t1_pn3_rf0_slice_0092: Example of a pre-processed MRI slice from the BrainWeb...

Description Format References


The file ‘t1_pn3_rf0_slice_0092.nii.gz’ is a pre-processed image of slice 92 with 3% noise extracted from the Brainweb database file ‘t1_icbm_normal_1mm_pn3_rf0\[1\].mnc.gz’. BrainWeb simulations are based on an anatomical model of normal brain, which can serve as the ground truth for any analysis procedure. BrainWeb datasets and are provided by the McConnell Brain Imaging Center at the Montreal Neurological Institute, http://www.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/, (see Collins et. al. 1998).


The file ‘t1_pn3_rf0_slice_0092.ni.gz’ is in gzipped NIFTI format. The R-package oro.nifti is required to read gzipped NIFTI files.


D.L. Collins, et.al., Design and construction of a realistic digital brain phantom, IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging 17~(3) (1998) 463-468.

S.M. Smith, et. al., Advances in Functional and Structural MR Image Analysis and Implementation as FSL, NeuroImage, 23(S1):208-219, 2004.

Brandon Whitcher, Volker Schmid and Andrew Thornton, Package oro.nifti: Rigorous - NIfTI Input / Output, 2010.

dpmixsim documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:29 p.m.