
".getInterval" <- function(time)
    ## Value: numeric; the mode of intervals between time readings
    ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Arguments: time=POSIXct
    ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Sebastian Luque
    ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (length(time) < 2) {
        interval <- 0
    } else {
        tab <- table(difftime(time[-1], time[-length(time)],
                              units="secs", tz="GMT"))
        interval <- as.numeric(names(tab[which.max(tab)]))

##' @describeIn createTDR Create TDR object from file
"readTDR" <- function(file, dateCol=1, timeCol=2, depthCol=3, speed=FALSE,
                      subsamp=5, concurrentCols=4:6,
                      dtformat="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", tz="GMT", ...)
    ## Value: TDR or TDRspeed object from *.csv file
    ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Arguments: file=path to file or connection to read from, or a
    ## text-mode connection; dateCol=col no. with date, timeCol=col
    ## no. with time, depthCol=col no. with depth, speedCol=col no. with
    ## speed; subsamp=subsample at this interval; dtformat=format to
    ## interpret the pasted date and time columns; tz=time zone to assume;
    ## ...=passed to read.csv()
    ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Sebastian Luque
    ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (inherits(file, "connection") || file.exists(file)) {
        srcfile <- ifelse(inherits(file, "connection"),
    } else {
        stop ("'file' must be a path to a file, or a connection")
    rawdat <- read.csv(file, ...)
    names(rawdat) <- tolower(names(rawdat))
    rawdat.ncol <- seq(ncol(rawdat))
    dtpasted <- paste(rawdat[, dateCol], rawdat[, timeCol])
    datetime <- as.POSIXct(strptime(dtpasted, format=dtformat), tz=tz)
    origint <- .getInterval(datetime)
    if(!identical(all.equal(origint, subsamp), TRUE)) {
        steptim <- as.numeric((subsamp) / origint)
        stepind <- seq(from=1, to=length(datetime), by=round(steptim))
        datetime <- datetime[stepind]
        rawdat <- rawdat[stepind, ]
    goodcc <- concurrentCols[is.finite(concurrentCols)]
    okconcurCols <- goodcc %in% rawdat.ncol
    allbadcc <- all(!okconcurCols)
    somebadcc <- any(!okconcurCols) && !allbadcc
    if (somebadcc) { # warn of no concurrent data later
        warning(paste("Columns", concurrentCols[!okconcurCols],
                      "given as concurrentCols could not be found\n"))
    if (allbadcc && !is.null(concurrentCols)) {
        warning("None of the columns given as concurrentCols exist\n")
        tdr <- new("TDR", file=srcfile, time=datetime,
                   depth=rawdat[, depthCol],
    } else {
        concurrentCols <- concurrentCols[okconcurCols]
        ccData <- as.data.frame(rawdat[, concurrentCols[okconcurCols]])
        names(ccData) <- names(rawdat)[concurrentCols[okconcurCols]]
        tdr <- new("TDR", file=srcfile, time=datetime,
                   depth=rawdat[, depthCol],
    if (speed) as.TDRspeed(tdr) else tdr

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diveMove documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:43 a.m.