#' @title
#' Productivity Dynamics
#' @description
#' Productivity dynamics reflect firm contributions to
#' productivity growth over periods when firms enter or
#' exit an industry. \code{dynamics} summarises a series
#' of decomposition methods that are centred on the contributions
#' from incumbents, entrants and exits. It applies to other
#' weighted aggregation measures analogous to aggregate productivity
#' as well.
#' @param df A data frame sorted by the time period column.
#' @param x A string indicating the productivity (or analogous measures) column.
#' @param s A string indicating the market share column.
#' @param id A string indicating the identity column.
#' @param tm A string indicating the time period column.
#' @param typ Relevant types of productivity dynamics. Options include "df" for
#' Diewert-Fox decomposition (by default), "bhc" for Baily-Hulten-Campbell, "gr" for
#' Griliches-Regev, "fhk" for Foster-Haltiwanger-Krizan, "bg" for Baldwin-Gu, and
#' "mp" for Melitz-Polanec.
#' @return
#' A data frame consisting of the time period and firm contributions.
#' @usage
#' dynamics(df, x, s, id, tm, typ = "df")
#' @examples
#' # Use the built-in data set "firms"
#' # DF decomposition of firm dynamics
#' dym_df <- dynamics(firms, "tfp", "s", "id", "t")
#' # BG decomposition of firm dynamics
#' dym_bg <- dynamics(firms, "tfp", "s", "id", "t", "bg")
#' @export
dynamics <- function(df, x, s, id, tm, typ = "df") {
# data preparation
df <- df[, c(x, s, id, tm)]
tm_vec <- unique(df[, tm])
# data segment
dym_out <- lapply(1:(length(tm_vec)-1), function(y) {
df_seg <- df[df[, tm]==tm_vec[y] | df[, tm]==tm_vec[y+1], ]
# label=1 for matched firms, 2 for new, 3 for disappearing
label <- duplicated(df_seg[, id]) + duplicated(df_seg[, id], fromLast = TRUE)
label[df_seg[, tm]==tm_vec[y+1] & label==0] <- 2
label[df_seg[, tm]==tm_vec[y] & label==0] <- 3
# relative share
names(df_seg) <- c("tfp", "share", "firm", "period")
df_seg <- cbind(df_seg, label)
df_seg <- merge(df_seg, aggregate(share~label+period, data=df_seg, sum), by=c("label", "period"), suffixes = c("", "_sum"))
df_seg[, "share_relative"] <- df_seg[, "share"]/df_seg[, "share_sum"]
# rearrange data
df_seg <- df_seg[order(df_seg[, "firm"], df_seg[, "period"]),]
if (df_seg[1, "period"] != tm_vec[y]) {
df_seg <- df_seg[nrow(df_seg):1, ]
label <- df_seg[, "label"]
period <- df_seg[, "period"]==tm_vec[y+1]
s_1 <- df_seg[, "share"]
s_re_1 <- df_seg[, "share_relative"]
p_1 <- df_seg[, "tfp"]
# lag values of productivity and share
re_tick <- !duplicated(df_seg[, "firm"])
s_0 <- c(NA, s_1[-nrow(df_seg)])
s_0[re_tick] <- NA
p_0 <- c(NA, p_1[-nrow(df_seg)])
p_0[re_tick] <- NA
s_re_0 <- c(NA, s_re_1[-nrow(df_seg)])
s_re_0[re_tick] <- NA
# firm dynamics with different methods
p_dym <- switch(typ, "bhc" = bhc_dym(p_0, p_1, s_0, s_1, label),
"gr" = gr_dym(p_0, p_1, s_0, s_1, label, period),
"fhk" = fhk_dym(p_0, p_1, s_0, s_1, label, period),
"bg" = bg_dym(p_0, p_1, s_0, s_1, label, period),
"df" = df_dym(p_0, p_1, s_0, s_1, s_re_0, s_re_1, label, period),
"mp" = mp_dym(p_0, p_1, s_0, s_1, s_re_0, s_re_1, label, period)
dym_out <-, dym_out)
dym_out <- data.frame(tm_vec[-1], dym_out)
colnames(dym_out) <- switch(typ, "bhc" = c(tm, "within", "between", "entry", "exit"),
"gr" = c(tm, "within", "between", "entry", "exit"),
"fhk" = c(tm, "within", "between", "cross", "entry", "exit"),
"bg" = c(tm, "within", "between", "entry", "exit"),
"df" = c(tm, "within", "between", "entry", "exit"),
"mp" = c(tm, "mean", "covariance", "entry", "exit")
dym_out[, "total"] <- apply(dym_out[, -1], 1, sum)
#' @title
#' Baily-Hulten-Campbell decomposition
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
bhc_dym <- function(p_0, p_1, s_0, s_1, label) {
# within effect
tfp_diff_lagshare <- (p_1-p_0)*s_0
wi <- sum(tfp_diff_lagshare[label==1], na.rm = TRUE)
# between effect
share_diff_tfp <- (s_1-s_0)*p_1
bt <- sum(share_diff_tfp[label==1],na.rm = TRUE)
# entry effect
tfp_times_share <- p_1*s_1
ent <- sum(tfp_times_share[label==2],na.rm = TRUE)
# exit effect
ex <- -sum(tfp_times_share[label==3],na.rm = TRUE)
# summary
p_out <- c(wi, bt, ent, ex)
#' @title
#' Griliches-Regev decomposition
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
gr_dym <- function(p_0, p_1, s_0, s_1, label, period) {
# within effect
tfp_diff_avgshare <- (p_1-p_0)*(s_0+s_1)*0.5
wi <- sum(tfp_diff_avgshare[label==1],na.rm = TRUE)
# between effect
tfp_times_share <- p_1*s_1
avg_sum <- (sum(tfp_times_share[period==1],na.rm = TRUE)
+sum(tfp_times_share[period==0],na.rm = TRUE))*0.5
share_diff_avgtfp <- (s_1-s_0)*(p_1+p_0-2*avg_sum)*0.5
bt <- sum(share_diff_avgtfp[label==1],na.rm = TRUE)
# entry effect
deltatfp_times_share <- (p_1-avg_sum)*s_1
ent <- sum(deltatfp_times_share[label==2],na.rm = TRUE)
# exit effect
ex <- -sum(deltatfp_times_share[label==3],na.rm = TRUE)
# summary
p_out <- c(wi, bt, ent, ex)
#' @title
#' Foster-Haltiwanger-Krizan decomposition
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
fhk_dym <- function(p_0, p_1, s_0, s_1, label, period) {
# within effect
tfp_diff_lagshare <- (p_1-p_0)*s_0
wi <- sum(tfp_diff_lagshare[label==1],na.rm = TRUE)
# between effect
tfp_times_share <- p_1*s_1
lag_sum <- sum(tfp_times_share[period==0],na.rm = TRUE)
share_diff_deltalagtfp <- (s_1-s_0)*(p_0-lag_sum)
bt <- sum(share_diff_deltalagtfp[label==1],na.rm = TRUE)
# cross effect
tfp_diff_share_diff <- (p_1-p_0)*(s_1-s_0)
crs <- sum(tfp_diff_share_diff[label==1],na.rm = TRUE)
# entry effect
deltalagtfp_times_share <- (p_1-lag_sum)*s_1
ent <- sum(deltalagtfp_times_share[label==2],na.rm = TRUE)
# exit effect
ex <- -sum(deltalagtfp_times_share[label==3],na.rm = TRUE)
# summary
p_out <- c(wi, bt, crs, ent, ex)
#' @title
#' Baldwin-Gu decomposition
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
bg_dym <- function(p_0, p_1, s_0, s_1, label, period) {
# within effect
tfp_diff_avgshare <- (p_1-p_0)*(s_0+s_1)*0.5
wi <- sum(tfp_diff_avgshare[label==1],na.rm = TRUE)
# between effect
tfp_times_share <- p_1*s_1
exit_sum <- sum(tfp_times_share[label==3],na.rm = TRUE)/
sum(s_1[label==3],na.rm = TRUE)
share_diff_deltaexittfp <- (s_1-s_0)*(p_1+p_0-2*exit_sum)*0.5
bt <- sum(share_diff_deltaexittfp[label==1],na.rm = TRUE)
# entry effect
deltaexittfp_times_share <- (p_1-exit_sum)*s_1
ent <- sum(deltaexittfp_times_share[label==2],na.rm = TRUE)
# exit effect
ex <- -sum(deltaexittfp_times_share[label==3],na.rm = TRUE)
# summary
p_out <- c(wi, bt, ent, ex)
#' @title
#' Diewert-Fox decomposition
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
df_dym <- function(p_0, p_1, s_0, s_1, s_re_0, s_re_1, label, period) {
# within effect
tfp_diff_newshare <- (p_1-p_0)*(s_re_1+s_re_0)*0.5
wi <- sum(tfp_diff_newshare[label==1],na.rm = TRUE)
# bewteen effect
newshare_diff_tfp <- (s_re_1-s_re_0)*(p_1+p_0)*0.5
bt <- sum(newshare_diff_tfp[label==1],na.rm = TRUE)
# entry effect
tfp_times_share <- p_1*s_1
match_sum <- sum(tfp_times_share[label==1 & period==1],na.rm = TRUE)/
sum(s_1[label==1 & period==1],na.rm = TRUE)
newshare_diff_deltamatchtfp <- s_re_1*(p_1-match_sum)
ent <- sum(newshare_diff_deltamatchtfp[label==2],na.rm = TRUE)*
sum(s_1[label==2],na.rm = TRUE)
# exit effect
lagmatch_sum <- sum(tfp_times_share[label==1 & period==0],na.rm = TRUE)/
sum(s_1[label==1 & period==0],na.rm = TRUE)
newshare_diff_deltalagmatchtfp <- s_re_1*(p_1-lagmatch_sum)
ex <- -sum(newshare_diff_deltalagmatchtfp[label==3],na.rm = TRUE)*
sum(s_1[label==3],na.rm = TRUE)
# summary
p_out <- c(wi, bt, ent, ex)
#' @title
#' Melitz-Polanec decomposition
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
mp_dym <- function(p_0, p_1, s_0, s_1, s_re_0, s_re_1, label, period) {
# mean effect
avg_match <- mean(p_1[label==1 & period==1],na.rm = TRUE)
avg_lagmatch <- mean(p_1[label==1 & period==0],na.rm = TRUE)
mean <- avg_match-avg_lagmatch
# covariance effect
avg_share <- 2/sum(label==1)
cov_diff <- (s_re_1-avg_share)*(p_1-avg_match)-
cov <- sum(cov_diff[label==1],na.rm = TRUE)
# entry effect
tfp_times_share <- p_1*s_1
match_sum <- sum(tfp_times_share[label==1 & period==1],na.rm = TRUE)/
sum(s_1[label==1 & period==1],na.rm = TRUE)
newshare_diff_deltamatchtfp <- s_re_1*(p_1-match_sum)
ent <- sum(newshare_diff_deltamatchtfp[label==2],na.rm = TRUE)*
sum(s_1[label==2],na.rm = TRUE)
# exit effect
lagmatch_sum <- sum(tfp_times_share[label==1 & period==0],na.rm = TRUE)/
sum(s_1[label==1 & period==0],na.rm = TRUE)
newshare_diff_deltalagmatchtfp <- s_re_1*(p_1-lagmatch_sum)
ex <- -sum(newshare_diff_deltalagmatchtfp[label==3],na.rm = TRUE)*
sum(s_1[label==3],na.rm = TRUE)
# summary
p_out <- c(mean, cov, ent, ex)
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