
test_convert <- function(con, type, val) {
  val_comp <- val
  if (is.factor(val)) {
    val_comp <- as.character(val)
  q <- dbSendQuery(con, sprintf("SELECT CAST(? AS %s) a", type))
  dbBind(q, list(val))
  res1 <- dbFetch(q)
  dbBind(q, list(NA))
  res2 <- dbFetch(q)
  expect_equal(res1[[1]][1], val_comp)

  dbExecute(con, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bind_test")
  dbExecute(con, sprintf("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE bind_test(i INTEGER, a %s)", type))
  q <- dbSendStatement(con, "INSERT INTO bind_test VALUES ($1, $2)")
  dbBind(q, list(1, val))
  dbBind(q, list(2, NA))
  res3 <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT a FROM bind_test ORDER BY i")
  dbExecute(con, "DROP TABLE bind_test")

  expect_equal(res3[[1]][1], val_comp)

test_that("dbBind() works as expected for all types", {
  con <- dbConnect(duckdb())
  on.exit(dbDisconnect(con, shutdown = TRUE))

  test_convert(con, "BOOLEAN", TRUE)
  test_convert(con, "BOOLEAN", FALSE)

  test_convert(con, "INTEGER", 42L)
  test_convert(con, "INTEGER", 42)

  test_convert(con, "HUGEINT", 39218390)

  test_convert(con, "DOUBLE", 42L)
  test_convert(con, "DOUBLE", 42.2)

  test_convert(con, "STRING", "Hello, World")

  test_convert(con, "DATE", as.Date("2019-11-26"))

  test_convert(con, "TIMESTAMP", as.POSIXct("2019-11-26 21:11Z", "UTC"))

test_that("dbBind() is called from dbGetQuery and dbExecute", {
  con <- dbConnect(duckdb())
  on.exit(dbDisconnect(con, shutdown = TRUE))

  res <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT CAST (? AS INTEGER), CAST(? AS STRING)", params = list(42, "Hello"))

  expect_equal(res[[1]][1], 42L)
  expect_equal(res[[2]][1], "Hello")

  res <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT CAST (? AS INTEGER), CAST(? AS STRING)", params = list(42, "Hello"))

  expect_equal(res[[1]][1], 42L)
  expect_equal(res[[2]][1], "Hello")

  q <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT CAST (? AS INTEGER), CAST(? AS STRING)", params = list(42, "Hello"))
  # already have a result

  res <- dbFetch(q)

  expect_equal(res[[1]][1], 42L)
  expect_equal(res[[2]][1], "Hello")

  # now bind again
  dbBind(q, list(43, "Holla"))

  res <- dbFetch(q)

  expect_equal(res[[1]][1], 43L)
  expect_equal(res[[2]][1], "Holla")


test_that("test blobs", {
  con <- dbConnect(duckdb())
  on.exit(dbDisconnect(con, shutdown = TRUE))

  res <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT BLOB 'hello'")
  expect_equal(res[[1]][[1]], charToRaw("hello"))

test_that("various error cases for dbBind()", {
  con <- dbConnect(duckdb())
  on.exit(dbDisconnect(con, shutdown = TRUE))

  q <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT CAST (? AS INTEGER)")


  expect_error(dbBind(q, list()))
  expect_error(dbBind(q, list(1, 2)))
  expect_error(dbBind(q, list("asdf")))
  expect_error(dbBind(q, list("asdf", "asdf")))


  expect_error(dbBind(q, "asdf"))


  expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT CAST (? AS INTEGER)", "asdf"))
  expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT CAST (? AS INTEGER)", "asdf", "asdf"))
  expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT CAST (? AS INTEGER)"))
  expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT CAST (? AS INTEGER)", list()))
  expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT CAST (? AS INTEGER)", list(1, 2)))
  expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT CAST (? AS INTEGER)", list("asdf")))
  expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT CAST (? AS INTEGER)", list("asdf", "asdf")))

  q <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT CAST (42 AS INTEGER)")

  res <- dbFetch(q)
  expect_equal(res[[1]][1], 42L)

  expect_error(dbBind(q, list()))
  expect_error(dbBind(q, list(1)))
  expect_error(dbBind(q, list("asdf")))

  expect_error(dbBind(q, 1))
  expect_error(dbBind(q, "asdf"))


  expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT CAST (42 AS INTEGER)", 1))
  expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT CAST (42 AS INTEGER)", 1, 2))
  expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT CAST (42 AS INTEGER)", "asdf"))
  expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT CAST (42 AS INTEGER)", "asdf", "asdf"))
  expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT CAST (42 AS INTEGER)", list(1)))
  expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT CAST (42 AS INTEGER)", list(1, 2)))
  expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT CAST (42 AS INTEGER)", list("asdf")))
  expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT CAST (42 AS INTEGER)", list("asdf", "asdf")))

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duckdb documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:33 p.m.