

test_that("check_values does nothing with NULL values", {
  x <- data.frame(y = 2)
  expect_identical(x, check_values(x))

test_that("check_values works no rows", {
  x <- data.frame(y = 2)
  x <- x[FALSE,,drop = FALSE]
  expect_identical(x, check_values(x))
  expect_identical(x, check_values(x, list(y = 1)))
  expect_identical(x, check_values(x, list(y = as.numeric(NA))))
  expect_identical(x, check_values(x, list(y = c(1,NA))))
  expect_identical(x, check_values(x, list(y = c(4,3))))
  expect_identical(x, check_values(x, list(y = c(4,3,5))))
  expect_identical(x, check_values(x, list(y = c(4,3,5, NA))))

  expect_error(check_values(x, list(y = 1L)),
               "column y in x must be of class 'integer'")
  expect_error(check_values(x, list(y = c(1L,2L))),
               "column y in x must be of class 'integer'")

test_that("check_values requires unique column names in data", {
  data <- data.frame("A" = 1, "b" = 2L, "c" = 4L)
  colnames(data) <- c("A", "b", "A")
               "data must have unique column names")

test_that("check_values substitutes names correctly", {
  wrapper_function <- function(z) check_values(z)
  expect_error(wrapper_function(z = 3), "z must be a data frame")
  expect_error(wrapper_function(3), "z must be a data frame")

test_that("check_values tests for column names", {
  x <- data.frame(Count = c(1,2))
  expect_error(check_values(x, values = list(Count = NULL), nulls = TRUE),
               "x must not include column Count")

  expect_identical(check_values(x, values = list(Count = 3)), x)
  expect_identical(check_values(x, values = list(Count = 3, Count = NULL), unique = FALSE, nulls = TRUE), x)

  y <- data.frame(Count2 = c(1,2))
  expect_identical(check_values(y, values = list(Count = NULL), nulls = TRUE), y)

test_that("check_values gives informative message when absent", {
  x <- data.frame(z3 = 1)
  expect_error(check_data1(x, values = list(z4 = 1)), "x must have column 'z4'")

test_that("check_values tests for classes", {
  x <- data.frame(Count = 1L)

  expect_error(check_values(x, values = list(Count = 1)),
               "column Count in x must be of class 'numeric'")
  expect_error(check_values(x, values = list(Count = 1, Count = TRUE), unique = FALSE),
               "column Count in x must be of class 'numeric' or 'logical'")
  expect_identical(check_values(x, values = list(Count = 1, Count = integer()), unique = FALSE), x)

test_that("check_values tests for classes with and without unique", {
  x <- data.frame(Count = 1L)

  expect_error(check_values(x, values = list(Count = 1), unique = FALSE),
               "column Count in x must be of class 'numeric'")
  expect_error(check_values(x, values = list(Count = 1), unique = TRUE),
               "column Count in x must be of class 'numeric'")

  expect_error(check_values(x, values = list(Count = 1, Count = TRUE), unique = FALSE),
               "column Count in x must be of class 'numeric' or 'logical'")
  expect_identical(check_values(x, values = list(Count = 1, Count = integer()), unique = FALSE), x)

  expect_error(check_values(x, values = list(Count = 1, Count = TRUE), unique = TRUE),
               "column names in values must be unique")
  expect_error(check_values(x, values = list(Count = 1, Count = integer()), unique = TRUE),
               "column names in values must be unique")
  expect_error(check_values(x, values = list(Count = 1, Count = NULL), unique = TRUE),
               "column names in values must be unique")

test_that("check_values tests for missing values", {
  x <- data.frame(Count = c(1,2, NA))
  expect_error(check_values(x, values = list(Count = 1)),
               "column Count in x cannot include missing values")
  expect_identical(check_values(x, values = list(Count = numeric())), x)
  expect_identical(check_values(x, values = list(Count = c(3,NA))), x)
  expect_error(check_values(x, values = list(Count = as.numeric(NA))),
               "column Count in x can only include missing values")

  y <- data.frame(Count = c(1,2))
  expect_identical(check_values(y, values = list(Count = 1)), y)
  expect_identical(check_values(y, values = list(Count = numeric())), y)
  expect_identical(check_values(y, values = list(Count = c(3,NA))), y)
  expect_error(check_values(y, values = list(Count = as.numeric(NA))),
               "column Count in y can only include missing values")

  z <- data.frame(Count = as.numeric(NA))
  expect_error(check_values(z, values = list(Count = 1)), "column Count in z cannot include missing values")
  expect_identical(check_values(z, values = list(Count = numeric())), z)
  expect_identical(check_values(z, values = list(Count = c(3,NA))), z)
  expect_identical(check_values(z, values = list(Count = as.numeric(NA))), z)

test_that("check_values tests for range", {
  x <- data.frame(Count2 = 1)
  expect_error(check_values(x, values = list(Count2 = c(4, 1.01))), "the values in column Count2 in x must lie between 1.01 and 4")

  y <- data.frame(Count2 = 2)
  expect_identical(check_values(y, values = list(Count2 = c(4, 1.01))), y)

test_that("check_values tests for specific values", {
  x <- data.frame(Count2 = 1)
  expect_error(check_values(x, values = list(Count2 = c(0, 4, 5))), "column Count2 in x must only include the permitted values 0, 4 and 5")
  expect_error(check_values(x, values = list(Count2 = c(5, 5, 5))), "column Count2 in x must only include the permitted value 5")
  expect_error(check_values(x, values = list(Count2 = c(0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))), "column Count2 in x includes non-permitted values")
  expect_identical(check_values(x, values = list(Count2 = c(1, 4, 5))), x)
  expect_identical(check_values(x, values = list(Count2 = c(1, 4, 5, NA))), x)
  x <- data.frame(Count2 = c(1, NA))
  expect_identical(check_values(x, values = list(Count2 = c(1, 4, 5, NA))), x)

test_that("check_values works with logical vectors", {
  data <- data.frame(Count = TRUE)
  expect_identical(check_values(data, values = list(Count = c(TRUE, TRUE))), data)

  data <- data.frame(Count = TRUE)
  expect_identical(check_values(data, values = list(Count = c(TRUE, FALSE))), data)

  data <- data.frame(Count = TRUE)
  expect_error(check_values(data, values = list(Count = c(FALSE, FALSE))), "column Count in data can only include FALSE values")

test_that("check_values works with Dates", {
  data <- data.frame(Date1 = as.Date("2000-01-01"))

  values <- list(Date1 = as.Date(c("2000-01-01", "2000-01-03")))
  expect_identical(check_values(data, values), data)
  values <- list(Date1 = as.Date(c("1999-01-01", "2000-01-03")))
  expect_identical(check_values(data, values), data)
  values <- list(Date1 = as.Date(c("1999-01-01", "2000-01-03", "2000-02-01")))
  expect_error(check_values(data, values), "column Date1 in data must only include the permitted values '1999-01-01', '2000-01-03' and '2000-02-01'")
  values <- list(Date1 = as.Date(c("1999-01-01", "2000-01-03", "2000-01-03")))
  expect_error(check_values(data, values), "column Date1 in data must only include the permitted values '1999-01-01' and '2000-01-03'")
  values <- list(Date1 = as.Date(c("2000-01-03", "2000-01-03", "2000-01-03")))
  expect_error(check_values(data, values), "column Date1 in data must only include the permitted value '2000-01-03'")

test_that("check_values works with character", {
  x <- data.frame(c1 = "char", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  expect_identical(check_values(x, values = list(c1 = character())), x)
  expect_identical(check_values(x, values = list(c1 = "char2")), x)
  expect_error(check_values(x, values = list(c1 = c("char2", "ee"))), "column c1 in x contains strings that do not match both regular expressions 'char2' and 'ee'")
  expect_error(check_values(x, values = list(c1 = c("ee", "char"))), "column c1 in x contains strings that do not match both regular expressions 'char' and 'ee'")
  expect_identical(check_values(x, values = list(c1 = c("char", "ch"))), x)
  expect_error(check_values(x, values = list(c1 = c("ee", "eu", "oeu"))), "column c1 in x must only include values which match the regular expressions 'ee', 'eu' or 'oeu'")
  expect_identical(check_values(x, values = list(c1 = c("oeu", "eu", "ch"))), x)

test_that("check_values works with factor", {
  x <- data.frame(z2 = "char", stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

  expect_identical(check_values(x, values = list(z2 = factor())), x)
  expect_identical(check_values(x, values = list(z2 = factor("x"))), x)
  expect_error(check_values(x, values = list(z2 = factor(c("x", "char")))),
               "column z2 in x lacks factor levels 'char' and 'x'")

  #  x <- data.frame(z3 = ordered("char"))
  #  expect_identical(check_values(x, values = list(znotsame = factor())), x)

    x <- data.frame(z3 = ordered("char"))
    expect_identical(check_values(x, values = list(z3 = factor())), x)

  x <- data.frame(z2 = c("char", "x"), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
  expect_identical(check_values(x, values = list(z2 = factor(c("x", "char")))), x)

  x$z3 <- factor(c("char", "x"), levels = c("x", "3", "char"))
  expect_identical(check_values(x, values = list(z3 = factor(c("x", "char")))), x)

  x$z3 <- factor(c("char", "x1"), levels = c("x1", "3", "char"))
  expect_error(check_values(x, values = list(z3 = factor(c("x", "char")))),
               "column z3 in x lacks factor levels 'char' and 'x'")

  expect_error(check_values(x, values = list(z3 = factor(c("x1", "char", "3")))),
               "column z3 in x must be a factor with the levels '3', 'char' and 'x1'")

  expect_identical(check_values(x, values = list(
    z3 = factor(c("x1", "char", "3"), levels = c("x1", "3", "char")))),

  expect_identical(check_values(x, values = list(
    z3 = factor(c("x1", "x1", "x1"), levels = c("x1", "3", "char")))),

test_that("check_values works with POSIXct", {
  d <- data.frame(T2 = ISOdate(2000, 1, 1))

  expect_identical(check_values(d, values = list(T2 = Sys.time())), d)
  expect_identical(check_values(d, values = list(T2 = ISOdate(2000, 1, c(1,2)))), d)
  expect_identical(check_values(d, values = list(T2 = ISOdate(2000, 1, c(1,2,3)))), d)

  d <- data.frame(T2 = ISOdate(2000, 1, 2))
  expect_identical(check_values(d, values = list(T2 = ISOdate(2000, 1, c(1,3)))), d)
  expect_error(check_values(d, values = list(T2 = ISOdate(2000, 1, c(3,4)))),
               "the values in column T2 in d must lie between 2000-01-03 12:00:00 and 2000-01-04 12:00:00")
  expect_error(check_values(d, values = list(T2 = ISOdate(2000, 1, c(1, 3,4)))),
               "column T2 in d must only include the permitted values '2000-01-01 12:00:00', '2000-01-03 12:00:00' and '2000-01-04 12:00:00'")

test_that("check_values works", {
  values <- list("Count" = c(0L, .Machine$integer.max),
                 "Comments" = NULL,
                 "LocationX" = c(NA, 2345, 1012),
                 "LocationX" = NULL)

  data <- data.frame(Count = c(0L,3L,2L,10L), LocationX = c(2000, NA, 2345, 1012))
  expect_identical(data, check_values(data))
  expect_identical(data, check_values(data, values, unique = FALSE, nulls = TRUE))

  data <- data.frame(Count = c(0L,3L,2L,10L), Location = c(2000, NA, 2345, 1012))
  expect_identical(data, check_values(data))
  expect_identical(data, check_values(data, values, unique = FALSE, nulls = TRUE))
  expect_identical(data, check_values(data, values = list(Count = integer())))

test_that("check_values fails informatively", {
  data <- data.frame(y = 1)
  expect_identical(check_values(data), data)
  expect_error(check_values(data, 1), "values must be a list")
  expect_error(check_values(data, list(1)), "values must be a named list")
  expect_error(check_values(data, list(a = as.POSIXlt(Sys.time()))), "values must be a named list of vectors of class 'NULL', 'logical', 'integer', 'numeric', 'character', 'factor', 'Date' or 'POSIXct'")
  expect_error(check_values(data, list(Count = 1L, Count = 2L), unique = FALSE),
               "values cannot have multiple vectors with the same name and class")
  expect_error(check_values(data, unique = 1), "unique must be a flag")
  expect_identical(check_values(data, list(x = NULL), nulls = TRUE), data)
  expect_error(check_values(data, list(x = NULL), nulls = FALSE), "values cannot include NULLs")
  expect_identical(check_values(data, list(y = NULL, y = 1), nulls = TRUE, unique = FALSE), data)
  expect_error(check_values(data, list(y = NULL, y = 1), nulls = TRUE), "column names in values must be unique")

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datacheckr documentation built on May 30, 2017, 6:05 a.m.