
Defines functions rollmin rollmax numdum long_run_var first_of_quarter fill_forward end_of_year comp_form stack_obs day first_previous_quarter end_of_period month_days

Documented in comp_form day end_of_period end_of_year fill_forward first_of_quarter first_previous_quarter long_run_var month_days numdum rollmax rollmin stack_obs

#' Number of days in a given month
#' Get the number of days in a month given the year and month
#' @param year integer year value
#' @param month integer month value
#' @return The number of days in the month (integer)
#' @examples 
#' month_days(2021,9) ## 30
#' month_days(2020,2) ## 29
month_days <- function(year, month) MonthDays(year, month)

#' End of period date
#' Return the date of the last day of the period (week, month, quarter, year). Weekly dates are indexed to Friday.
#' @param dates Date values formatted as.Date()
#' @param period One of `'month'`, `'week'`, `'quarter'`, `'year'`.
#' @param shift Integer, shift date forward (positive values) or backwards (negative values) by the number of periods.
#' @return Last day of period in as.Date() format
#' @examples 
#' end_of_period(as.Date("2019-09-15")) ## 2019-09-30
end_of_period <- function(dates, period = c('month', 'week', 'quarter', 'year'), shift = 0){
  period <- match.arg(period)
  shift <- round(shift) # must be integer valued
  if(period == 'week') return(index_by_friday(dates) + 7*shift)
  else if(period == 'month') End_of_Month(dates, shift)
  else if(period == 'quarter') End_of_Quarter(dates, shift)
  else if(period == 'year') return(as.Date(paste(as.numeric(format(dates, "%Y")) + shift, "12", "31", sep = "-")))

#' First of previous quarter date
#' Return the date of the first day of the previous quarter
#' @param date date value formated as.Date()
#' @return The first day of the previous quarter of the date 
#' @examples 
#' first_previous_quarter(as.Date("2019-09-15")) ## 2019-04-01
first_previous_quarter <- function(date) First_previous_Quarter(date)

#' Return the day of a Date value
#' Return the day of a Date value as an integer
#' @param date date value formated as.Date()
#' @return the day of the date (integer)
#' @examples 
#' day(as.Date("2019-09-15")) ## 15
day <- function(date) c(Day(date))

#' Stack time series observations in VAR format
#' Stack time series observations in VAR format over
#' series for p lags
#' @param Dat Data in a format convertable to a matrix
#' @param p number of lags, integer value
#' @return stacked time series obs with p lags
#' @examples 
#' mat <- matrix(rnorm(100),50,2)
#' Z <- stack_obs(mat, 2) ## stack the dataset `mat` with two lags 
#' ## Note: one "lag" will just return the original dataset.
stack_obs <- function(Dat, p) Stack_Obs(Dat, p)

#' Companion Form
#' Put the transition matrix `B` into companion form 
#' @param B Transition matrix from a VAR model
#' @return Companion matrix of the input matrix
#' @examples 
#' comp_form(matrix(c(1:4), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)) ## matrix(c(4,-2,-3,1), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
comp_form <- function(B) Comp_Form(B)

#' End of Year
#' Find the end of year for a vector of dates
#' @param dates Transition matrix from a VAR model
#' @return The last day of the year for the dates
#' @examples 
#' end_of_year(as.Date("2019-09-15")) ## 2019-12-31
end_of_year <- function(dates) End_Of_Year(dates)

#' Fill Forward
#' Fill missing observations forward using the last finite observation
#' @param x Transition matrix from a VAR model
#' @return x with missing obs filled by forward value
#' @examples
#' fill_forward(c(1,2,NA,NA,3,NA,5)) ## 1 2 2 2 3 3 5   
fill_forward <- function(x) Fill_Forward(x)

#' First of Quarter
#' Find the first date in the quarter for a vector of dates
#' @param dates Transition matrix from a VAR model
#' @return The first day of the quarter for the dates
#' @examples 
#' first_of_quarter(as.Date("2019-9-15")) ## 2019-07-01
first_of_quarter <- function(dates) First_Of_Quarter(dates)

#' Long Run Variance of a VAR
#' Find the long run variance of a VAR using the transition equation `A` and shocks to observations `Q` 
#' @param A Transition matrix from a VAR model in companion form
#' @param Q Covariance of shocks
#' @param m Number of series in the VAR
#' @param p Number of lags in the VAR
#' @return The variance matrix
#' @examples 
#' long_run_var(comp_form(matrix(c(.2,.1,.1,.2,0,0,0,0), 2, 4)),
#'              matrix(c(1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),4,4),2, 2)
long_run_var <- function(A, Q, m, p) Long_Run_Var(A, Q, m, p)

#' Dummies for Numeric Data
#' Create dummy variables for unique numeric values in `x`
#' @param x Numeric vector
#' @return Dummy variables for each unique value in the data
#' @examples 
#' numdum(c(3,3,5,3,4,3,5,4,4,5)) ## dummies for each of 3, 4, and 5
numdum <- function(x) NumDum(x)

#' Rolling Max
#' Find the rolling maximum in `x` with span `n`
#' @param x Numeric vector
#' @param n Integer span
#' @return The maximum value of `x` with span `n`
#' @examples 
#' rollmax(c(1,2,3), 2) ## c(2,3,3)
rollmax <- function(x, n) RollMax(x, n)

#' Rolling Min
#' Find the rolling minimum in `x` with span `n`
#' @param x Numeric vector
#' @param n Integer span
#' @return The minimum value of `x` with span `n`
#' @examples 
#' rollmin(c(1,2,3),2) ## c(1,1,2)
rollmin <- function(x, n) RollMin(x, n)

#' Sample mixed frequency data from FRED
#' @name fred
#' @docType data
#' @author Seth Leonard \email{seth@@macroeconomicdata.com}
#' @references \url{https://fred.stlouisfed.org/}
#' @keywords data

#' Library of metadata for mixed frequency dataset `fred`
#' @name fredlib
#' @docType data
#' @author Seth Leonard \email{seth@@macroeconomicdata.com}
#' @references \url{https://fred.stlouisfed.org/}
#' @keywords data

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dateutils documentation built on Nov. 10, 2021, 5:09 p.m.