
#' The McCullochPitts neuron class, that implements the logic of the
#' McCullochPitts neuron model.
#' @field ws The matrix of weights that multiply the input vector, it can be a
#' vector, a matrix or an array.
#' @field bias The bias value.
#' @method initialize This runs when you instantiate the class, either with
#' \code{mcCullochPitts$new()} or \code{mcCullochPitts()}, the intent is to
#' create a new McCullochPitts neuron with given weights and bias.
#' @method output Gives the output of passing data to the neuron.
#' @param inputs The actual data to be fed to the nuron, this input's
#' dimentions vary with the chosen weights dimentions.
#' @return The computed value using the McCullochPitts model.
#' @method train Runs the training algorithm to adjust the weights and bias of
#' the neuron
#' @param ins The list of vectors of inputs to the first layer in the network
#' @param outs The list of vectors of outputs of the last layer in the network
#' @param epochs How many rounds of training to run
#' @param tax This is the learning rate, aka eta
#' @param maxErr A contition to early stop the training process
#' @return Vector of computed values of the same size of the last layer
#' @examples
#' # Create a dataset
#' dataset <- iris
#' dataset$Petal.Length <- NULL
#' dataset$Petal.Width <- NULL
#' dataset <- dataset[dataset$Species != "versicolor",]
#' dataset$Code <- as.integer(dataset$Species == "virginica")
#' dataset <- dataset[sample(20),]
#' # Create the neuron
#' neuron <- mcCullochPitts(c(1,1), 1)
#' # Train the neuron, takes a while
#' neuron$train(dataset[,c(1,2)], dataset[,'Code', drop=FALSE], epochs = 10)
#' # Check the output
#' neuron$output(c(1,2))
#' # See accuracy
#' dataset$Calc <- sapply(1:nrow(dataset), function(x) {
#'     as.integer(neuron$output(dataset[x,c(1,2)]))
#' })
#' length(which(dataset$Code==dataset$Calc))/nrow(dataset)
mcCullochPitts <- setRefClass(
    fields = list(ws = "numeric", bias = "numeric"),
    methods = list(
        initialize = function(ws, bias) {
            ws <<- ws
            bias <<- bias
        output = function(inputs) {
            sum(ws*inputs) - bias
        train = function(ins, out, epochs = 1, tax = .01, maxErr = 0) {
            for(i in 1:nrow(ins)){
                repeat {
                    err <- out[i,] - output(ins[i,])
                    ws <<- unlist(ws + tax*err*ins[i,], use.names = F)
                    bias <<- bias + err*tax

                    epochs <- epochs - 1
                    if (epochs < 1 || abs(err) < maxErr) {

#' The McCullochPittsLayer class, that implements a layer of McCullochPitts
#' neurons.
#' @field n The number of neurons to create in the layer
#' @field dims A vector of dimensions of the inputs to the layer
#' @field neurons A list with the internal neurons
#' @method initialize This runs when you instantiate the class, either with
#' \code{mcCullochPittsLayer$new()} or \code{mcCullochPittsLayer()}, the intent
#'  is to set up the layer of \code{n} McCullochPittsLayer neurons with random
#'  weights and biases.
#' @method output Gives the output of passing data to the layer.
#' @param input The actual data to be fed to the layer, this input's
#' dimentions vary with the chosen \code{n}.
#' @return The computed value using the McCullochPittsLayer model.
#' @method train Runs the training algorithm to adjust the weights and bias of
#' the neurons
#' @param ins The list of vectors of inputs to the first layer in the network
#' @param outs The list of vectors of outputs of the last layer in the network
#' @param epochs How many rounds of training to run
#' @param tax This is the learning rate, aka eta
#' @param maxErr A contition to early stop the training process
#' @return Vector of computed values of the same size of the last layer
mcCullochPittsLayer <- setRefClass(
    fields = list(n = "numeric", dims = "vector", neurons = "vector"),
    methods = list(
        initialize = function(n, len = 1) {
            n <<- n
            dims <<- c(n, len)
            neurons <<- replicate(n, mcCullochPitts(runif(len), runif(1)))
        output = function(input) {
            sapply(neurons, function(x) x$output(input))
        train = function(ins, outs, epochs = 1, tax = .01, maxErr = 0) {
            for (i in 1:n) {
                lapply(1:n, function(x) neurons[[x]]$train(ins, outs[i]))

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deep documentation built on Dec. 26, 2019, 5:06 p.m.