hessDb <- function(hpar) {
# Set up auxiliary functions.
h <- function(x,n,zeta){
y <- (x+zeta)/(n+1+zeta)
T1 <- function(x,n,zeta) {
T2 <- function(x,n,zeta) {
# The substance.
alpha <- hpar["alpha"]
beta <- hpar["beta"]
ntop <- hpar["ntop"]
zeta <- hpar["zeta"]
ndata <- hpar["ndata"]
nbot <- 0+!zeta
iv <- nbot:ntop
av <- h(iv,ntop,zeta)
bv <- T1(iv,ntop,zeta)
cv <- T2(iv,ntop,zeta)
E <- sum(av*exp(alpha*bv + beta*cv))
dEdAlpha <- sum(av*bv*exp(alpha*bv + beta*cv))
dEdBeta <- sum(av*cv*exp(alpha*bv + beta*cv))
d2EdAlpha2 <- sum(av*bv^2*exp(alpha*bv + beta*cv))
d2EdBeta2 <- sum(av*cv^2*exp(alpha*bv + beta*cv))
d2EdAlphaDbeta <- sum(av*bv*cv*exp(alpha*bv + beta*cv))
d2AdAlpha2 <- (d2EdAlpha2 - dEdAlpha^2/E)/E
d2AdBeta2 <- (d2EdBeta2 - dEdBeta^2/E)/E
d2AdAlphaDbeta <- (d2EdAlphaDbeta - dEdAlpha*dEdBeta/E)/E
# Note that d2AdAlpha2 is the *negative* of d2lldAlpha2, etc.,
# where "ll" means the log likelihood. Consequently the expression
# for H gives the hessian of the negative log likelihood, and is
# (or should be!!!) positive definite. Its inverse is an estimate
# of the covariance matrix of the parameter estimates.
H <- ndata*matrix(c(d2AdAlpha2,d2AdAlphaDbeta,d2AdAlphaDbeta,d2AdBeta2),nrow=2)
dimnames(H) <- list(c("alpha","beta"),c("alpha","beta"))
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