
Defines functions str_match str_replace_all str_replace str_sub str_detect str_split str_c str_trim str_extract_all str_extract

str_extract <- function(text, pattern){
  m <- regexpr(pattern=pattern, text = text, perl = TRUE)
  rstart <- as.integer(m)
  rstop  <- rstart + attr(m, "match.length") - 1
  rstart[rstart < 0] <- 0
  rstop[rstop < 0] <- 0
  substr(text, rstart, rstop)

str_extract_all <- function(text, pattern){
  m_all <- gregexpr(pattern=pattern, text = text, perl=TRUE)
  lapply(seq_along(m_all), function(i){
    m <- m_all[[i]]
    rstart <- as.integer(m)
    rstop  <- rstart + attr(m, "match.length") - 1
    rstart[rstart < 0] <- 0
    rstop[rstop < 0] <- 0
    mapply(function(start, stop){
      s <- substr(text[[i]],start, stop)
      if (s == ''){
      } else {
    , rstart, rstop)

str_trim <- function(x){
  gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$","", x)

str_c <- function(x, ...){
  paste0(x, ...)

str_split <- function(string, pattern){
  strsplit(string, split = pattern, perl=TRUE)

str_detect <- function(string, pattern){
  grepl(pattern, string)

str_sub <- function(string, start=1L, stop=-1L){
  substr(string, start = start, stop = stop)

str_replace <- function(string, pattern, replacement){
  sub(pattern, replacement = replacement, x = string, perl = TRUE)

str_replace_all <- function(string, pattern, replacement){
  gsub(pattern, replacement = replacement, x = string, perl = TRUE)

str_match <- function(string, pattern){
  ms <- regexpr(pattern=pattern, text = string, perl = TRUE)
  ms_stop <- ms + attr(ms, "match.length") - 1
  cap_start <- attr(ms, "capture.start")
  cap_stop <- cap_start + attr(ms, "capture.length") - 1
  cap_n <- ncol(cap_start)
  m <- t(
    sapply(seq_along(string), function(i){
      s <- string[i]
      c( substr(s, ms[i], ms_stop[i])
       , sapply(seq_len(cap_n), function(j){
            substr(s, cap_start[i,j], cap_stop[i,j])
  is.na(m) <- nchar(m) == 0

text = c("hallo", "test", "baadd")
pattern = "(\\w)\\1(.)"
#str_extract(text = text, pattern = pattern)
# strextract_all(text = text, pattern = pattern)
string <- text
str_match(string, pattern)

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docopt documentation built on July 1, 2020, 7:10 p.m.