
#' \code{data.frame}.
#' @param output
#' Output format. Options are \code{"pdf"}, \code{"word"} (.docx) and \code{"html"}. If \code{NULL} (the default),
#' the output format depends two sequential checks. First, whether a LaTeX installation is available,
#' in which case \code{pdf} output is chosen. Secondly, if no LaTeX installation
#' is found, then if the operating system is Windows, \code{word} output is used. Lastly, if neither of these
#' checks are positive, \code{html} output is used.
#' @param render Should the output file be rendered (defaults to \code{TRUE}),
#' i.e. should a pdf/word/html document be generated and saved to the disc?
#' @param useVar Variables to describe in the report.
#' If \code{NULL} (the default), all variables in \code{data}
#' are included. If a vector of variable names is supplied, only the variables in \code{data} that are
#' also in \code{useVar} are included in the data report.
#' @param ordering Choose the ordering of the variables in the variable presentation. The options
#' are "asIs" (ordering as in the dataset) and "alphabetical" (alphabetical order).
#' @param onlyProblematic A logical. If \code{TRUE}, only the variables flagged as
#' problematic in the check step will be included in the variable list.
#' @param labelled_as A string explaining the way to handle labelled and haven_labelled vectors.
#' Currently \code{"factor"} (the default) is the only possibility. This means that labelled or haven_labelled
#' variables that appear factor-like (by having a non-\code{NULL} \code{labels}-attribute) will
#' be treated as factors, while other labelled or haven_labelled variables will be treated as whatever base
#' variable class they inherit from.
#' @param mode Vector of tasks to perform among the three categories "summarize", "visualize" and "check".
#' The default, \code{c("summarize", "visualize", "check")}, implies that all three steps are
#' performed. The steps selected in \code{mode} will be performed for each variable in
#' \code{data} and their results are presented in the second part of the outputtet data report.
#' The "summarize" step is responsible for creating the summary table,
#' the "visualize" step is responsible for creating the plot and the "check" step is responsible
#' for performing checks on the variable and printing the results if any problems are found.
#' @param summaries A list of summaries to use on each supported variable type. We recommend
#' using \code{\link{setSummaries}} for creating this list and refer to the documentation
#' of this function for more details.
#' @param visuals A list of visual functions to use on each supported variable type. We recommend
#' using \code{\link{setVisuals}} for creating this list and refer to the documentation
#' of this function for more details.
#' @param checks A list of checks to use on each supported variable type. We recommend
#' using \code{\link{setChecks}} for creating this list and refer to the documentation
#' of this function for more details.
#' @param smartNum If \code{TRUE} (the default), numeric and integer variables with
#' less than 5 unique values are treated as factor variables in the checking,
#' visualization and summary steps, and a message notifying the reader of this is
#' printed in the data summary.
#' @param preChecks Vector of function names for check functions used in the pre-check stage.
#' The pre-check stage consists of variable checks that should be performed before the
#' summary/visualization/checking step. If any of these checks find problems, the variable
#' will not be summarized nor visualized nor checked.
#' @param file The filename of the outputted rmarkdown (.Rmd) file.
#' If set to \code{NULL} (the default), the filename will be the name of \code{data}
#' prefixed with "dataReporter_", if this qualifies as a valid file name (e.g. no special
#' characters allowed). Otherwise, \code{makeDataReport()} tries to create a valid filename by
#' substituing illegal characters. Note that a valid file is of type .Rmd, hence all
#' filenames should have a ".Rmd"-suffix.
#' @param replace If \code{FALSE} (the default), an error is thrown if one of the files
#' that we are about to be created (.Rmd overview file and possible also a .html, .pdf or
#' .docx file) already exist. If \code{TRUE}, no checks are performed and files on disc thus
#' might be overwritten.
#' @param vol Extra text string or numeric that is appended on the end of the output
#' file name(s). For example, if the dataset is called "myData", no file argument is
#' supplied and \code{vol=2}, the output file will be called "dataReporter_myData2.Rmd"
#' @param standAlone A logical. If \code{TRUE}, the document begins with a
#' markdown YAML preamble such that it can be rendered as a stand alone rmarkdown
#' file, e.g. by calling \code{\link{render}}. If \code{FALSE}, this preamble is removed.
#' Moreover, no matter the input to the \code{render} argument, the document will now
#' not be rendered, as it has no preamble.
#' @param twoCol A logical. Should the results from the \emph{summarize} and \emph{visualize}
#' steps be presented in two columns? Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param quiet A logical. If \code{TRUE} (the default), only a few messages
#' are printed to the screen as \code{makeDataReport} runs. If \code{FALSE}, no messages are
#' suppressed. The third option, \code{silent}, renders the function completely
#' silent, such that only fatal errors are printed.
#' @param openResult A logical. If \code{TRUE} (the default), the last file produced
#' by \code{makeDataReport} is automatically opened by the end of the function run. This
#' means that if \code{render = TRUE}, the rendered pdf, word or html file is opened, while
#' if \code{render = FALSE}, the .Rmd file is opened.
#' @param listChecks A logical. Controls whether what checks that were used for each
#' possible variable type are summarized in the output. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param maxProbVals A positive integer or \code{Inf}. Maximum number of unique
#' values printed from check-functions. In the case of \code{Inf}, all problematic
#' values are printed. Defaults to \code{10}.
#' @param maxDecimals A positive integer or \code{Inf}. Number of decimals used when
#' printing numerical values in the data summary and in problematic values from the
#' data checks. If \code{Inf}, no rounding is performed.
#' @param addSummaryTable A logical. If \code{TRUE} (the default), a summary table
#' of the variable checks is added between the Data Cleaning Summary and the
#' Variable List. Only one of \code{addSummaryTable} and \code{addCodebookTable} can be \code{TRUE}.
#' @param codebook A logical. Defaults to \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE} then the document is tweaked to better represent a codebook.
#' @param reportTitle A text string. If supplied, this will be the printed title of the
#' report. If left unspecified, the title with the name of the supplied dataset.
#' @param treatXasY A list that indicates how non-standard variable classes should be treated.
#' This parameter allows you to include variables that are not of class \code{factor}, \code{character},
#' \code{labelled}, \code{haven_labelled}, \code{numeric}, \code{integer}, \code{logical} nor \code{Date} (or a class
#' that inherits from any of these classes). The names of the list are the new classes and the entries
#' are the names of the class, they should be treated as. If \code{makeDataReport()} should e.g. treat variables of
#' class \code{raw} as characters and variables of class \code{complex} as numeric, you should put
#' \code{treatXasY = list(raw = "character", complex = "numeric")}.
#' @param includeVariableList A logical indicating whether the results of the summarize/visualize/check-steps
#' should be added to the report. Defaults to \code{TRUE}. Note that setting it to \code{FALSE} does currently
#' not speed up computations, it just means that the information is not printed in the report.
#' @param \dots Other arguments that are passed on the to precheck,
#' checking, summary and visualization functions.
#' @return The function does not return anything. Its side effect (the production
#' of a data report) is the reason for running the function.
#' @references Petersen AH, Ekstrøm CT (2019). “dataMaid: Your Assistant for Documenting Supervised Data Quality Screening in R.” _Journal of Statistical Software_, *90*(6), 1-38. doi: 10.18637/jss.v090.i06 ( \doi{10.18637/jss.v090.i06}).
#' @examples
#' data(testData)
#' data(toyData)
#' check(toyData)
#' \donttest{
#' DF <- data.frame(x = 1:15)
#' makeDataReport(DF)
#' }
#' \donttest{
#' data(testData)
#' makeDataReport(testData)
#' }
#' # Overwrite any existing files generated by makeDataReport
#' \donttest{
#' makeDataReport(testData, replace=TRUE)
#' }
#' # Change output format to Word/docx:
#' \donttest{
#' makeDataReport(testData, replace=TRUE, output = "word")
#' }
#' # Only include problematic variables in the output document
#' \donttest{
#' makeDataReport(testData, replace=TRUE, onlyProblematic=TRUE)
#' }
#' # Add user defined check-function to the checks performed on character variables:
#' # Here we add functionality to search for the string wally (ignoring case)
#' \donttest{
#' wheresWally <- function(v, ...) {
#' res <- grepl("wally", v,
#' problem <- any(res)
#' message <- "Wally was found in these data"
#' checkResult(list(problem = problem,
#' message = message,
#' problemValues = v[res]))
#' }
#' wheresWally <- checkFunction(wheresWally,
#' description = "Search for the string 'wally' ignoring case",
#' classes = c("character")
#' )
#' # Add the newly defined function to the list of checks used for characters.
#' makeDataReport(testData,
#' checks = setChecks(character = defaultCharacterChecks(add = "wheresWally")),
#' replace=TRUE)
#' }
#' #Handle non-supported variable classes using treatXasY: treat raw as character and
#' #treat complex as numeric. We also add a list variable, but as lists are not
#' #handled through treatXasY, this variable will be caught in the preChecks and skipped:
#' \donttest{
#' toyData$rawVar <- as.raw(c(1:14, 1))
#' toyData$compVar <- c(1:14, 1) + 2i
#' toyData$listVar <- as.list(c(1:14, 1))
#' makeDataReport(toyData, replace = TRUE,
#' treatXasY = list(raw = "character", complex = "numeric"))
#' }
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom pander panderOptions pandoc.table.return
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
#' @importFrom stringi stri_trans_general
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion sessionInfo capture.output packageDescription
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
makeDataReport <- function(data, output=NULL, render=TRUE,
useVar=NULL, ordering=c("asIs", "alphabetical"), onlyProblematic=FALSE,
mode=c("summarize", "visualize", "check"),
smartNum=TRUE, preChecks=c("isKey", "isSingular", "isSupported"),
file=NULL, replace=FALSE, vol="",
standAlone=TRUE, twoCol=TRUE,
quiet = TRUE,
summaries = setSummaries(),
visuals = setVisuals(),
checks = setChecks(),
listChecks = TRUE,
maxProbVals = 10,
maxDecimals = 2,
addSummaryTable = TRUE,
codebook = FALSE,
reportTitle = NULL,
treatXasY = NULL,
includeVariableList = TRUE,
...) {
## Store the original call <-
## Start by doing a few sanity checks of the input
if (! (is(data, "data.frame") )) {
## tibble is automatically a data frame
if (is.matrix(data)) {
data <-
} else stop("makeDataReport requires a data.frame, tibble or matrix as input")
#Check treatXasY argument
## Supported variable classes
allClasses <- c("character", "factor", "labelled", "haven_labelled", "numeric", "integer",
"logical", "Date")
if (!is.null(treatXasY)) {
if (!is.list(treatXasY)) {
warning("The supplied treatXasY argument was invalid and therefore, it was ignored.")
treatXasY <- NULL
} else if (!all(unlist(treatXasY) %in% allClasses)) {
probPl <- !(unlist(treatXasY) %in% allClasses)
warning(paste("The treatXasY argument specified for: ",
"variables to be treated as",
collapse =", "),
". But the right hand side classes ",
"are not supported by dataReporter and therefore ",
"entries of treatXasY are ignored.", sep = ""))
treatXasY[probPl] <- NULL
#handle quiet argument
if (identical(quiet, "silent")) {
silent <- TRUE
quiet <- TRUE
} else {
silent <- FALSE
#perhaps check if quiet argument is valid (i.e. TRUE/FALSE) here?
##Match arguments
ordering <- match.arg(ordering)
labelled_as <- match.arg(labelled_as)
#quiet <- match.arg(quiet)
#Set output default if output is NULL or check for valid values otherwise
makeOutputWarning <- FALSE
if (!is.null(output)) {
if (length(output) > 1) {
output <- output[1]
warning("Output argument was wrongfully given as a vector. Only the first entry was used.")
if (!(output %in% c("pdf", "html", "word", "github"))) {
output <- NULL
makeOutputWarning <- TRUE
if (is.null(output)) {
xelatexTest <- suppressWarnings(system2("xelatex", args=c("--version"), stdout=NULL, stderr=NULL)) == 0
pdflatexTest <- suppressWarnings(system2("pdflatex", args=c("--version"), stdout=NULL, stderr=NULL)) == 0
lualatexTest <- suppressWarnings(system2("lualatex", args=c("--version"), stdout=NULL, stderr=NULL)) == 0
## xelatexTest <- suppressWarnings(system("xelatex --version", show.output.on.console = FALSE)) == 0
## pdflatexTest <- suppressWarnings(system("pdflatex --version", show.output.on.console = FALSE)) == 0
## lualatexTest <- suppressWarnings(system("lualatex --version", show.output.on.console = FALSE)) == 0
if (any(c(xelatexTest, pdflatexTest, lualatexTest))) {
output <- "pdf"
} else {
if (identical(as.character(["sysname"]),"Windows")) {
output <- "word"
} else output <- "html"
if (makeOutputWarning) {
warning(paste("No valid output option was chosen. ",
"Therefore, output was set to ", output, ".", sep = ""))
## Extract the dataframe name
dfname <- deparse(substitute(data))
the_lhs <- function() {
parents <- lapply(sys.frames(), parent.env)
is_magrittr_env <- vapply(parents, identical, logical(1), y = environment(`%>%`))
if (any(is_magrittr_env)) {
deparse(get("lhs", sys.frames()[[max(which(is_magrittr_env))]]))
## Now if data are added as part of a magrittr pipe then use this "fix"
if (dfname==".") {
dfname <- the_lhs()
#If standAlone is FALSE, the document obviously shouldn't be rendered
if (!standAlone) render <- FALSE
#######Secret arguments that were removed for the users but are still implemented#########
#If the users don't ask for silence, they will be nagged.
nagUser <- TRUE
if (silent) nagUser <- FALSE
## What variables should be used?
if (!is.null(useVar)) {
## The line below is probably not efficient if we have large datasets and want to extract many variables
### o <- o[, useVar, drop=FALSE] #warning here if this doesn't work + overwrite stuff?
## Instead run through the dataframe and NULL the variables to exclude?
##If we really want to do this, we should probably do it using data.table but there is no way
##around creating a local copy of o, as we do NOT want to change the version of o in the
##global environment.
data <- data[, useVar, drop=FALSE] #warning here if this doesn't work + overwrite stuff?
###this does not work, it produces an error!:########################
#o[names(o)[! names(o) %in% useVar]] <- NULL
## Background variables
nvariables <- ncol(data)
if (ordering == "alphabetical") {
index <- order(names(data))
} else index <- 1:nvariables
n <- nrow(data)
vnames <- names(data)
dots <- list(...)
## Set the output file name if input is NULL or not Rmd
if (is.null(file)) {
if (substr(dfname, 1, 11) == "data.frame(") {
file <- paste0("dataReporter_unnamedData", vol, ".Rmd")
} else file <- normalizeFileName(paste0("dataReporter_", dfname, vol, ".Rmd"))
} else {
originalFile <- file
faultyExt <- FALSE
faultyName <- FALSE
fileExt <- tolower(tools::file_ext(file))
ncFN <- nchar(file)
#if (tolower(substr(file, nchar(file)-3, nchar(file))) != ".rmd") {
if (fileExt != "rmd") {
file <- paste(tools::file_path_sans_ext(file), ".Rmd", sep="")
faultyExt <- TRUE
###ADD HERE: deal with e.g. "joe..rmd" or ".rmd"#####
#if (substr(file, ncFN-4, ncFN-4) == ".") {
# file <- paste(substr(file, 1, ncFN-5))
# faultyExt <- TRUE
############NEW FUNCTION!###########################################################
normalizedFile <- normalizeFileName(file)
if (normalizedFile != file) {
file <- normalizedFile
faultyName <- TRUE
if (!silent && (faultyExt || faultyName)) {
faultyExtMessage <- "a faulty file extension (not .Rmd)"
faultyNameMessage <- "reserved characters not allowed in file names"
message(paste("The supplied file name included",
ifelse(faultyExt, faultyExtMessage, ""),
ifelse(faultyExt & faultyName, "and", ""),
ifelse(faultyName, faultyNameMessage, ""),
"and therefore, it was changed from", originalFile,
"into", paste(file, ".", sep="")))
outOutput <- output #copy of output for file extension generation
#Note: Changing output itself will cause problems as we need to know
#whether we are making a pdf or html .rmd file.
#make a markdown html style file and only use word for when the file
#is rendered
if (output == "word") {
output <- "html"
outOutput <- "docx"
# if (output == "github") {
# output <- "html"
# outOutput <- "github"
# }
if (!render) outOutput <- "Rmd"
outFile <- paste0(substring(file, 1, nchar(file)-4), ".", outOutput)
#outFile is the file we might want to open at the end. Should be consistent
#with the user's choice of output (NOT just .rmd).
## check if we are about to overwrite a file
fileExists <- file.exists(file)
outFileExists <- file.exists(outFile)
#if (!replace %in% c("never", "onlyCleanR") && (fileExists || outFileExists)) {
if (replace) {
} else if (fileExists | outFileExists) {
# if (replace=="never") {
if (fileExists & outFileExists) problemFiles <- paste(file, "and", outFile)
if (fileExists & !outFileExists) problemFiles <- file
if (!fileExists & outFileExists) problemFiles <- outFile
stop(paste("The file name(s) to be used by dataReporter,", paste(problemFiles, ",", sep=""),
"is(are) already in use.",
"We recommend trying one of the following solutions: \n",
"- rename your dataReporter output file using the \"file\" option \n",
"- Add a volume number to your file name using the \"vol\" option \n",
"- check that you do not want to keep the original file and if so,",
"use makeDataReport() with argument replace = TRUE"))
#Check if [fileName]_vListTmp.txt already exists and if so, try to
#make a different temporary file for writing variable results to
maxTries <- 101
i <- 1
addOns <- c("", 1:100)
vListFileName <- paste(substring(file, 1, nchar(file)-4),
"_vListTmp", sep = "")
while (!OK & i <= maxTries) {
OK <- !file.exists(paste(vListFileName, addOns[i], ".txt", sep = ""))
i <- i + 1
if (!OK) {
stop(paste("No unused file names were available for producing a",
"temporary file for makeDataReport(). Please clean up your",
"working directory for files starting with",
vListFileName, "and try again."))
} else vListFileName <- paste(vListFileName, addOns[i-1], ".txt", sep = "")
## Figure out which classes of output that the user requests.
## By default we want both checks, graphics, and summarize.
doCheck <- "check" %in% mode
doVisualize <- "visualize" %in% mode
doSummarize <- "summarize" %in% mode
if (!doCheck & !doVisualize & !doSummarize & !silent) {
warning("Note that no proper arguments were supplied to \"mode\" - no data report generation performed")
} #rewrite warning message
## Disregard the twocolumn option if we're only asking for one of visualize and summarize
## If output is not html or pdf then drop the twoCol option too
if (!doVisualize || !doSummarize) twoCol <- FALSE
## If "tableVisual" is chosen for any of the visuals, "twoCol = FALSE" wasn't chosen, and the output type
## is pdf, write a message to the console suggesting for the user to set twoCol = FALSE
if ("tableVisual" %in% unlist(visuals) & twoCol & output == "pdf") {
message("Note: setting \"twoCol = FALSE\" will allow for nicer formatting of the data report when using the tableVisual visualization option\n")
## make tables left-aligned and allow for 6 columns
oldPanderOptions <- pander::panderOptions() # Used to restore towards the end
## panderOptions("table.alignment.default", "left")
pander::panderOptions('table.alignment.default', 'center') ## XXX CE only one of these two
pander::panderOptions("table.split.table", Inf)
pander::panderOptions("table.split.cells", Inf)
pander::panderOptions('table.alignment.rownames', 'left')
changedPanderOptions <- c("table.alignment.default", "table.split.table",
"table.split.cells", "table.alignment.rownames")
#Unpack summary/visual/check arguments
characterChecks <- checks$character
factorChecks <- checks$factor
labelledChecks <- checks$labelled
havenlabelledChecks <- checks$haven_labelled
numericChecks <- checks$numeric
integerChecks <- checks$integer
logicalChecks <- checks$logical
dateChecks <- checks$Date
characterSummaries <- summaries$character
factorSummaries <- summaries$factor
labelledSummaries <- summaries$labelled
havenlabelledSummaries <- summaries$haven_labelled
numericSummaries <- summaries$numeric
integerSummaries <- summaries$integer
logicalSummaries <- summaries$logical
dateSummaries <- summaries$Date
characterVisual <- visuals$character
factorVisual <- visuals$factor
labelledVisual <- visuals$labelled
havenlabelledVisual <- visuals$haven_labelled
numericVisual <- visuals$numeric
integerVisual <- visuals$integer
logicalVisual <- visuals$logical
dateVisual <- visuals$Date
## Below comes a bunch of helper functions for writing the output
writer <- function(x, ..., outfile=fileConn, sep="\n") {
cat(paste0(x, ...), file=outfile, append=TRUE, sep=sep)
chunk.wrapper <- function(x, ..., outfile=fileConn, options=c("echo=FALSE", "warning=FALSE"), label=NULL) {
writer(paste0("```{r ", ifelse(is.null(label), ", ", paste0("'", label, "', ")),
paste0(options, collapse=", "), "}"),
outfile = outfile)
writer(x, ..., outfile = outfile)
writer("```\n", outfile = outfile)
fig.wrapper <- function(x, outfile=fileConn, options=c("echo=FALSE", "fig.width=4",
"fig.height=3", "message=FALSE",
"warning=FALSE"), label=NULL) {
chunk.wrapper(x, outfile=outfile, options=options, label=label)
#I get an error when label stuff is there
secretChunk.wrapper <- function(x, ..., outfile=fileConn, options=c("echo=FALSE", "include=FALSE",
"warning=FALSE", "message=FALSE",
"error=FALSE"), label=NULL) {
chunk.wrapper(x, outfile=outfile, options=options, label=label)
## outputty sets the output type
twoCols.wrapper <- function(text, figure, outfile=fileConn, outputty=output, label=NULL) {
if (outputty=="pdf") { #note: does NOT work if there is a linebreak between the two
#minipage environments!
writer("\\bminione", outfile = outfile)
writer(text, outfile = outfile)
writer("\\emini", outfile = outfile)
writer("\\bminitwo", outfile = outfile)
fig.wrapper(figure, label=label, outfile = outfile)
writer("\\emini", outfile = outfile)
if (outputty=="html") {
writer("<div class = \"row\">", outfile = outfile)
writer("<div class = \"col-lg-8\">", outfile = outfile)
writer(text, outfile = outfile)
writer("</div>", outfile = outfile)
writer("<div class = \"col-lg-4\">", outfile = outfile)
fig.wrapper(figure, label=label, outfile = outfile)
writer("</div>", outfile = outfile)
writer("</div>", outfile = outfile)
writer("\n", outfile = outfile)
## Open file connections
fileConn <- file(file, "w") #for main document
vListConn <- file(vListFileName, "w")
## Title of the report
if (is.null(reportTitle)) reportTitle <- dfname
## This part is wrapped in a try call to ensure that the connection is closed even if something
## breaks down when running the code.
## write YAML preamble
writer("dataReporter: yes")
if (standAlone) {
writer(paste("title:", reportTitle))
writer("subtitle: \"Autogenerated data summary from dataReporter\"")
writer(paste("date:", Sys.time()))
if (output=="pdf") {
writer("output: pdf_document")
writer("geometry: margin=2cm")
writer(paste0("documentclass: ", ifelse(codebook, "article", "report")))
if (!codebook) {
writer(" - \\renewcommand{\\chaptername}{Part}")
# writer(" - \\usepackage{fullpage}")
writer(" - \\newcommand{\\fullline}{\\noindent\\makebox[\\linewidth]{\\rule{\\textwidth}{0.4pt}}}")
if (codebook) {
writer(" - \\renewcommand\\familydefault{\\sfdefault}")
if (twoCol) {
writer(" - \\newcommand{\\bminione}{\\begin{minipage}{0.75 \\textwidth}}")
writer(" - \\newcommand{\\bminitwo}{\\begin{minipage}{0.25 \\textwidth}}")
writer(" - \\newcommand{\\emini}{\\end{minipage}}")
if (output=="html" & !outOutput == "docx") writer("output: html_document")
if (outOutput=="docx") writer("output: word_document")
if (outOutput=="github") writer("output: github_document")
## include packages as a first chunk
## Define unexported visual functions locally so that the report
## can be rendered from the global environment. Only done if standardVisuals are used
if ("visualize" %in% mode & "standardVisual" %in% visuals) {
secretChunk.wrapper(c("ggAggHist <- getFromNamespace(\"ggAggHist\", \"dataReporter\")",
"ggAggBarplot <- getFromNamespace(\"ggAggBarplot\", \"dataReporter\")"),
label = "visualFunctions")
## Title
writer("# Data report overview")
writer("The dataset examined has the following dimensions:", "\n")
## Print data frame summary
sumMat <- matrix(c("Number of observations", "Number of variables",
n, nvariables), 2,
dimnames= list(NULL, c("Feature", "Result")))
writer(pander::pandoc.table.return(sumMat, justify = "lr"))
## User added data.frame information
if (!is.null(attr(data, "label"))) {
writer(attr(data, "label"))
## if useVar options are chosen, they are printed accordingly
if (!is.null(useVar)) {
writer(paste("\n* Only the following variables in", dfname, "were included:",
paste(vnames, collapse=", ")))
## And the user is informed if we only show problematic variables
if (onlyProblematic) {
writer("\n* Only variables that were deemed potentially problematic are included in this summary.")
## List the checking that were used for each possible variable type
if (listChecks) {
everyCheck <- union(characterChecks, c(factorChecks, labelledChecks,
havenlabelledChecks, numericChecks,
integerChecks, logicalChecks, dateChecks))
checkMat <- matrix("", length(everyCheck), 8, #7: number of different variable types
dimnames=list(everyCheck, c("character", "factor", "labelled", "haven labelled",
"numeric", "integer", "logical", "Date")))
y <- ifelse(output == "pdf", "$\\times$", "×")
checkMat[characterChecks, "character"] <- y
checkMat[factorChecks, "factor"] <- y
checkMat[labelledChecks, "labelled"] <- y
checkMat[havenlabelledChecks, "haven labelled"] <- y
checkMat[numericChecks, "numeric"] <- y
checkMat[integerChecks, "integer"] <- y
checkMat[logicalChecks, "logical"] <- y
checkMat[dateChecks, "Date"] <- y
rownames(checkMat) <- sapply(rownames(checkMat), function(x) description(get(x)))
writer("### Checks performed")
writer("The following variable checks were performed, depending on the data type of each variable:")
# if (output == "pdf") {
# writer("\\begin{tiny}")
# }
writer(pander::pandoc.table.return(checkMat, justify="lcccccccc",
emphasize.rownames=FALSE)) #allows for centering in this table only
# if (output == "pdf") {
# writer("\\end{tiny}")
# }
if (!is.null(treatXasY)) {
writer("Non-supported variable types were set to be handled in the following way:")
writer(paste("*", names(treatXasY), "is treated as", treatXasY))
if (maxDecimals != Inf) {
writer(paste("Please note that all numerical values in the following have been rounded to",
maxDecimals, "decimals."))
## This part is wrapped in a try call to ensure that the connection is closed even if something
## breaks down when running the code.
## allRes contains the summary table
allRes <- data.frame(variable = vnames[index],
name = rep(NA, nvariables),
vClass = rep(NA, nvariables),
distinctVals = rep(NA, nvariables),
missingPct = rep(NA, nvariables),
problems = rep("", nvariables),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
label = rep(NA, nvariables),
description = rep(NA, nvariables))
## List of variables
writer("# Variable list", outfile = vListConn)
# browser()
## Run through each of the variables in the data frame
for (idx in index) {
#Initialize variables
extraMessages <- list(do=FALSE, messages=NULL)
skip <- FALSE
problems <- FALSE
preCheckProblems <- FALSE
## Choose variable
v <- data[[idx]]
vnam <- vnames[idx]
## Check if variable is key/empty
preCheckRes <- lapply(preChecks, function(x) eval(call(x, v)))
preCheckProblems <- sapply(preCheckRes, function(x) x$problem)
preCheckMessages <- sapply(preCheckRes, function(x) x$message)
## Deal with non-supported classes whose handling is
## specified in treatXasY
## Note: prechecks should be run again after change of class
userSuppVar <- FALSE
if ("isSupported" %in% preChecks &&
preCheckProblems[which(preChecks == "isSupported")] &&
!is.null(treatXasY)) {
vClasses <- class(v)
firstUSClass <- vClasses[vClasses %in% names(treatXasY)][1]
if (! {
attr(v, "orginalClass") <- vClasses[1]
class(v) <- treatXasY[[firstUSClass]]
preCheckRes <- lapply(preChecks, function(x) eval(call(x, v)))
preCheckProblems <- sapply(preCheckRes, function(x) x$problem)
preCheckMessages <- sapply(preCheckRes, function(x) x$message)
#preCheckProblems[which(preChecks == "isSupported")] <- FALSE
#preCheckMessages[which(preChecks == "isSupported")] <- ""
userSuppVar <- TRUE
## Deal with labelled variables: If they don't have any labels and
## they inherit from a base class, treat them as that base class
if (labelled_as == "factor" & !userSuppVar) {
v <- doCheckLabs(v)
if ("fakeLabelled" %in% class(v)) {
extraMessages$do <- TRUE
extraMessages$messages <- c(extraMessages$messages,
paste("Note that this variable is treated as a",
"variable below, rather than a labelled variable,",
"as it contains no label information."))
## use smartNum
## Note: no smartNum on haven_labelled - they inherit from integer/numeric
if (smartNum & !("fakeLabelled" %in% class(v)) & !userSuppVar &
any(class(v) %in% c("numeric", "integer")) &
!("haven_labelled" %in% class(v))) {
v <- doSmartNum(v, ...)
if ("smartNum" %in% class(v)) {
extraMessages$do <- TRUE
extraMessages$messages <- c(extraMessages$messages,
"Note that this variable is treated as a factor variable below, as it only takes a few unique values.")
## Make checks
if (doCheck && !any(preCheckProblems)) {
#if (vnam == "numOutlierVar") browser()
checkRes <- check(v, checks = setChecks(character = characterChecks,
factor = factorChecks,
labelled = labelledChecks,
haven_labelled = havenlabelledChecks,
numeric = numericChecks,
integer = integerChecks,
logical = logicalChecks,
Date = dateChecks),
nMax = maxProbVals,
maxDecimals = maxDecimals, ...)
problems <- sapply(checkRes, function(x) x[[1]]) #maybe change to index by name?
#Update problem status in results overview
if (any(unlist(c(problems, preCheckProblems)))) {
y <- ifelse(output == "pdf", "$\\times$", "×")
#note: y initialized above, but only in an if-statement
allRes$problems[allRes$variable == vnam] <- y
## skip non problem-causing variables
if (onlyProblematic && (!any(preCheckProblems) && !any(problems))) skip <- TRUE
## Now print out the information if the variable isn't skipped
if (!skip) {
## Variable name
printable_name <- gsub("_", "\\\\_", vnam)
#writer("## **", printable_name, "**\n", outfile = vListConn)
writer("## ", printable_name, "\n", outfile = vListConn) #** makes linking complicated
## Fill out name, vClass and missingPct entries in the results overview
extraLinkCharBegin <- "["
extraLinkCharEnd <- "]"
if (!includeVariableList) {
extraLinkCharBegin <- extraLinkCharEnd <- ""
#add link functionality by wrapping varname in [] if the variable list is to be printed
allRes$name[allRes$variable == vnam] <- paste(extraLinkCharBegin, printable_name, extraLinkCharEnd, sep = "")
## Pass on the label for the codebook
#Note: Need "exact = TRUE", otherwise attr might retreive "labels" attributes
allRes$label[allRes$variable == vnam] <- ifelse(is.null(attr(v, "label", exact = TRUE)), "", attr(v, "label", exact = TRUE))
allRes$description[allRes$variable == vnam] <- ifelse(is.null(attr(v, "shortDescription")), "",
attr(v, "shortDescription"))
allRes$vClass[allRes$variable == vnam] <- oClass(v)[1]
allRes$missingPct[allRes$variable == vnam] <- paste(format(round(100*mean(,2),
nsmall = 2), "%")
allRes$distinctVals[allRes$variable == vnam] <- length(unique(v))
## If the variable has label information the print that below
if (!is.null(attr(v, "label", exact=TRUE))) {
writer("*",attr(v, "label", exact=TRUE), "*\n", outfile = vListConn) # Write variable label
## write result of key/empty check
if (any(preCheckProblems)) {
writer(paste("* ", preCheckMessages[preCheckProblems], "\n", collapse=" \n ", sep=""),
outfile = vListConn)
} else {
## write extra messages if any
if (extraMessages$do) writer(paste("* ", extraMessages$messages, "\n", collapse=" \n ",
outfile = vListConn)
## make Summary table
if (doSummarize) sumTable <- pander::pandoc.table.return(summarize(v,
reportstyleOutput = TRUE,
summaries = setSummaries(
character = characterSummaries,
factor = factorSummaries,
labelled = labelledSummaries,
haven_labelled = havenlabelledSummaries,
numeric = numericSummaries,
integer = integerSummaries,
logical = logicalSummaries,
Date = dateSummaries),
maxDecimals = maxDecimals, ...),
#NOTE: pander_return() does the same thing but results in problems when used
#for building vignettes
## Label information
## Right now we are not doing anything besides wirint the label above
## make Visualization
if (doVisualize) visual <- visualize(v, vnam, doEval=FALSE,
visuals = setVisuals(character = characterVisual,
factor = factorVisual,
labelled = labelledVisual,
haven_labelled = havenlabelledVisual,
numeric = numericVisual,
integer = integerVisual,
logical = logicalVisual,
Date = dateVisual),
## Chunkname should avoid spaces and periods
## chunk_name <- paste0("Var-", idx, "-", gsub("[_:. ]", "-", vnam))
## Since we are not really needing the specific chunk names with variables we could skip the trailing part
## However, might be useful when looking at the rmd.
chunk_name <- paste0("Var-", idx, "-", stringi::stri_trans_general(gsub("[_:. ]", "-", vnam), "Latin-ASCII"))
## chunk_name <- paste0("Var-", idx)
## add visualization + summary results to output file
if (twoCol) {
twoCols.wrapper(sumTable, visual, label=chunk_name, outfile = vListConn)
} else {
if (doSummarize) writer(sumTable, outfile = vListConn)
if (doVisualize) fig.wrapper(visual, label=chunk_name, outfile = vListConn)
writer("\n", outfile = vListConn)
## add check results to file
if (doCheck) {
if (any(problems)) {
messages <- sapply(checkRes, function(x) x[[2]])[problems] #maybe index by name instead?
for (i in 1:length(messages)) {
writer(paste0("- ", messages[i], " \n"), outfile = vListConn)
###Why did we use to have this line here? Do we need pander stuff ever?###
#writer(paste0("- ", pander::pander_return(messages[i])))
writer("\n", outfile = vListConn)
if (output=="html") writer("---\n", outfile = vListConn)
if (output=="pdf") writer("\\fullline\n", outfile = vListConn)
## Add garbage collection. Should help with memory problems.
## Removed for now
## if (garbageCollection) secretChunk.wrapper("gc(verbose=FALSE)")
}) #end inner try (vListConn)
#Close VarList file
#Add variable summary table
if (addSummaryTable) {
if (!codebook) {
writer("# Summary table")
## Drop the variables that are only used for the codebook
allRes$label <- NULL
allRes$description <- NULL
##remove skipped variabled (e.g. due to onlyProblematic = TRUE) and
##drop variable with original variable names (not formatted for printing)
allRes <- na.omit(allRes)[, -1]
rownames(allRes) <- 1:nrow(allRes) #note: necessary, as pander prints
##non-trivial row names as a column
##and data.frame subsetting creates
##rownames like c(1, 2, 4, 5, 9)...
##Add names used for printing
names(allRes) <- c("", "Variable class", "# unique values", "Missing observations",
"Any problems?")
writer(pander::pandoc.table.return(allRes, justify="llrrc"))
} else {
## Add stuff for codebook
writer("# Codebook summary table")
## drop variable with original variable names (not formatted for printing)
allRes <- allRes[, -1]
rownames(allRes) <- 1:nrow(allRes) #note: necessary, as pander prints
##non-trivial row names as a column
##and data.frame subsetting creates
##rownames like c(1, 2, 4, 5, 9)...
##Add names used for printing
names(allRes) <- c("Variable", "Class", "# unique values", "Missing",
"problems", "Label", "Description")
## Reorder variables and add stuff to table
## Add stuff to table
allResCodebook <- allRes[, c("Label", "Variable", "Class", "# unique values", "Missing", "Description")]
writer(pander::pandoc.table.return(allResCodebook, justify="lllrcl",
missing="", split.cells=c(12, 8, 5, 8, 8, 35),
emphasize.strong.cols = 2))
#emphasize.verbatim.cols=2 doesn't work: It kills the links and prints
#the "[]"s that are supposed to be interpreted in compiling
if (includeVariableList) {
#Write variable list file into parent .Rmd file and delete the temporary file afterwards
writer(scan(vListFileName, what = "character", sep = "\n",
blank.lines.skip = FALSE, quiet = TRUE))
## This could be wrapped in a tryCatch for those rather weird situations where the package is not installed.
## But it is indeed rather obscure.
## Misc meta information
writer("Report generation information:\n")
if (whoami_available()) {
writer(" * Created by: ", whoami::fullname(fallback="Could not determine from system") , " (username: `", whoami::username(fallback="Unknown"), "`).\n")
} else {
writer(" * Created by: Could not determine from system (username: Unknown)\n")
writer(" * Report creation time: ", format(Sys.time(), "%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S"),"\n")
writer(" * Report was run from directory: `", getwd(),"`\n")
## Part of this was lifted from devtools
getdate <- function (desc) {
if (!is.null(desc$`Date/Publication`)) {
date <- desc$`Date/Publication`
else if (!is.null(desc$Built)) {
built <- strsplit(desc$Built, "; ")[[1]]
date <- built[3]
else {
date <- NA_character_
as.character(as.Date(strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d")))
getpkgsource <- function(desc) {
if (!is.null(desc$GithubSHA1)) {
str <- paste0("Github (", desc$GithubUsername, "/", desc$GithubRepo,
"@", substr(desc$GithubSHA1, 1, 7), ")")
else if (!is.null(desc$RemoteType)) {
remote_type <- desc$RemoteType
if (!is.null(desc$RemoteUsername) && (!is.null(desc$RemoteRepo))) {
user_repo <- paste0(desc$RemoteUsername, "/", desc$RemoteRepo)
else {
user_repo <- NULL
if (!is.null(desc$RemoteSha)) {
sha <- paste0("@", substr(desc$RemoteSha, 1, 7))
else {
sha <- NULL
if (!is.null(user_repo) || !is.null(sha)) {
user_repo_and_sha <- paste0(" (", user_repo, sha,
else {
user_repo_and_sha <- NULL
str <- paste0(remote_type, user_repo_and_sha)
else if (!is.null(desc$Repository)) {
repo <- desc$Repository
if (!is.null(desc$Built)) {
built <- strsplit(desc$Built, "; ")[[1]]
ver <- sub("$R ", "", built[1])
repo <- paste0(repo, " (", ver, ")")
else if (!is.null(desc$biocViews)) {
else {
desc <- lapply("dataReporter", packageDescription, lib.loc = NULL, encoding = NA)
version <- vapply(desc, function(x) x$Version, character(1))
pkgdate <- vapply(desc, getdate, character(1))
pkgsource <- vapply(desc, getpkgsource, character(1))
writer(" * dataReporter v", version, " [Pkg: ", pkgdate, " from ", pkgsource, "]\n")
sessioninfo <- sessionInfo()
writer(" * ", sessioninfo[[1]]$version.string, ".\n")
writer(" * Platform: ", sessioninfo[[2]], "(", sessioninfo[[4]], ").\n")
writer(" * Function call: `", paste(capture.output(, collapse = "\n"),
}) ## Now we should not write anything more to the file - End try.
## Maybe include the rest of the steps in the try? As of now, we render and open
## files with no contents if mistakes were found along the way...
## Force flush and close connection
#Make panderOptions as they were
for(i in 1:length(changedPanderOptions)) {
optName <- changedPanderOptions[i]
panderOptions(optName, oldPanderOptions[[optName]])
if (output %in% c("html", "pdf") && render) {
##is it possible to close the file dataReporter_data.pdf/html if it is open such
###that no access permission issues can occur?
###or maybe just check if it is open and then not try and render.
#fileName <- paste(substring(fileName, 1, nchar(fileName)-4), ".",
# output, sep="")
if (!silent) {
message("Data report generation is finished. Please wait while your output file is being rendered.")
if (nagUser && (output=="pdf" | outOutput == "docx") &&
identical(as.character(["sysname"]),"Windows")) {
message(paste("\n Is", outFile,
"open on your computer? Please close it as fast as possible to avoid problems! \n"))
render(file, quiet = quiet)
## if (output=="screen") {
## unlink(file) #delete rmd
## }
if (!quiet) { #whoops - version 1 only makes sense for windows, doesn't it?
#does version 2 work on mac/linux?
#also: problems if people supply their own file paths using the "file"-argument?
#print(paste("Data report generation was succesful. Find your results in", ###version 1
# paste(getwd(), "/", fileName, sep="")))
message(paste("Data report generation was succesful. Find your results in", ###version 2
#path.expand(paste("~/", outFile, sep="")))) #doesn't work
paste(getwd(), "/", outFile, sep="")))
#to do: make into link so that the user can just click it and open the file.
#must be possible, debug() does interactive stuff..
#CHECK: Does this work on mac? linux?
#awkward if openResult==T? What should we write instead in that case?
#also feels awkward if no message is printed in that case (in case the user e.g.
#accidentially shuts down the pdf/html/rmd-file.)
if (openResult) pander::openFileInOS(outFile) # system(paste("open", outFile))
##################################Not exported below#############################################
#Check if a numeric/integer variable has less than maxLevel unique
#values. If so, the variable is changed into a smartNum object.
#Note that smartNum inherits from the factor class, so if
#the user does not supply specific smartNum methods, they will
#match factor methods.
#Note: maxLevels is not an argument of makeDataReport(), but it can be passed
#through "...".
doSmartNum <- function(v, maxLevels = 5, ...) {
if (length(unique(na.omit(v))) <= maxLevels) v <- smartNum(v)
#Replaces characters that are not allowed in file names with "_".
normalizeFileName <- function(fileName, replaceChar = "_") {
forbidChar <- "[^-_.[:alnum:]]" #note: "^" is "not"
#Note: I have to allow blankspaces
#if people want their file placed in a
#folder with a blankspace name :(
nName <- nchar(fileName)
slashPlaces <- c(gregexpr("/", fileName)[[1]])
if (!any(slashPlaces[[1]] == -1)) { #slash found
lastSlash <- slashPlaces[length(slashPlaces)]
justFile <- substr(fileName, lastSlash + 1, nName)
filePath <- substr(fileName, 1, lastSlash)
out <- paste(filePath, gsub(forbidChar, replaceChar, justFile), sep = "")
} else {
out <- gsub(forbidChar, replaceChar, fileName)
#Check if a labelled variable has any labels
#'@importFrom haven is.labelled
doCheckLabs <- function(v) {
# browser()
# if (!is.labelled(v)) return(v)
cV <- class(v)
if (!any(c("haven_labelled", "labelled") %in% cV)) return(v)
if (length(cV) > 1) {
if (!is.null(attr(v, "labels", exact=TRUE))) return(v)
class(v) <- c("fakeLabelled", setdiff(class(v), c("labelled", "haven_labelled")))
attr(v, "originalClass") <- intersect(cV, c("haven_labelled", "labelled"))[1]
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