Man pages for diseq
Estimation Methods for Markets in Equilibrium and Disequilibrium

coefEstimated coefficients of a fitted market model.
diseqEstimation of models for markets in equilibrium and...
equation_classesEquation classes
estimateModel estimation.
formula-market_model-methodMarket model formula.
housesCredit market data for US housing starts
initialize_market_modelModel initialization
logLikLog likelihood of a fitted market model.
marginal_effectsMarginal effects
market_aggregationMarket side aggregation.
market_descriptivesMarket side descriptive statistics
market_modelsMarket model classes
market_quantitiesEstimated market quantities.
market_simulationMarket model simulation
maximize_log_likelihoodMaximize the log-likelihood.
minus_log_likelihoodMinus log-likelihood.
model_logger-classLogger class
model_nameModel description.
nobsNumber of observations.
plotPlots the fitted model.
scoresLikelihood scores.
shortage_analysisAnalysis of shortages
showPrints a short description of the model.
single_call_estimationSingle call estimation
summariesModel and fit summaries
system_classesSystem classes
variable_namesVariable name access
vcovVariance-covariance matrix for a fitted market model.
diseq documentation built on June 2, 2022, 1:10 a.m.