# Development of a dorng equivalent to dopar for reproducible loops
# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
# Creation: 17 Aug 2011
# or-NULL operator (borrowed from Hadley Wickham)
'%||%' <- function(x, y) if( !is.null(x) ) x else y
#' @importFrom utils head
.collapse <- function(x, n=length(x), sep=', '){
res <- paste(if( missing(n) ) x else head(x, n), collapse=', ')
if( length(x) > n )
res <- paste(res, '...', sep=', ')
#' Back Compatibility Option for doRNG
#' Sets the behaviour of %dorng% foreach loops from a
#' given version number.
#' @section Behaviour changes in versions:
#' \describe{
#' \item{1.4}{ The behaviour of \code{doRNGseed}, and therefore of
#' `%dorng%` loops, changed in the case where the current RNG was
#' L'Ecuyer-CMRG.
#' Using \code{set.seed} before a non-seeded loop used not to be identical
#' to seeding via \code{.options.RNG}.
#' Another bug was that non-seeded loops would share most of their RNG seed!
#' }
#' \item{1.7.4}{Prior to this version, in the case where the RNG had not been called yet,
#' the first seeded `%dorng%` loops would not give the identical results as
#' subsequent loops despite using the same seed
#' (see \url{}).
#' This has been fixed in version 1.7.4, where the RNG is called once (\code{sample(NA)}),
#' whenever the .Random.seed is not found in global environment.
#' }
#' }
#' @param x version number to switch to, or missing to get the currently
#' active version number, or \code{NULL} to reset to the default behaviour,
#' i.e. of the latest version.
#' @return a character string
#' If \code{x} is missing this function returns the version number from the
#' current behaviour.
#' If \code{x} is specified, the function returns the old value of the
#' version number (invisible).
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{ registerDoSEQ() }
#' ## Seeding when current RNG is L'Ecuyer-CMRG
#' RNGkind("L'Ecuyer")
#' doRNGversion("1.4")
#' # in version >= 1.4 seeding behaviour changed to fix a bug
#' set.seed(123)
#' res <- foreach(i=1:3) %dorng% runif(1)
#' res2 <- foreach(i=1:3) %dorng% runif(1)
#' stopifnot( !identical(attr(res, 'rng')[2:3], attr(res2, 'rng')[1:2]) )
#' res3 <- foreach(i=1:3, .options.RNG=123) %dorng% runif(1)
#' stopifnot( identical(res, res3) )
#' # buggy behaviour in version < 1.4
#' doRNGversion("1.3")
#' res <- foreach(i=1:3) %dorng% runif(1)
#' res2 <- foreach(i=1:3) %dorng% runif(1)
#' stopifnot( identical(attr(res, 'rng')[2:3], attr(res2, 'rng')[1:2]) )
#' res3 <- foreach(i=1:3, .options.RNG=123) %dorng% runif(1)
#' stopifnot( !identical(res, res3) )
#' # restore default RNG
#' RNGkind("default")
#' # restore to current doRNG version
#' doRNGversion(NULL)
doRNGversion <- local({
currentV <- "1.7.4" #as.character(packageVersion('doRNG'))
cache <- currentV
if( missing(x) ) return(cache)
if( is.null(x) ) x <- currentV
# update cache and return old value
old <- cache
cache <<- x
#' @importFrom utils compareVersion
checkRNGversion <- function(x){
compareVersion(doRNGversion(), x)
doRNGseq <- function(n, seed=NULL, ...){
# compute sequence using rngtools::RNGseq
# library(rngtools)
res <- RNGseq(n, seed, ..., version=if( checkRNGversion('1.4') >=0 ) 2 else 1, simplify = FALSE)
#' Getting Information About doRNG Foreach Backend
#' \code{infoDoRNG} returns information about the doRNG backend, e.g., version,
#' number of workers.
#' It is not meant to be called by the user.
#' @param data a list of data used by the backend
#' @param item the data item requested, as a character string
#' (e.g. 'name', 'workers', 'version')
#' @return \code{infoDoRNG} returns the requested info (usually as a character
#' string or a numeric value).
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Renaud Gaujoux
infoDoRNG <- function (data, item)
, workers = data$backend$info(data$backend$data, "workers")
, name = "doRNG"
, version = "doRNG 1.7.3"
#' @describeIn infoDoRNG implements the generic reproducible foreach backend. It should
#' not be called directly by the user.
#' @param obj a foreach description of the loop arguments
#' @param ex the lopp expression
#' @param envir the loop's evaluation environment
#' @param data configuration data of the doRNG backend
doRNG <- function (obj, ex, envir, data){
if( is.null(obj$options) )
obj$options <- list()
if( !'RNG' %in% names(obj$options) ){
obj$options$RNG <- if( !data$once || data$nseed==0 ){
#message("doRNG backend - use seed ", if( data$once ) "only once" else "for every loop", ":")
# data$nseed <- data$nseed + 1
# assign('data', data, pos=foreach:::.foreachGlobals)
rngBackend <- getDoBackend()
# increment number of calls to doRNG
rngBackend$data$nseed <- rngBackend$data$nseed + 1
# directly register (temporarly) the computing backend
on.exit({setDoBackend(rngBackend)}, add=TRUE)
setDoBackend(rngBackend$data$backend)`%dorng%`, list(obj, ex), envir = envir)
##% Get/Sets the registered foreach backend's data
getDoBackend <- function(){
# one has to get the complete set of backend data from within the foreach Namespace
foreach_ns <- asNamespace('foreach')
# .foreachGlobals <- get('.foreachGlobals', foreach_ns)
.foreachGlobals <- ns_get('.foreachGlobals', foreach_ns)
# getDoPar <- get('getDoPar', foreach_ns)
getDoPar <- ns_get('getDoPar', foreach_ns)
, info= if( exists("info", where = .foreachGlobals, inherits = FALSE) ) .foreachGlobals$info else function(data, item) NULL)
setDoBackend <- function(backend){
ob <- getDoBackend(), backend)
.getDoParName <- function(backend = getDoBackend(), version = FALSE)
if ( !is.null(backend[['info']]) ){
res <- backend[['info']](backend[['data']], "name")
if( version ) paste0(res, '(', backend[['info']](backend[['data']], "version"), ')')
#' Reproducible Parallel Foreach Backend
#' `%dorng%` is a foreach operator that provides an alternative operator
#' `%dopar%`, which enable reproducible foreach loops to be performed.
#' @param obj a foreach object as returned by a call to \code{\link{foreach}}.
#' @param ex the \code{R} expression to evaluate.
#' @return `%dorng%` returns the result of the foreach loop. See [foreach::%dopar%].
#' The whole sequence of RNG seeds is stored in the result object as an attribute.
#' Use \code{attr(res, 'rng')} to retrieve it.
#' @section Global options:
#' These options are for advanced users that develop `foreach backends:
#' * 'doRNG.rng_change_warning_skip': if set to a single logical `FALSE/TRUE`, it indicates
#' whether a warning should be thrown if the RNG seed is changed by the registered
#' parallel backend (default=FALSE).
#' Set it to `TRUE` if you know that running your backend will change the RNG state and
#' want to disable the warning.
#' This option can also be set to a character vector that specifies the name(s) of the backend(s)
#' for which the warning should be skipped.
#' @importFrom iterators iter
#' @export
#' @usage obj \%dorng\% ex
#' @seealso \code{\link{foreach}}, \code{\link[doParallel]{doParallel}}
#' , \code{\link[doParallel]{registerDoParallel}}, \code{\link[doMPI]{doMPI}}
#' @examples
#' library(doParallel)
#' cl <- makeCluster(2)
#' registerDoParallel(cl)
#' # standard %dopar% loops are _not_ reproducible
#' set.seed(1234)
#' s1 <- foreach(i=1:4) %dopar% { runif(1) }
#' set.seed(1234)
#' s2 <- foreach(i=1:4) %dopar% { runif(1) }
#' identical(s1, s2)
#' # single %dorng% loops are reproducible
#' r1 <- foreach(i=1:4, .options.RNG=1234) %dorng% { runif(1) }
#' r2 <- foreach(i=1:4, .options.RNG=1234) %dorng% { runif(1) }
#' identical(r1, r2)
#' # the sequence os RNG seed is stored as an attribute
#' attr(r1, 'rng')
#' # stop cluster
#' stopCluster(cl)
#' # More examples can be found in demo `doRNG`
#' \dontrun{
#' demo('doRNG')
#' }
#' @demo Some features of the %dorng% foreach operator
#' library(doRNG)
#' library(doParallel)
#' if( .Platform$OS.type == "unix" ){
#' registerDoParallel(2)
#' # single %dorng% loops are reproducible
#' r1 <- foreach(i=1:4, .options.RNG=1234) %dorng% { runif(1) }
#' r2 <- foreach(i=1:4, .options.RNG=1234) %dorng% { runif(1) }
#' identical(r1, r2)
#' # the sequence os RNG seed is stored as an attribute
#' attr(r1, 'rng')
#' # sequences of %dorng% loops are reproducible
#' set.seed(1234)
#' s1 <- foreach(i=1:4) %dorng% { runif(1) }
#' s2 <- foreach(i=1:4) %dorng% { runif(1) }
#' # two consecutive (unseed) %dorng% loops are not identical
#' identical(s1, s2)
#' # But the whole sequence of loops is reproducible
#' set.seed(1234)
#' s1.2 <- foreach(i=1:4) %dorng% { runif(1) }
#' s2.2 <- foreach(i=1:4) %dorng% { runif(1) }
#' identical(s1, s1.2) && identical(s2, s2.2)
#' # it gives the same result as with .options.RNG
#' identical(r1, s1)
#' }
#' # Works with SNOW-like and MPI clusters
#' # SNOW-like cluster
#' cl <- makeCluster(2)
#' registerDoParallel(cl)
#' s1 <- foreach(i=1:4, .options.RNG=1234) %dorng% { runif(1) }
#' s2 <- foreach(i=1:4, .options.RNG=1234) %dorng% { runif(1) }
#' identical(s1, s2)
#' stopCluster(cl)
#' registerDoSEQ()
#' # MPI cluster
#' library(doMPI)
#' cl <- startMPIcluster(2)
#' registerDoMPI(cl)
#' s1 <- foreach(i=1:4, .options.RNG=1234) %dorng% { runif(1) }
#' s2 <- foreach(i=1:4, .options.RNG=1234) %dorng% { runif(1) }
#' identical(s1, s2)
#' closeCluster(cl)
#' registerDoSEQ()
`%dorng%` <- function(obj, ex){
# str(obj)
# dump verbose messages if not in verbose mode
verbose <- !is.null(obj$verbose) && obj$verbose
if( !verbose ) message <- function(...) NULL
# exit if nested or conditional loop
if( any(c('xforeach', 'filteredforeach') %in% class(obj)) )
stop("nested/conditional foreach loops are not supported yet.\nSee the package's vignette for a work around.")
# if an RNG seed is provided then setup random streams
# and add the list of RNGs to use as an iterated arguments for %dopar%
# library(parallel)
N_elem <- length(as.list(iter(obj)))
obj$argnames <- c(obj$argnames, '')
obj$args$ <- rep(NA_integer_, N_elem)
# make sure the RNG seed is initialized by calling getRNG()
if( is.null(RNGseed()) ){
if( checkRNGversion("1.7.4") >= 0 ){
message("NOTE -- .Random.seed is not initialized: sampling once to ensure reproducibility.")
warning(paste0(".Random.seed is not initialized: results might not be reproducible.\n ",
"Update to doRNG version >= 1.7.4 to get a fix for this issue."))
# restore current RNG on exit if a seed is passed
rngSeed <-
if( !is.null(obj$options$RNG) ){
# setup current RNG restoration
RNG.old <- RNGseed()
on.exit({RNGseed(RNG.old)}, add=TRUE)
# extract RNG setting from object if possible (do not resolve single seed)
rngSeed <- getRNG(obj$options$RNG, num.ok=TRUE) %||% obj$options$RNG
# ensure it is a list
# NB: unnamed lists are sequences of seeds
if( !is.list(rngSeed) || is.null(names(rngSeed)) ){
rngSeed <- list(rngSeed)
# message("* Seed specification: ", str_out(rngSeed, 6, total = length(rngSeed) > 6))
# generate a sequence of streams
# print("before RNGseq")
# showRNG()
obj$args$ <-, c(list(n=N_elem, verbose=obj$verbose), rngSeed))
# print("after RNGseq")
# showRNG()
message("* Registered backend: ", .getDoParName(version = TRUE))
dp <- getDoParName()
# directly register (temporarly) the computing backend
if( !is.null(dp) && dp == 'doRNG' ){
rngBackend <- getDoBackend()
message("* Registering computing backend: ", .getDoParName(rngBackend$data$backend, version = TRUE))
message("* Restoring previous backend: ", .getDoParName(rngBackend))
}, add=TRUE)
dp <- getDoParName()
# TODO: figure out why doMPI draws once from the current RNG (must be linked
# to using own code to setup L'Ecuyer RNG)
# restore RNG settings as after RNGseq if doSEQ is the backend and no seed was passed
if( is.null(obj$options$RNG) ){
RNG.old <- RNGseed()
rng_type_changed <- !identical(RNGtype(), RNGtype(RNG.old))
warning_skip <- getOption("doRNG.rng_change_warning_skip", FALSE)
force_warning <- getOption("doRNG.rng_change_warning_force", FALSE)
known_changing_cases <- is.null(dp) || dp %in% c("doSEQ", "doMPI") ||
(is.logical(warning_skip) && ! && warning_skip) ||
(is.character(warning_skip) && dp %in% warning_skip)
if( known_changing_cases || rng_type_changed ){
if( force_warning || (rng_type_changed && !known_changing_cases) ){
warning(sprintf("Foreach loop (%s) had changed the current RNG type: RNG was restored to same type, next state",
dp %||% "unknown"))
message("* Detected known RNG side effect: ", dp)
message("* Restoring RNG as after RNG sequence generation")
if( verbose ) showRNG(RNG.old, indent = " -")
}, add=TRUE)
# export package doRNG if not already exported
if( !('doRNG' %in% obj$packages) )
obj$packages <- c(obj$packages, 'doRNG')
# append code to the loop expression to set the RNG
ex <-'{'),
# call the standard %dopar% operator
res <-`%dopar%`, list(obj, ex), envir=parent.frame())
# add seed sequence as an attribute (skip this for NULL results)
if( !is.null(res) ){
attr(res, 'rng') <- obj$args$
attr(res, 'doRNG_version') <- doRNGversion()
# return result
#' Registering doRNG for Persistent Reproducible Parallel Foreach Loops
#' \code{registerDoRNG} registers the doRNG foreach backend.
#' Subsequent `%dopar%` loops are then performed using the previously
#' registered foreach backend, but are internally performed as [%dorng%] loops,
#' making them fully reproducible.
#' Briefly, the RNG is set, before each iteration, with seeds for L'Ecuyer's CMRG
#' that overall generate a reproducible sequence of statistically independent
#' random streams.
#' Note that (re-)registering a foreach backend other than doRNG, after a call
#' to \code{registerDoRNG} disables doRNG -- which then needs to be registered.
#' @param seed a numerical seed to use (as a single or 6-length numerical value)
#' @param once a logical to indicate if the RNG sequence should be seeded at the
#' beginning of each loop or only at the first loop.
#' @return The value returned by [foreach::setDoPar]
#' @seealso [%dorng%]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(doParallel)
#' cl <- makeCluster(2)
#' registerDoParallel(cl)
#' # One can make reproducible loops using the %dorng% operator
#' r1 <- foreach(i=1:4, .options.RNG=1234) %dorng% { runif(1) }
#' # or convert %dopar% loops using registerDoRNG
#' registerDoRNG(1234)
#' r2 <- foreach(i=1:4) %dopar% { runif(1) }
#' identical(r1, r2)
#' stopCluster(cl)
#' # Registering another foreach backend disables doRNG
#' cl <- makeCluster(2)
#' registerDoParallel(cl)
#' set.seed(1234)
#' s1 <- foreach(i=1:4) %dopar% { runif(1) }
#' set.seed(1234)
#' s2 <- foreach(i=1:4) %dopar% { runif(1) }
#' identical(s1, s2)
#' \dontshow{ stopifnot(!identical(s1, s2)) }
#' # doRNG is re-nabled by re-registering it
#' registerDoRNG()
#' set.seed(1234)
#' r3 <- foreach(i=1:4) %dopar% { runif(1) }
#' identical(r2, r3)
#' # NB: the results are identical independently of the task scheduling
#' # (r2 used 2 nodes, while r3 used 3 nodes)
#' # argument `once=FALSE` reseeds doRNG's seed at the beginning of each loop
#' registerDoRNG(1234, once=FALSE)
#' r1 <- foreach(i=1:4) %dopar% { runif(1) }
#' r2 <- foreach(i=1:4) %dopar% { runif(1) }
#' identical(r1, r2)
#' # Once doRNG is registered the seed can also be passed as an option to %dopar%
#' r1.2 <- foreach(i=1:4, .options.RNG=456) %dopar% { runif(1) }
#' r2.2 <- foreach(i=1:4, .options.RNG=456) %dopar% { runif(1) }
#' identical(r1.2, r2.2) && !identical(r1.2, r1)
#' \dontshow{ stopifnot(identical(r1.2, r2.2) && !identical(r1.2, r1)) }
#' stopCluster(cl)
registerDoRNG <- function(seed=NULL, once=TRUE){
backend <- getDoBackend()
# use stored backend if registerDoRNG was called repeatedly
if( identical(getDoParName(), 'doRNG') )
backend <- backend$data$backend
# set the current RNG with seed immediately if only used once
if( once && !is.null(seed) ){
if( !is.numeric(seed) || length(seed)!=1L )
stop("Invalid seed: must be a single numeric value.")
seed <- NULL
setDoPar(doRNG, list(seed=seed, once=once, nseed=0, backend=backend), infoDoRNG)
###% Reproducibly Apply a Function over a List or Vector
###% @aliases xapply reproduce
###% \code{reproduce} and \code{xapply} are a reproducible versions
###% of \code{\link{replicate}} and \code{\link{sapply}} respectively,
###% that ensures the reproducibility of the results, when stochastic computations
###% are involved.
###% The reproducibility is achieved by using LEcuyer's RNG provided by R core
###% since R-2.14.0, to generate independent random streams
###% that are used as the random number generator for each replicate.
###% @param n the number of replication as a single numeric (integer)
###% @param seed the main numerical seed used to initialize the sequence of random
###% streams
###% @param expr the expression (language object, usually a call) to evaluate repeatedly
###% @param simplify logical; should the result be simplified to a vector or
###% matrix if possible?
#reproduce <- function (n, expr, seed=NULL, simplify = TRUE){
# f <- eval.parent(substitute(function(...) expr))
# xapply(integer(n), seed, f, simplify = simplify)
#xapply <- function (X, FUN, seed=NULL, ..., simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE){
# # generate a sequence of streams
# <- RNGseq(length(X), seed, packed=TRUE)
# # keep current RNG and restore it on exit (useful for the sequential backend doSEQ)
# RNG.old <- rstream.RNG()
# on.exit(rstream.RNG(RNG.old), add=TRUE)
# # append code to the loop expression to set the RNG
# expr <-'{'),
# quote({doRNGseed(.rng);}),
# quote(, list(...)))))
# env <- environment(FUN)
# f <- eval(substitute(function(.rng, ..., FUN) expr), env)
# mapply(f,, X, MoreArgs=c(list(...), FUN=FUN),
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