t1_pn3_rf0_slice_0092_mask: Mask file for MRI slice

Description Format References


The ‘t1_pn3_rf0_slice_0092_mask.nii.gz’ defines the mask for ‘t1_pn3_rf0_slice_0092.nii.gz’, as used in the examples. The mask used here is an all-brain mask; it just removes non-brain regions, as the result of applying a brain extraction tool to the specified dataset. Other masks may be defined to select regions of interest (ROIs).


The file ‘t1_pn3_rf0_slice_0092_mask.nii.gz’ is in gzipped NIFTI format. The R-package oro.nifti is required to read gzipped NIFTI files.


D.~L. Collins, A.~P. Zijdenbos, V.~Kollokian, J.~G. Sled, N.~J. Kabani, C.~J. Holmes, A.~C. Evans, Design and construction of a realistic digital brain phantom, IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging 17~(3) (1998) 463–468.

S.M. Smith, et. al., Advances in Functional and Structural MR Image Analysis and Implementation as FSL, NeuroImage, 23(S1):208-219, 2004.

Brandon Whitcher, Volker Schmid and Andrew Thornton, Package oro.nifti: Rigorous - NIfTI Input / Output, 2010.

dpmixsim documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:29 p.m.