
Defines functions dynsimGG

Documented in dynsimGG

#' Plot dynamic simulation results from \code{dynsim}
#' \code{dynsimGG} uses ggplot2 to plot dynamic simulation results
#' created by \code{\link{dynsim}}.
#' @param obj a \code{dynsim} class object.
#' @param lsize size of the smoothing line. Default is 1. See
#' ggplot2.
#' @param color character string. Specifies the color of the lines and ribbons.
#' If only one scenario is to be plotted then it can either be a single color
#' value using any color value allowed by ggplot2. The default is
#' the hexadecimal color \code{"#2B8CBE"}. If more than one scenario is to be
#' plotted then a color brewer palette is set. The default is\code{"Set1"}. See
#' \code{\link{scale_colour_brewer}}.
#' @param alpha numeric. Alpha (e.g. transparency) for the ribbons. Default is
#' \code{alpha = 0.1}. See ggplot2.
#' @param xlab a label for the plot's x-axis.
#' @param ylab a label of the plot's y-axis.
#' @param title the plot's main title.
#' @param leg.name name of the legend (if applicable).
#' @param legend specifies what type of legend to include (if applicable). The
#' default is \code{legend = "legend"}. To hide the legend use
#' \code{legend = FALSE}. See \code{\link{discrete_scale}} for more details.
#' @param leg.labels character vector specifying the labels for each scenario in
#' the legend.
#' @param shockplot.var character string naming the one shock variable to plot
#' fitted values of over time specified underneath the main plot.
#' @param shockplot.ylab character string for the shockplot's y-axis label.
#' @param shockplot.heights numeric vector with of length 2 with units of
#' the main and shockplot height plots.
#' @param shockplot.heights.units a character vector of length 2 with the
#' unit types for the values in \code{shockplot.heights}.
#' See \code{\link{unit}} for details.
#' @details Plots dynamic simulations of autoregressive relationships from
#' \code{\link{dynsim}}. The central line is the mean of the simulation
#' distributions. The outer ribbon is the furthest extent of the simulation
#' distributions' central intervals found in \code{\link{dynsim}} with the
#' \code{sig} argument. The middle ribbons plot the limits of the simulation
#' distributions' central 50% intervals.
#' @examples
#' # Load package
#' library(DataCombine)
#' # Load Grunfeld data
#' data(grunfeld, package = "dynsim")
#' # Create lag invest variable
#' grunfeld <- slide(grunfeld, Var = "invest", GroupVar = "company",
#'                NewVar = "InvestLag")
#' # Convert company to factor for fixed-effects specification
#' grunfeld$company <- as.factor(grunfeld$company)
#' # Estimate basic model
#' M1 <- lm(invest ~ InvestLag + mvalue + kstock + company, data = grunfeld)
#' # Set up scenarios for company 4
#' attach(grunfeld)
#' Scen1 <- data.frame(InvestLag = mean(InvestLag, na.rm = TRUE),
#'                     mvalue = quantile(mvalue, 0.05),
#'                     kstock = quantile(kstock, 0.05),
#'                     company4 = 1)
#' Scen2 <- data.frame(InvestLag = mean(InvestLag, na.rm = TRUE),
#'                     mvalue = mean(mvalue),
#'                     kstock = mean(kstock),
#'                     company4 = 1)
#' Scen3 <- data.frame(InvestLag = mean(InvestLag, na.rm = TRUE),
#'                     mvalue = quantile(mvalue, 0.95),
#'                     kstock = quantile(kstock, 0.95),
#'                     company4 = 1)
#' detach(grunfeld)
#' # Combine into a single list
#' ScenComb <- list(Scen1, Scen2, Scen3)
#' ## Run dynamic simulations without shocks
#' Sim1 <- dynsim(obj = M1, ldv = "InvestLag", scen = ScenComb, n = 20)
#' # Create plot legend label
#' Labels <- c("5th Percentile", "Mean", "95th Percentile")
#' # Plot
#' dynsimGG(Sim1, leg.labels = Labels)
#' ## Run dynamic simulations with shocks
#' # Create data frame of shock values
#' mShocks <- data.frame(times = c(5, 10), kstock = c(100, 1000))
#' # Run simulations
#' Sim2 <- dynsim(obj = M1, ldv = "InvestLag", scen = ScenComb, n = 20,
#'                shocks = mShocks)
#' # Plot
#' dynsimGG(Sim2, leg.labels = Labels)
#' # Plot with accompanying shock plot
#' dynsimGG(Sim2, leg.labels = Labels, shockplot.var = "kstock")
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom gridExtra grid.arrange arrangeGrob
#' @export

dynsimGG <- function(obj, lsize = 1, color, alpha = 0.5, xlab = "\nTime",
                    ylab = "Predicted Value\n", title = "",
                    leg.name = "Scenario", leg.labels, legend = "legend",
                    shockplot.var, shockplot.ylab,
                    shockplot.heights = c(12, 4),
                    shockplot.heights.units = c("cm", "cm"))
    # CRAN requirements
    ldvMean <- ldvLower <- ldvUpper <- ldvLower50 <- ldvUpper50 <- scenNumber <-
    shockvar <- time <- NULL

    # Check if obj is of the dynsim class
    if (!("dynsim" %in% class(obj))) {
        stop("obj must be a dynsim class object.", call. = FALSE)
    # Create legend values if none are specified
    if (missing(leg.labels)) {
        leg.labels <- as.character(unique(obj$scenNumber))

    # Plot for one scenario
    if (!isTRUE("scenNumber" %in% names(obj))) {
        if (missing(color)) {
            color <- "#2B8CBE"
        MainPlot <- ggplot(obj, aes(time, ldvMean)) +
                    geom_line(size = lsize, colour = color) +
                    geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = ldvLower, ymax = ldvUpper),
                                alpha = alpha, fill = color, linetype = 0) +
                    geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = ldvLower50, ymax = ldvUpper50),
                                alpha = alpha, fill = color, linetype = 0) +
                    xlab(xlab) + ylab(ylab) +
                    ggtitle(title) +
        # Add shock fitted value plot
        if (!missing(shockplot.var)) {
            if (length(shockplot.var) > 1) {
                stop("You must specify ONE shock variable to plot with the shockplot.var argument.",
                    call. = FALSE)
            if (missing(shockplot.ylab)) {
                shockplot.ylab <- paste0(shockplot.var, "\n")
            shockvar.pos <- paste0("shock.", shockplot.var)
            shockvar.pos <- match(shockvar.pos, names(obj))
            if (missing(shockvar.pos)) {
                stop(paste(shockplot.var, "was not used as a shock variable."),
                    call. = FALSE)
            shockplot.df <- obj[, c(1, shockvar.pos)]
            names(shockplot.df) <- c("time", "shockvar")

            ShockPlot <- ggplot(shockplot.df, aes(time, shockvar)) +
            geom_line(colour = color) +
            ylab(shockplot.ylab) + xlab("") +

            gA <- ggplotGrob(MainPlot)
            gB <- ggplotGrob(ShockPlot)

            # Set equal widths
            maxWidth = grid::unit.pmax(gA$widths[2:5], gB$widths[2:5])
            gA$widths[2:5] <- as.list(maxWidth)
            gB$widths[2:5] <- as.list(maxWidth)

            grid.arrange(arrangeGrob(gA, gB, ncol = 1, heights = c(4, 1)))
        else if (missing(shockplot.var)) {
    # Plot multiple scenarios
    else if (isTRUE("scenNumber" %in% names(obj))) {
        if (missing(color)) {
            color <- "Set1"
        MainPlot <- ggplot(obj, aes(time, ldvMean, colour = factor(scenNumber),
                                fill = factor(scenNumber))) +
                    geom_line(size = lsize) +
                    geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = ldvLower, ymax = ldvUpper),
                      alpha = alpha, linetype = 0) +
                    geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = ldvLower50, ymax = ldvUpper50),
                      alpha = alpha, linetype = 0) +
                    scale_colour_brewer(palette = color, name = leg.name,
                                  guide = legend, labels = leg.labels) +
                    scale_fill_brewer(palette = color, name = leg.name,
                                guide = legend, labels = leg.labels) +
                    xlab(xlab) + ylab(ylab) +
                    ggtitle(title) +

        # Add shock fitted value plot
        if (!missing(shockplot.var)) {
            if (length(shockplot.var) > 1) {
                stop("You must specify ONE shock variable to plot with the shockplot.var argument.",
                    call. = FALSE)
            if (missing(shockplot.ylab)) {
                shockplot.ylab <- paste0(shockplot.var, "\n")
            shockvar.pos <- paste0("shock.", shockplot.var)
            shockvar.pos <- match(shockvar.pos, names(obj))
            if (missing(shockvar.pos)) {
            stop(paste(shockplot.var, "was not used as a shock variable."),
                 call. = FALSE)
            } else
            shockplot.df <- obj[, c(1:2, shockvar.pos)]
            names(shockplot.df) <- c("scenNumber", "time", "shockvar")

            if (length(shockplot.heights) != 2) stop("shockplot.heights must be of length 2.",
                                                     call. = FALSE)
            if (length(shockplot.heights.units) != 2) stop("shockplot.heights.units must be of length 2.",
                                                           call. = FALSE)

            ShockPlot <- ggplot(shockplot.df, aes(time, shockvar,
                                colour = as.factor(scenNumber))) +
            geom_line() +
            scale_colour_brewer(palette = color, guide = FALSE) +
            ylab(shockplot.ylab) + xlab("") +

            gA <- ggplotGrob(MainPlot)
            gB <- ggplotGrob(ShockPlot)

            # Set equal widths
            maxWidth = grid::unit.pmax(gA$widths[2:5], gB$widths[2:5])
            gA$widths[2:5] <- as.list(maxWidth)
            gB$widths[2:5] <- as.list(maxWidth)

            grid.arrange(arrangeGrob(gA, gB, ncol = 1,
                         heights = unit(shockplot.heights,
        else if (missing(shockplot.var)) {

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dynsim documentation built on June 20, 2021, 5:06 p.m.