
Defines functions construct_cached_file_path .is_url construct_processed_filename set_app_cache_dir app_cache_dir

Documented in app_cache_dir construct_cached_file_path construct_processed_filename .is_url set_app_cache_dir

# Copyright 2021 Bedford Freeman & Worth Pub Grp LLC DBA Macmillan Learning.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

#' Path to an App Cache Directory
#' App cache directories can depend on the user's operating system and an
#' overall \code{R_USER_CACHE_DIR} environment variable. We also respect a
#' per-app option (\code{appname.dir}), and a per-app environment variable
#' (\code{APPNAME_CACHE_DIR}. This function returns the path that will be used
#' for a given app's cache.
#' @param appname Character; the name of the application that will "own" the
#'   cache, such as the name of a package.
#' @return The full path to the app's cache directory.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' app_cache_dir("myApp")
app_cache_dir <- function(appname) {
  cache_env <- Sys.getenv(paste0(toupper(appname), "_CACHE_DIR"))
  if (cache_env == "") cache_env <- NULL

  cache_dir <- getOption(paste0(appname, ".dir")) %||%
    cache_env %||%
    rappdirs::user_cache_dir(appname = appname)


#' Set a Cache Directory for an App
#' Override the default paths used by \code{\link{app_cache_dir}}.
#' @inheritParams app_cache_dir
#' @param cache_dir Character scalar; a path to a cache directory.
#' @return A normalized path to a cache directory. The directory is created if
#'   the user has write access and the directory does not exist. An option is
#'   also set so future calls to \code{\link{app_cache_dir}} will respect the
#'   change.
#' @export
#' @examplesIf interactive()
#' # Executing this function creates a cache directory.
#' set_app_cache_dir(appname = "dlr", cache_dir = "/my/cache/path")
set_app_cache_dir <- function(appname, cache_dir = NULL) {
  # Testing this creates directories on the user's system, so I am testing this
  # manually for now.

  # nocov start
  cache_dir <- cache_dir %||%
    app_cache_dir(appname = appname)
  cache_dir <- fs::path_norm(cache_dir)

  if (!file.exists(cache_dir)) {
    fs::dir_create(cache_dir, recurse = TRUE)
  } else {
    # file.access returns 0 for success because it hates clean code. The user
    # has to have read permissions for this function.
    if (file.access(cache_dir, 4) != 0) {
        message = paste("You do not have read access to", cache_dir),
        class = "dir_read_error"

  options(rlang::set_names(list(cache_dir), paste0(appname, ".dir")))

  # nocov end

#' Construct Processed Filename
#' Given the path to a file, construct a unique filename using the hash of the
#' path.
#' @param source_path Character scalar; the full path to the source file.
#' @param extension Character scalar; an optional filename extension.
#' @return A unique filename for a processed version of the file.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' construct_processed_filename(
#'   source_path = "my/file.txt",
#'   extension = "rds"
#' )
construct_processed_filename <- function(source_path,
                                         extension = "") {
  just_name <- basename(source_path)
  dirpath <- dirname(source_path)

  # Hack to make this useful for both URLs and local files.
  if (!.is_url(source_path)) {
    dirpath <- fs::path_norm(source_path)

  path_hash <- digest::digest(dirpath, algo = "xxhash32")

  # Deal with various ways someone might try to say "no extension".
  if (is.null(extension) || length(extension) == 0) extension <- ""

  # Stitch it all together.
  full_filename <- fs::path(
    paste(just_name, path_hash, sep = "."),
    ext = extension


#' Determine if Path is a URL
#' @param source_path Character; the path to check.
#' @return Logical indicating whether that looks like a url (\code{TRUE} if it
#'   starts with \code{http://}, \code{http://}, \code{http://}, or
#'   \code{http://}, \code{FALSE} otherwise).
#' @keywords internal
.is_url <- function(source_path) {
  grepl("^(ht|f)tps?://", source_path)

#' Construct Cache Path
#' Construct the full path to the cached version of a file within a particular
#' app's cache, using the source path of the file to make sure the cache
#' filename is unique.
#' @inheritParams construct_processed_filename
#' @inheritParams app_cache_dir
#' @return The full path to the processed version of source_path in the app's
#'   cache directory.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' construct_cached_file_path(
#'   source_path = "my/file.txt",
#'   appname = "dlr",
#'   extension = "rds"
#' )
construct_cached_file_path <- function(source_path,
                                       extension = "") {
          source_path = source_path,
          extension = extension

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dlr documentation built on Sept. 18, 2021, 5:07 p.m.