
Defines functions pull .list_merge .list_eq .get_os_info .no_encryption json_protocol .send_push .send_access .new_frame .stack_path push_frame push push_data commit create_frame .check .error

Documented in commit create_frame json_protocol pull push push_frame


.error <- function(message) {

.check <- function(res, error) {
  if (http_error(res)) error(http_status(res)$message)

version <- "0.2.1"

#' Create a New Frame in Stack
#' Frame is kind of revision of data user is going to publish. It consists of one or more views. Views are usually plots
#' with some parameters to distinguish one plot from another. This function creates a frame and by default it checks
#' permission to publish to this stack.
#' @param stack A name of stack to use.
#' @param profile A profile refers to credentials, i.e. username and token. Default profile is named 'default'.
#' The system is looking for specified profile as follows:
#' it looks into working directory to find a configuration file (local configuration),
#' if the file doesn't exist it looks into user directory to find it (global configuration).
#' The best way to manage profiles is to have dstack CLI tools installed. These tools are written in Python 3,
#' so you have to install dstack support. In the case of PyPI you should type
#' \code{$ pip install dstack}
#' \code{$ conda install -c dstack.ai dstack}
#' We recommend to use local (virtual) environment to install the package.
#' You can use this command in console:
#' \code{$ dstack config list}
#' to list existing profiles or add or replace token by following command
#' \code{$ dstack config add <PROFILE>}
#' or simply
#' \code{$ dstack config add}
#' if profile is not specified 'default' profile will be created. The system asks you about token
#' from command line, make sure that you have already obtained token from the site.
#' @param auto_push Tells the system to push frame just after commit.
#' It may be useful if you want to see result immediately. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param protocol Protocol to use, usually it is \code{NULL} it means that \code{json_protocol} will be used.
#' @param encryption This is a ecryption method. By default is \code{NULL} and no encryption will be used.
#' @param check_access Check access to specified stack, default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return New frame.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(ggplot2)
#' library(dstack)
#' image <- qplot(clarity, data = diamonds, fill = cut, geom = "bar")
#' frame <- create_frame(stack = "diamonds")
#' frame <- commit(frame, image, "Diamonds bar chart")
#' print(push(frame)) # print actual stack URL
#' }
create_frame <- function(stack,
                         profile = "default",
                         auto_push = FALSE,
                         protocol = NULL,
                         encryption = NULL,
                         check_access = TRUE) {
  config <- get_config()$get_profile
  if (is.null(encryption)) encryption <- .no_encryption
  conf <- config(profile)
  protocol <- if (is.null(protocol)) json_protocol(conf$server) else protocol
  frame <- list(stack = stack,
                user = conf$user,
                token = conf$token,
                auto_push = auto_push,
                protocol = protocol,
                encryption = encryption,
                data = list(),
                index = 0)
  frame$id <- UUIDgenerate()
  frame$timestamp <- as.character(as.integer64(as.numeric(Sys.time()) * 1000)) # milliseconds
  if (check_access) .send_access(frame)

#' Commit Data to Stack Frame
#' Function adds a new view to the stack frame.
#' Multiple views can be added to one frame, but in this case every plot must be supplied with certain parameters
#' to distiguish one view from another. In the case of single plot parameters are not necessary.
#' For multiple views parameters will be automaticaly converted to UI controls like sliders and drop down lists.
#' @param frame A frame you want to commit.
#' @param obj A data to commit. Data will be preprocessed by the handler but dependently on auto_push
#' mode will be sent to server or not. If auto_push is False then the data won't be sent.
#' Explicit push call need anyway to process committed data. auto_push is useful only in the
#' case of multiple data objects in the stack frame, e.g. set of plots with settings.
#' @param description Description of the data.
#' @param params Parameters associated with this data, e.g. plot settings.
#' @param handler A handler which can be specified in the case of custom content,
#' but by default it is \code{auto_handler}.
#' @param ... Optional parameters is an alternative to \code{params}. If both are present this one will be merged into params.
#' @return Changed frame.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(ggplot2)
#' library(dstack)
#' image <- qplot(clarity, data = diamonds, fill = cut, geom = "bar")
#' frame <- create_frame(stack = "diamonds")
#' frame <- commit(frame, image, "Diamonds bar chart")
#' print(push(frame)) # print actual stack URL
#' }
commit <- function(frame, obj, description = NULL, params = NULL, handler = auto_handler(), ...) {
  params <- .list_merge(params, list(...))
  data <- handler(obj, description, params)
  encrypted_data <- frame$encryption(data)
  frame$data <- append(frame$data, list(list.clean(encrypted_data)))
  if (frame$auto_push == TRUE) {
    frame <- push_data(frame, encrypted_data)

push_data <- function(frame, data) {
  f <- .new_frame(frame)
  f$index <- frame$index
  f$attachments <- list(data)
  frame$index <- frame$index + 1
  .send_push(frame, f)

#' Push All Commits to Server
#' Tis function is used to send a banch of commited plots to server or say server that operation with this frame is done.
#' In the case of 'auto_push' mode it sends only a total number
#' of views in the frame. So call this method is obligatory to close the frame anyway.
#' @param frame A frame to push.
#' @param message Push message. \code{NULL} by default.
#' @return Stack URL.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(ggplot2)
#' library(dstack)
#' image <- qplot(clarity, data = diamonds, fill = cut, geom = "bar")
#' frame <- create_frame(stack = "diamonds")
#' frame <- commit(frame, image, "Diamonds bar chart")
#' print(push(frame)) # print actual stack URL
#' }
push <- function(frame, message = NULL) {
  f <- .new_frame(frame)
  if (!is.null(message)) {
    f$message <- message
  if (frame$auto_push == FALSE) {
    f$attachments <- frame$data
  } else {
    f$size <- frame$index
  return(.send_push(frame, f))

#' Creates a Frame, Commits and Pushes Data in a Single Operation
#' In the case of one plot per push you can use do all operations in one call.
#' This function creates a frame, commits view and pushes all data to server.
#' The main difference in behaviour in this case is the function creates frame
#' without permission check, so be sure that you have certain permission to push in the stack.
#' @param stack A name of stack to use.
#' @param obj Object to commit and push, e.g. plot.
#' @param description Optional description of the object.
#' @param params Optional parameters.
#' @param message Push message. \code{NULL} by default.
#' @param profile Profile you want to use, i.e. username and token. Default profile is 'default'.
#' @param handler Specify handler to handle the object, if it's None then \code{auto_handler} will be used.
#' @param protocol Protocol to use, usually it is \code{NULL} it means that \code{json_protocol} will be used.
#' @param encryption Encryption method by default \code{no_encryption} will be used.
#' @param ... Optional parameters is an alternative to \code{params}. If both are present this one will be merged into params.
#' @return Stack URL.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(ggplot2)
#' library(dstack)
#' image <- qplot(clarity, data = diamonds, fill = cut, geom = "bar")
#' push_frame("diamonds", image, "Diamonds bar chart")
#' }
push_frame <- function(stack, obj, description = NULL, params = NULL,
                       message = NULL,
                       profile = "default",
                       handler = auto_handler(),
                       protocol = NULL,
                       encryption = .no_encryption, ...) {
  params <- .list_merge(params, list(...))
  frame <- create_frame(stack = stack,
                        protocol = protocol,
                        profile = profile,
                        encryption = encryption,
                        check_access = FALSE)
  frame <- commit(frame, obj, description, params, handler)
  return(push(frame, message))

.stack_path <- function(user, stack) {
  return(if (startsWith(stack, "/")) substring(stack, 2) else paste(user, stack, sep = "/"))

.new_frame <- function(frame) {
  return(list(stack = .stack_path(frame$user, frame$stack),
              token = frame$token,
              id = frame$id,
              timestamp = frame$timestamp,
              client = "dstack-r",
              version = version,
              os = .get_os_info()))

.send_access <- function(frame) {
  req <- list(stack = .stack_path(frame$user, frame$stack), token = frame$token)
  res <- frame$protocol("/stacks/access", req)

.send_push <- function(frame, f) {
  res <- frame$protocol("/stacks/push", f)

#' JSON Protocol Implementation to Connect API Server
#' Protocol is an abstraction which allows to send data to server.
#' This function implements JSON-based protocol. It provides token in
#' 'Authorization' header.
#' @param server A server to connect.
#' @param error An error handling function.
#' @return A function that implements JSON protocol.
json_protocol <- function(server, error = .error) {
  return(function(endpoint, data) {
    auth <- paste0("Bearer ", data$token)

    .do_request <- function(server, endpoint, body, error) {
      # r <- with_config(verbose(), POST(paste0(server, endpoint),
      r <- POST(paste0(server, endpoint),
                body = body, encode = "json",
                add_headers(.headers = c("Authorization" = auth)))
      .check(r, error)
      return(content(r, "parsed"))

    .do_upload <- function(upload_url, data) {
      r <- PUT(url = upload_url, body = data)

    body <- list.remove(data, "token")
    if (object.size(body) < 5000000) return(.do_request(server, endpoint, body, error))
    else {
      content <- list()
      for (index in seq_along(body$attachments)) {
        data <- body$attachments[[index]]$data
        body$attachments[[index]]$data <- NULL
        content <- list.append(content, base64enc::base64decode(data))
        body$attachments[[index]]$length = length(content[[index]])
      res <- .do_request(server, endpoint, body, error)
      for (attach in res$attachments) {
        .do_upload(attach$upload_url, content[[attach$index + 1]])

.no_encryption <- function(data) {

.get_os_info <- function() {
  info <- Sys.info()
  return(list(sysname = info["sysname"], release = info["release"], version = info["version"], machine = info["machine"]))

.list_eq <- function(x, y) {
  if (length(y) == 0) {
    return(length(x) == 0)
  } else {
    x <- x[order(names(x))]
    y <- y[order(names(y))]
    return(identical(x, y))

.list_merge <- function(x, y) {
  if (is.null(x)) {
    x <- list()
  if (is.null(y)) {
    y <- list()
  for(n in names(y)) {
    x[n] <- y[n]
  if (length(x) == 0) {
  } else {

#' Pull data object from stack frame (head) which matches specified parameters.
#' @param stack Stack you want to pull from.
#' @param profile Profile to use. 'default' will be used if profile is not specified.
#' @param filename Filename if you want to save downloaded file to disk.
#' Lifespan of URL is limited by minutes, so filename is highly recommended for large files (> 5Mb),
#' especially in the case of interactive computations. Specify the parameter in the case of non-text data.
#' @param error HTTP error handling function.
#' @param params Optional parameters to match.
#' @param ... Parameters to match. Can be used as alternative to \code{params}. In the case of both are present this one will be merged into params.
#' @return If filename is not NULL then it will be filename itself, otherwise it can be URL in the case of large files.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' df <- read.csv(pull("/public_datasets/fusionbase/covid19-germany", "Bundesland name"="All"))
#' summary(df)
#' }
pull <- function(stack, profile = "default", filename = NULL, error = .error, params = NULL, ...) {
  config <- get_config()
  profile <- config$get_profile(profile)
  if (is.null(profile)) stop(paste0("Can not find profile '", profile, "'"))
  params <- .list_merge(params, list(...))
  auth <- paste0("Bearer ", profile$token)
  stack_path <- .stack_path(profile$user, stack)
  url <- paste(profile$server, "stacks", stack_path, sep = "/")
  r <- GET(url = url, encode = "json", add_headers(.headers = c("Authorization" = auth)))
  .check(r, error)
  res <- content(r, "parsed")
  for(index in seq_along(res$stack$head$attachments)) {
    attach <- res$stack$head$attachments[[index]]
    if (.list_eq(attach$params, params)) {
      frame <- res$stack$head$id
      attach_url <- paste(profile$server, "attachs", stack_path, frame, index - 1, sep = "/")
      attach_url <- paste0(attach_url, "?download=true")
      r <- GET(url = attach_url, add_headers(.headers = c("Authorization" = auth)))
      .check(r, error)
      res <- content(r, "parsed")
      if (is.null(res$attachment$data)) {
        if (!is.null(filename)) {
          download.file(url = res$attachment$download_url, filename, quiet=TRUE)
        } else {
      } else {
        text <- rawToChar(base64enc::base64decode(res$attachment$data))
        if (is.null(filename)) filename <- tempfile()
        writeLines(text, file)
  stop(paste0("Can't match parameters ", paste(names(params), params, sep = "=",collapse = ";")))

Try the dstack package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

dstack documentation built on Aug. 12, 2020, 5:08 p.m.