
Defines functions MeasureNetworkInformation

Documented in MeasureNetworkInformation

#' Measure how much a network informs a particular network measure
#' Given an \code{igraph} network, repeatedly perturb the graph and take some 
#' measure of the network to see how much the measure varies, then return
#' a measure that increases as the precision of the function values increases.
#' This function can vary tremendously based on the network measure being
#' considered and the other parameters.  It is only recommended that this
#' be used for comparing the informativeness of two networks on
#' the same set of nodes, keeping all the parameters the same.
#' @param g igraph, graph to measure
#' @param FUN function, a function that takes an igraph and returns a value for each node in the network.
#' @param remove.share numeric, fraction of the edges that are removed randomly when perturbing the network.
#' @param sample.size numeric, number of perturbed graphs to generate
#' @param progress.bar logical, if TRUE then a progress bar is shown.
#' @return numeric, mean precision of the measure \code{FUN} across the network
#' @export
#' @references
#' \url{https://github.com/shaptonstahl/dils}
#' @author Stephen R. Haptonstahl \email{srh@@haptonstahl.org}
#' @details Here information is measured as 1 / mean across and perturbed graphs
#' nodes of the relative error of a network node measure.
#' Specifically, \code{FUN} is applied to the graph \code{g} to generate reference
#' values.  Some \code{sample.size} copies of the igraph are generated.  For each, 
#' \code{round(remove.share * n.edges)} randomly selected edges are dropped to
#' generate a perturbed graph.  For each perturbed graph \code{FUN} is applied,
#' generating a value for each node in the network.  For each node the relative error
#' \deqn{|\frac{measure of perturbed g - measure of g}{measure of g}|}{abs( (measure of perturbed g - measure of g) / measure of g )}
#' is calculated, then the mean of these across nodes and perturbed graphs is calculated,
#' generating a mean relative error for the network. This value is reciprocated
#' to get a measure of precision.
#' This measure appears to be very sensitive to the choice of \code{FUN}.
#' @examples
#' g.rand <- random.graph.game(100, 5/100)
#' m.rand <- MeasureNetworkInformation(g.rand)
#' m.rand
#' pf <- matrix( c(.8, .2, .3, .7), nr=2)
#' g.pref <- preference.game(100, 2, pref.matrix=pf)
#' m.pref <- MeasureNetworkInformation(g.pref)
#' m.pref
#' m.pref / m.rand  # Relative informativeness of this preference graph
#'                  # to this random graph with respect to betweenness
#' \dontrun{
#' prob.of.link <- c(1:50)/100
#' mnis <- sapply(prob.of.link, function(p) 
#'   MeasureNetworkInformation(random.graph.game(100, p)))
#' plot(prob.of.link, mnis, 
#'      type="l",
#'      main="Network Information of random graphs",
#'      xlab="probability of link formation",
#'      ylab="information")
#' mtext("with respect to betweenness measure", line=0.5)}
MeasureNetworkInformation <- function(g, 
                                      progress.bar=FALSE) {
  n.nodes <- vcount(g)
  draws <- matrix(0, nrow=sample.size, ncol=n.nodes)
  SampleIgraph <- function(g, remove.share=.2) {
    n.edges <- ecount(g)
    edges.to.remove <- sample(1:n.edges, round(remove.share * n.edges))
    out <- delete.edges(g, E(g)[edges.to.remove])
  if(progress.bar) pb <- txtProgressBar(max=sample.size + 1, style=2)
  ref.values <- do.call(FUN, list(g))
  ref.values[ref.values == 0] <- NA
  if(progress.bar) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 1)
  for(k in 1:sample.size) {
    this.g <- SampleIgraph(g, remove.share=remove.share)
    relative.errors <- abs((do.call(FUN, list(this.g)) - ref.values)/ref.values)
    draws[k,] <- relative.errors
    if(progress.bar) setTxtProgressBar(pb, k + 1)
  if(progress.bar) close(pb)
  return( 1 / mean(draws, na.rm=TRUE) )

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dils documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:28 a.m.