
test_that("update_variables_ui works", {
  expect_is(update_variables_ui("ID"), "shiny.tag")

# test_that("update_variables_server works", {
#   data(mtcars)
#   shiny::testServer(update_variables_server, args = list(data = mtcars), {
#     tok <- token$x
#     selection <- as.list(rep(TRUE, ncol(mtcars)))
#     names(selection) <- paste("selection", tok, pad0(seq_along(mtcars)), sep = "-")
#     name <- as.list(names(mtcars))
#     names(name) <- paste("name", tok, pad0(seq_along(mtcars)), sep = "-")
#     class_toset <- as.list(rep("numeric", ncol(mtcars)))
#     names(class_toset) <- paste("class_to_set", tok, pad0(seq_along(mtcars)), sep = "-")
#     do.call(session$setInputs, selection)
#     do.call(session$setInputs, name)
#     do.call(session$setInputs, class_toset)
#     session$setInputs(validate = 1)
#     # print(session$getReturned()())
#     expect_is(session$getReturned()(), "data.frame")
#     expect_equal(session$getReturned()(), mtcars)
#   })
# })

test_that("get_classes works", {
  expect_is(get_classes(mtcars), "character")
  expect_length(get_classes(mtcars), ncol(mtcars))

test_that("get_classes works", {
  expect_is(get_n_unique(mtcars), "integer")
  expect_length(get_n_unique(mtcars), ncol(mtcars))

test_that("pad0 works", {
  expect_is(pad0(c(1, 15, 150, NA)), "character")
  expect_length(pad0(c(1, 15, 150, NA)), 4)

test_that("summary_vars works", {
  expect_is(summary_vars(mtcars), "data.frame")
  expect_identical(nrow(summary_vars(mtcars)), ncol(mtcars))

test_that("set_input_* works", {
  variables <- summary_vars(iris)
  variables <- set_input_checkbox(variables, id = "selection")
  variables <- set_input_text(variables, "name", id = "text")
  variables <- set_input_class(variables, "class", id = "class-to-set")

  expect_true(all(grepl(pattern = "id=\"selection", x = rownames(variables))))
  expect_true(all(grepl(pattern = "id=\"class-to-set", x = variables$class_toset)))
  expect_true(all(grepl(pattern = "id=\"text", x = variables$name)))

test_that("update_variables_reactable works", {
  variables <- summary_vars(iris)
  variables <- set_input_class(variables, "class", id = "class-to-set")
  dt <- update_variables_reactable(variables)
  expect_is(dt, "htmlwidget")

test_that("get_inputs works", {

  session <- shiny::MockShinySession$new()
  session$setInputs("test-1" = 1, "test-2" = 2, "other" = "other")

  get_inputs("test", session)

  expect_is(get_inputs("test", session), "list")
  expect_length(get_inputs("test", session), 2)

test_that("convert_to works", {
  dat <- data.frame(
    v1 = month.name,
    v2 = month.abb,
    v3 = 1:12,
    v4 = as.numeric(Sys.Date() + 0:11),
    v5 = as.character(Sys.Date() + 0:11),
    v6 = as.factor(c("a", "a", "b", "a", "b", "a", "a", "b", "a", "b", "b", "a")),
    v7 = as.character(11:22),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    convert_to(dat, "v3", "character")$v3,
    convert_to(dat, "v6", "character")$v6,
    convert_to(dat, "v7", "numeric")$v7,
    convert_to(dat, "v4", "date", origin = "1970-01-01")$v4,
    convert_to(dat, "v5", "date")$v5,

test_that("extract_id works", {
  raw <- c("class_to_set-01", "class_to_set-02",
           "class_to_set-03", "class_to_set-04",
           "class_to_set-05", "no-id-there")
  ids <- extract_id(raw)

  expect_is(ids, "character")
  expect_length(ids, length(raw))

test_that("get_vars_to_convert works", {
  # 2 variables to convert
  new_classes <- list(
    "class_to_set-1" = "numeric",
    "class_to_set-2" = "numeric",
    "class_to_set-3" = "character",
    "class_to_set-4" = "numeric",
    "class_to_set-5" = "character"
  res <- get_vars_to_convert(summary_vars(iris), new_classes)
  expect_is(res, "data.frame")
  expect_identical(nrow(res), 2L)

  # No changes
  new_classes <- list(
    "class_to_set-1" = "numeric",
    "class_to_set-2" = "numeric",
    "class_to_set-3" = "numeric",
    "class_to_set-4" = "numeric",
    "class_to_set-5" = "factor"
  res <- get_vars_to_convert(summary_vars(iris), new_classes)
  expect_is(res, "data.frame")
  expect_identical(nrow(res), 0L)

  new_classes <- list(
    "class_to_set-01" = "character",
    "class_to_set-02" = "numeric",
    "class_to_set-03" = "character",
    "class_to_set-04" = "numeric",
    "class_to_set-05" = "character",
    "class_to_set-06" = "character",
    "class_to_set-07" = "numeric",
    "class_to_set-08" = "character",
    "class_to_set-09" = "numeric",
    "class_to_set-10" = "character",
    "class_to_set-11" = "integer"
  res <- get_vars_to_convert(summary_vars(mtcars), new_classes)
  expect_is(res, "data.frame")
  expect_identical(nrow(res), 7L)

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datamods documentation built on Sept. 26, 2023, 5:07 p.m.