
Defines functions as_xml.dmdSchemeSet

Documented in as_xml.dmdSchemeSet

#' @importFrom xml2 xml_new_root xml_attrs xml_attr xml_add_child
#' @rdname as_xml
#' @export
as_xml.dmdSchemeSet <- function(
  output = "metadata",
) {
  outputValues <- c("metadata", "complete")
  if (!(output %in% outputValues)) {
    stop("Wrong value for 'output'. 'output' has to be one of the following values:", paste(outputValues, collapse = " "))

# Add dmdSchemeVersion ----------------------------------------------------

  xml <- xml2::xml_new_root( "dmdScheme" )
  xml2::xml_attrs(xml) <-  c(
    fileName = attr(x, "fileName"),
    dmdSchemeName = attr(x, "dmdSchemeName"),
    dmdSchemeVersion = attr(x, "dmdSchemeVersion"),
    propertyName     = attr(x, "propertyName"),
    output = output

# Add attributes if output == complete ------------------------------------

  if (output == "complete") {
    xml2::xml_attr(xml, "class") <- paste(class(x), collapse = " #%# ")
    xml2::xml_attr(xml, "names") <- paste(attr(x, "names"), collapse = " #%# ")

# Call as_xml() on list objects --------------------------------

  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
    xml2::xml_add_child(xml, as_xml(x[[i]], output = output))

# Return xml --------------------------------------------------------------


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dmdScheme documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 9:06 a.m.