read.crn: Read Tucson Format Chronology File

read.crnR Documentation

Read Tucson Format Chronology File


This function reads in a Tucson (decadal) format file of tree-ring chronologies (.crn).


read.crn(fname, header = NULL, encoding = getOption("encoding"),
         long = TRUE)



a character vector giving the file name of the crn file.


logical flag indicating whether the file has a header. If NULL then the function will attempt to determine if a header exists


the name of the encoding to be used when reading the crn file. Usually the default value will work, but a crn file written in a non-default encoding may crash the function. In that case, identifying the encoding and specifying it here should fix the problem. Examples of popular encodings available on many systems are "ASCII", "UTF-8", and "latin1" alias "ISO-8859-1". See the help of file.


logical flag indicating whether to automatically detect when an input file uses more than 4 characters for the decade. If FALSE, the function assumes 6 characters are used for the site ID and 4 characters for the decade, which is the standard. If TRUE (the default), long records may work.


This reads in a standard crn file as defined according to the standards of the ITRDB at Despite the standards at the ITRDB, this occasionally fails due to formatting problems.


A data.frame with each chronology in columns and the years as rows. The chronology IDs are the column names and the years are the row names. If the file includes sample depth that is included as the last column (samp.depth). The output class is class "crn" and "data.frame"


Andy Bunn. Patched and improved by Mikko Korpela.

dplR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:59 a.m.