Man pages for dpmixsim
Dirichlet Process Mixture Model Simulation for Clustering and Image Segmentation

dpmixsimDirichlet Process mixture model for clustering and image...
galaxyGalaxy velocities
postdatasegData segmentation
postdpmixcizSummary statistics and cluster estimation
postimgclgrpSegment image with the estimated number of components
postimgcompsDisplay cluster components
postkclusterSegmentation with a fixed number of clusters
premaskData preparation
prescaleData preparation
readsliceimgRead MRI slice data
t1_pn3_rf0_slice_0092Example of a pre-processed MRI slice from the BrainWeb...
t1_pn3_rf0_slice_0092_maskMask file for MRI slice
dpmixsim documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:29 p.m.