
Defines functions fldict

Documented in fldict

#' Get Data Dictionary for Files in Folder
#' Get information about data files in a folder path. Use dict() on a single data frame or getinfo(0) to explore a single column.
#' Author: Bryce Chamberlain.
#' @param folder File path of the folder to create a dictionary for. Pass either this or file.list. file.list will override this argument.
#' @param file.list List of files to create a combined dictionary for. Pass either this or folder. This will ovveride folder. 
#' @param pattern Pattern to match files in the folder. By default we use a pattern that matches read.any-compatible data files and skips temporary Office files. Passed to list.files.
#' @param ignore.case Ignore case when checking pattern. Passed to list.files.
#' @param recursive Check files recursively. Passed to list.files.
#' @param verbose Print helpful information.
#' @param ... Other arguments to read.any for reading in files. Consider using a first_column_name vector, etc.
#' @export
#' @return List with the properties:
#' \item{s}{Summary data of each dataset.}
#' \item{l}{Line data with a row for each column in each dataset.}
#' @examples
#' folder = system.file('extdata', package = 'easyr')
#' fl = fldict(folder)
#' names(fl)
#' fl$sheets
#' fl$columns
fldict = function( 
  folder = NULL, 
  file.list = NULL, 
  pattern = '^[^~]+[.](xls[xmb]?|csv|rds|xml)', 
  ignore.case = TRUE, 
  recursive = TRUE, 
  verbose = FALSE,
  if( is.null(file.list) ) if( is.null(folder) ){
    stop( 'Both folder and file.list have been omitted. Please pass one or the other.' )
  } else {
    file.list = list.files( folder, pattern = pattern, ignore.case = ignore.case, recursive = recursive )
  if( length( file.list ) == 0 && !is.null( folder ) ){
    warning( glue::glue( 'fldict: No files found at path: [ {folder} ].' ) )
  dl = NULL
  i = 0
  for( ifile in file.list ){
    i = i + 1
    if(verbose) cat(glue::glue('Reading file {i} of {length(file.list)}: {ifile}\n\n'))
    # handle excel
    if( grepl( '[.](xls[xmb]?|xml)', ifile, ignore.case = TRUE ) ){
      # get sheets.
      filename = filename.helper( ifile, folder )
      # attempt standard excel read.
      sheets = tryCatch( 
        readxl::excel_sheets( filename ),
        error = function(e) NULL
      # attempt HTML/XML saved as XLS read.
      if( is.null(sheets) && grepl( '[.]xls$', ifile, ignore.case = TRUE ) ) sheets = 1:length( XML::readHTMLTable( filename ) )
      if( is.null(sheets) ){
        dl = dplyr::bind_rows(dl, data.frame(
          file = ifile,
          err = 'Could not find sheets for Excel file. This could be due to password protection. Consider un-protecting the file.',
          stringsAsFactors = FALSE
            Could not find sheets for Excel file at [ {ifile} ]. 
            This could be due to password protection. Consider un-protecting the file.
            Warning easyr::fldict() W1228.
      if(verbose) cat(glue::glue('\t found {length(sheets)} sheets\n\n'))
      for( isheet in sheets ){
        idt = tryCatch({
          x = read.any( ifile, folder = folder, sheet = isheet, ... )
          d = dict(x)
          d$rows = nrow(x)
          d$cols = ncol(x)
        }, error = function(e) data.frame( err = as.character(e) )
        idt$file = ifile
        idt$sheet = isheet
        dl = bindf( dl, idt )
        rm( isheet, idt )
        if( exists('x') ) rm(x)
    } else {
      idt = tryCatch({
        x = read.any( ifile, folder = folder, ... )
        d = dict(x)
        d$rows = nrow(x)
        d$cols = ncol(x)
      }, error = function(e) data.frame( err = as.character(e) )
      idt$file = ifile
      dl = bindf( dl, idt )
      rm( idt )
      if( exists('x') ) rm(x)
  for( icol in intersect( c( 'rows', 'cols' ), colnames(dl) ) ) dl[[icol]] = fmat( dl[[icol]] )
  dl = dl[ , unique( c(
    intersect( c( 'file', 'sheet', 'err', 'rows', 'cols' ), colnames(dl) ),
  )) ]
    sheets = dplyr::distinct( dl[ , intersect( c( 'file', 'sheet', 'err', 'rows', 'cols' ), colnames(dl) ) ] ),
    columns = dl

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easyr documentation built on March 31, 2023, 6:22 p.m.