Man pages for deckgl
An R Interface to ''

add_arc_layerAdd an arc layer to the deckgl widget
add_basemapAdd a basemap to the deckgl widget
add_bitmap_layerAdd a bitmap layer to the deckgl widget
add_column_layerAdd a column layer to the deckgl widget
add_contour_layerAdd a contour layer to the deckgl widget
add_controlAdd a control to the widget
add_dataAdd JavaScript data file
add_geojson_layerAdd a geojson layer to the deckgl widget
add_great_circle_layerAdd a great circle layer to the deckgl widget
add_grid_cell_layerAdd a grid cell layer to the deckgl widget
add_grid_layerAdd a grid layer to the deckgl widget
add_h3_cluster_layerAdd a h3 cluster layer to the deckgl widget
add_h3_hexagon_layerAdd a h3 hexagon layer to the deckgl widget
add_heatmap_layerAdd a heatmap layer to the deckgl widget
add_hexagon_layerAdd a hexagon layer to the deckgl widget
add_icon_layerAdd an icon layer to the deckgl widget
add_json_editorAdd a JSON-editor to the deckgl widget
add_layerAdd any kind of layer to the deckgl widget
add_legendAdd a legend to the deckgl widget
add_legend_palAdd a legend to the deckgl widget using a palette func
add_line_layerAdd a line layer to the deckgl widget
add_mapbox_basemapAdd a basemap from mapbox to the deckgl widget
add_path_layerAdd a path layer to the deckgl widget
add_point_cloud_layerAdd a point cloud layer to the deckgl widget
add_polygon_layerAdd a polygon layer to the deckgl widget
add_raster_tile_layerAdd a raster tile layer to the deckgl widget
add_scatterplot_layerAdd a scatterplot layer to the deckgl widget
add_screen_grid_layerAdd a screen grid layer to the deckgl widget
add_sourceAdd a data source to the deckgl widget
add_source_as_depAdd source as JavaScript dep
add_text_layerAdd a text layer to the deckgl widget
bart_segmentsbart segments
bart_stationsbart stations
deckglCreate a deckgl widget
deckgl_proxyCreate a deckgl proxy object
deckgl-shinyShiny bindings for deckgl
does_it_workCheck if everything works fine
encode_icon_atlasEncode atlas image to base64
get_color_to_rgb_arrayCreate a getColor data accessor
get_dataGet data
get_first_elementCreate a data accessor retrieving the first element of an...
get_last_elementCreate a data accessor retrieving the last element of an...
get_positionCreate a getPosition data accessor
get_propertyCreate a data accessor
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
set_view_stateSet the view state of the map
sf_bike_parkingsf bike parking
update_deckglSend commands to a deckgl instance in a 'Shiny' app
use_carto_styleUse a Carto style
use_contour_definitionCreate a contour definition
use_default_icon_propertiesUse default icon properties
use_icon_definitionCreate an icon definition on an atlas image
use_tooltipCreate a tooltip property
deckgl documentation built on March 7, 2023, 5:37 p.m.