tslist: Coerce matrices or data frames to a list of time series

View source: R/UTILS-tslist.R

tslistR Documentation

Coerce matrices or data frames to a list of time series


Change a matrix or data frame to a list of univariate time series


tslist(series, simplify = FALSE)



A matrix or data frame where each row is a time series.


Coerce all series in the resulting list to either matrix (multivariate) or numeric (univariate).


Almost all functions in dtwclust work internally with lists of time series. If you want to avoid constant coercion, create a list of time series once by calling this function.

For matrices and data frames, each row is considered as one time series. A list input is simply passed through.


A list of time series.


The function assumes that matrix-like objects can be first coerced via base::as.matrix(), so that the result can be indexed with series[i, ].

No consistency checks are performed by this function.

dtwclust documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:07 p.m.