#' Add Labelled Brackets to Group Predictors in a Dot-and-Whisker Plot
#' \code{add_brackets} draws brackets along the y-axis beyond the plotting area of a dot-and-whisker plot generated by \code{dwplot}, useful for labelling groups of predictors
#' @param p A plot generated by \code{dwplot}. Any `ggplot` customization should be done before passing the plot to \code{add_brackets}. To pass the finalized plot to \code{add_brackets} without creating an intermediate object, simply wrap the code that generates it in braces (\code{`{`} and \code{`}`}).
#' @param brackets A list of brackets; each element of the list should be a character vector consisting of (1) a label for the bracket, (2) the name of the topmost variable to be enclosed by the bracket, and (3) the name of the bottom most variable to be enclosed by the bracket.
#' @param fontSize A number defining the size of the bracket label. The default value is .7.
#' @param face A typeface for the bracket labels; options are "plain", "bold", "italic", "oblique", and "bold.italic".
#' @param \dots Extra arguments to pass to \code{\link[grid]{gpar}}.
#' @details The brackets are drawn by `grid` functions. Apart from font size and typeface, users can customize the appearance of the bracket labels by setting `gpar` arguments in `add_brackets`.
#' @return The function returns a \code{ggplot} object.
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' m1 <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + disp, data = mtcars)
#' two_brackets <- list(c("Engine", "Cylinder", "Displacement"),
#' c("Not Engine", "Intercept", "Weight"))
#' {dwplot(m1, show_intercept = TRUE) %>%
#' relabel_predictors("(Intercept)" = "Intercept",
#' wt = "Weight",
#' cyl = "Cylinder",
#' disp = "Displacement") +
#' theme_bw() + xlab("Coefficient") + ylab("") +
#' theme(legend.position="none") +
#' geom_vline(xintercept = 0, colour = "grey50", linetype = 2)} %>%
#' add_brackets(two_brackets)
#' @import gtable
#' @importFrom grid textGrob linesGrob gpar unit.pmax
#' @export
add_brackets <- function(p, brackets, fontSize = .7, face = "italic", ...) {
y_ind <- term <- estimate <- ymax <- ymin <- x <- NULL # not functional, just for CRAN check
coef_layer <- 0
repeat {
coef_layer <- coef_layer + 1
if ("x" %in% names(layer_data(p, i = coef_layer))) break
if (p$args$style == "dotwhisker") {
pd <- left_join(p$data %>% mutate(xx = signif(estimate, 9)),
layer_data(p, i = coef_layer) %>% mutate(xx = signif(x, 9)), by = "xx") %>%
left_join(layer_data(p, i = coef_layer - 1),
by = c("colour", "y", "group", "PANEL", "ymin", "ymax", "xmax", "size", "alpha"))
} else {
pd <- left_join(p$data %>% mutate(xx = signif(estimate, 9)),
layer_data(p, i = coef_layer) %>% mutate(xx = signif(x, 9)), by = "xx")
pd <- pd %>%
mutate(ymin = y_ind,
ymax = y_ind)
overhang <- max(pd$y_ind)/30
overhang <- ifelse(overhang > .23, .23, overhang)
farout <- ifelse(p$args$style == "distribution", max(pd$x, na.rm = TRUE) + 100, max(pd$xmax, na.rm = TRUE) + 100)
p1 <- p + theme(plot.margin = unit(c(1, 1, 1, -1), "lines")) + ylab("")
if (!is.list(brackets)) stop('Error: argument "brackets" is not a list')
draw_bracket_label <- function(x, fs = fontSize, f = face, ...) {
top <- pd[which((pd$term == x[2] | pd$term == x[3]) & !$estimate)), "ymax"] %>% max()
bottom <- pd[which((pd$term == x[2] | pd$term == x[3]) & !$estimate)), "ymin"] %>% min()
shift <- max(abs(top - round(top)), abs(round(bottom) - bottom))
top <- round(top) + shift
bottom <- round(bottom) - shift
grob = grid::textGrob(label = x[1], gp = grid::gpar(cex = fs, fontface = f, ...), rot = 90),
xmin = farout, xmax = farout,
ymin = (top + bottom)/2, ymax = (top + bottom)/2)
draw_bracket_vert <- function(x, oh = overhang) {
top <- pd[which((pd$term == x[2] | pd$term == x[3]) & !$estimate)), "ymax"] %>% max()
bottom <- pd[which((pd$term == x[2] | pd$term == x[3]) & !$estimate)), "ymin"] %>% min()
shift <- min(max(abs(top - round(top)), abs(round(bottom) - bottom)) + oh, .45)
top <- round(top) + shift
bottom <- round(bottom) - shift
annotation_custom(grob = grid::linesGrob(),
xmin = farout + 0.5, xmax = farout + 0.5,
ymin = bottom, ymax = top)
draw_bracket_top <- function(x, oh = overhang) {
top <- pd[which((pd$term == x[2] | pd$term == x[3]) & !$estimate)), "ymax"] %>% max()
bottom <- pd[which((pd$term == x[2] | pd$term == x[3]) & !$estimate)), "ymin"] %>% min()
shift <- min(max(abs(top - round(top)), abs(round(bottom) - bottom)) + oh, .45)
top <- round(top) + shift
bottom <- round(bottom) - shift
annotation_custom(grob = grid::linesGrob(),
xmin = farout + 0.5, farout + 1,
ymin = top, ymax = top)
draw_bracket_bottom <- function(x, oh = overhang) {
top <- pd[which((pd$term == x[2] | pd$term == x[3]) & !$estimate)), "ymax"] %>% max()
bottom <- pd[which((pd$term == x[2] | pd$term == x[3]) & !$estimate)), "ymin"] %>% min()
shift <- min(max(abs(top - round(top)), abs(round(bottom) - bottom)) + oh, .45)
top <- round(top) + shift
bottom <- round(bottom) - shift
annotation_custom(grob = grid::linesGrob(), xmin = farout + 0.5, xmax = farout + 1,
ymin = bottom, ymax = bottom)
p2 <- p1 +
theme_bw() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(colour = NA),
axis.title.y = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_text(colour = NA),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_text(colour = NA),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_line(colour = NA),
panel.border = element_rect(colour = NA),
strip.background = element_rect(colour = NA, fill = NA),
strip.text.x = element_text(colour = NA),
plot.margin = unit(c(1,0,2,0), "lines"),
legend.background = element_rect(colour = NA),
legend.key = element_rect(colour = NA),
legend.text = element_text(colour = NA)) +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(farout - 1, farout + 1)) +
theme(legend.position = "none")
for (i in seq(length(brackets))) {
p2 <- p2 +
draw_bracket_label(brackets[[i]]) +
draw_bracket_vert(brackets[[i]]) +
draw_bracket_top(brackets[[i]]) +
plots <- list(p2, p1)
grobs <- lapply(plots, function(x) ggplotGrob(x))
max_heights <- list(, lapply(grobs, function(x) x$heights)))
grobs[[1]]$heights <- max_heights[[1]]
grobs[[2]]$heights <- max_heights[[1]]
pp <- ggplot(data.frame(x = 0:1, y = 0:1), aes_string(x = "x", y = "y")) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, 1), expand = c(0, 0)) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1), expand = c(0, 0)) +
theme_void() +
labs(x = NULL, y = NULL) +
draw_grob(grobs[[1]], 0, 1/9) +
draw_grob(grobs[[2]], 1/9, 8/9)
draw_grob <- function(grob, x, width) {
layer(data = data.frame(x = NA),
stat = StatIdentity,
position = PositionIdentity,
geom = GeomCustomAnn,
inherit.aes = FALSE,
params = list(grob = grob,
xmin = x,
xmax = width,
ymin = 0,
ymax = 1))
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