Man pages for detectRUNS
Detect Runs of Homozygosity and Runs of Heterozygosity in Diploid Genomes

chromosomeLengthFunction to found max position for each chromosome
consecutiveRunsFunction to detect consecutive runs in a vector (individual's...
consecutiveRunsCppFunction to detect consecutive runs in a vector (individual's...
consecutiveRUNS.runMain function to detect genomic RUNS (ROHom/ROHet) using the...
createRUNdfFunction to create a dataframe of RUNS per individual animal...
findOppositeAndMissingFunction to calculate oppositeAndMissingGenotypes array
Froh_inbreedingFunction to calculated Froh genome-wide or chromosome-wide
Froh_inbreedingClassFunction to calculated Froh using a ROH-class
genoConvertConvert 0/1/2 genotypes to 0/1
genoConvertCppConvert 0/1/2 genotypes to 0/1
heteroZygotTestFunction to check whether a window is (loosely) heterozygous...
heteroZygotTestCppFunction to check whether a window is (loosely) heterozygous...
homoZygotTestFunction to check whether a window is (loosely) homozygous or...
homoZygotTestCppFunction to check whether a window is (loosely) homozygous or...
pedConvertCppConvert ped genotypes to 0/1
plot_DistributionRunsPlot Distribution of runs
plot_InbreedingChrPlot Froh-based inbreeding coefficients by group
plot_manhattanRunsPlot the proportion of times SNPs are inside runs - MANHATTAN...
plot_PatternRunsPlot sum of run-lengths (or average run-lengths) against the...
plot_RunsFunction to plot runs per individual
plot_SnpsInRunsPlot the number of times each SNP falls inside runs
plot_StackedRunsPlot stacked runs
plot_ViolinRunsViolin plot of run length per individual (either sum or mean)
readExternalRunsRead runs from external files
readPOPCppFunction to return a dataframe of population (POP, ID)
reorderDFFunction to reorder data frames by CHROMOSOME
slidingRunsFunction to detect runs using sliding window approach
slidingRUNS.runMain function to detect RUNS (ROHom/ROHet) using sliding...
slidingWindowFunction to slide a window over a vector (individual's...
slidingWindowCppFunction to slide a window over a vector (individual's...
snpInRunFunction to return a vector of T/F for whether a SNP is or...
snpInRunCppFunction to return a vector of T/F for whether a SNP is or...
snpInsideRunsFunction to count number of times a SNP is in a RUN
snpInsideRunsCppFunction to count number of times a SNP is in a RUN
summaryRunsSummary statistics on detected runs
tableRunsFunction to retrieve most common runs in the population
writeRUNFunction to write out RUNS per individual animal
detectRUNS documentation built on Oct. 30, 2019, 11:41 a.m.