
"rsextrmat" <-
function(RSobj, mat.no = 1)
    obj.name <- deparse(substitute(RSobj))
    if (!("RSmpl" %in% class(RSobj) || "RSmplext" %in% class(RSobj))){
      err.text<-paste(obj.name," is not a sample object - see help(\"rsextrobj\")",sep ="",collapse="")
    if(mat.no > RSobj$n_tot)
         stop("\n\tElement ",mat.no," not available (",obj.name," has ", RSobj$n_tot, " elements).")
    obj<-rsextrobj(RSobj, start = mat.no, end = mat.no)
    RET<-rstats(obj, function(x) matrix(x, nrow = obj$n))[[1]]

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eRm documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:12 a.m.