Direction analysis for pathways and kinases



`directPA' is a package designed to identify combinatorial effects of multiple treatments and/or perturbations on pathways and kinases profiled by microarray, RNA-seq, proteomics, or phosphoproteomics data.

Download and install

The relsease version can be downloaded from CRAN link;

Install the release version from CRAN with install.packages("directPA")


I. for kinase anlaysis on a phosphoproteomics dataset (Humphrey et al. Cell Metab., 2013)

# load the phosphoproteomics dataset

# load the kinase-substrate annoations

# direction pathway analysis in 2-dimensional space. Implemented as rotating by degree 
# (1) test combined effect of Torin1 and Rapamycin vs insul both on "down-regulation"
# (180 degree to original direction)
kPA <- kinasePA(Tc=HEK, direction=pi, annotation=PhosphoSite.mouse)
# rank substrates on the direciton of interest

# (2) test combined effect of Torin1 and Rapamycin vs insul on "no change and down-regulation"
# (135 degree to the original direction) 
kPA <- kinasePA(Tc=HEK, direction=pi*3/4, annotation=PhosphoSite.mouse)

# (3) test combined effect of Torin1 and Rapamycin vs insul on "down-regulation and no change"
# (225 degree to the original direction) 
kPA <- kinasePA(Tc=HEK, direction=pi*5/4, annotation=PhosphoSite.mouse)

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directPA documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 1:08 a.m.