predict.ebnm: Use the estimated prior from a fitted EBNM model to solve the...

View source: R/ebnm_methods.R

predict.ebnmR Documentation

Use the estimated prior from a fitted EBNM model to solve the EBNM problem for new data


The predict method for class ebnm.


## S3 method for class 'ebnm'
predict(object, newdata, s = 1, ...)



The fitted ebnm object.


A vector of new observations. Missing observations (NAs) are not allowed.


A vector of standard errors (or a scalar if all are equal). Standard errors may not be exactly zero, and missing standard errors are not allowed. Two prior families have additional restrictions: when horseshoe priors are used, errors must be homoskedastic; and since function deconv in package deconvolveR takes z-scores, the "deconvolver" family requires that all standard errors be equal to 1.


Not used. Included for consistency as an S3 method.


A data frame that includes posterior means, posterior standard deviations, and local false sign rates for the observations in newdata.

ebnm documentation built on Oct. 13, 2023, 1:16 a.m.