
Defines functions guess_service warn_or_error retrieve_header wf_unique_id make_script new_archetype wf_check_login wf_key_page make_key_service ecmwf_running .onAttach exit_message spinner wf_server

# Returns server URL
# Returns the url of the data servers for downloading
# public ECMWF data sets or data sets for the Copernicus CDS.
# @param id string, id of the request.
# @details The handling of CDS requests is slightly different from
# the one of ECMWF public data sets. To be able to get the status
# of a request for CDS data sets we do have to check the status
# by calling the 'task' urls. If an \code{id} is given the
# corresponding 'task' url will be returned. Used in
# \code{\link[ecmwfr]{cds_request} and \code{\link[ecmwfr]{cds_transfer}}
# (to be more explicit: in \code{\link[ecmwfr]{wf_transfer} if
# \code{type == "cds"}).
# @author Koen Kufkens
wf_server <- function(id, service = "webapi") {

  # match arguments, if not stop
  service <- match.arg(service, c("webapi", "cds", "ads"))

  # set base urls
  webapi_url <- "https://api.ecmwf.int/v1"
  cds_url <- "https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/api/v2"
  ads_url <- "https://ads.atmosphere.copernicus.eu/api/v2"

  # return url depending on service or id
  if (service == "webapi") {
    if (missing(id)) {
    } else {
      return(file.path(webapi_url, "services/mars/requests", id))
  } else if (service == "ads") {
    if (missing(id)) {
    } else {
      return(file.path(ads_url, "tasks", id))
  } else {
    if (missing(id)) {
    } else {
      return(file.path(cds_url, "tasks", id))

# Simple progress spinner
# Shows a spinner while waiting for a request to be processed.
# @param seconds integer, seconds to sleep
# @details Shows a spinner while waiting for a request to be processed.
# If \code{id} (character) is set, the request id will be shown in addition.
# @author Koen Kufkens, Reto Stauffer
spinner <- function(seconds) {
  # set start time, counter
  start_time <- Sys.time()
  spinner_count <- 1

  while (Sys.time() <= start_time + seconds) {
    # slow down while loop

    # update spinner message
    message(paste0(c("-", "\\", "|", "/")[spinner_count],
                   " polling server for a data transfer\r"),
            appendLF = FALSE)

    # update spinner count
    spinner_count <- ifelse(spinner_count < 4, spinner_count + 1, 1)

# Show message if user exits the function (interrupts execution)
# or as soon as an error will be thrown.
exit_message <- function(url, service, path, file) {
  job_list <- switch(service,
    "webapi"= " Visit https://apps.ecmwf.int/webmars/joblist/",
    "cds" = " Visit https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/yourrequests",
    "ads" = " Visit https://ads.atmosphere.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/yourrequests"

  intro <- paste(
    "Even after exiting your request is still beeing processed!",
    "  to manage (download, retry, delete) your requests",
    "  or to get ID's from previous requests.\n\n",
    sep = "\n"

  options <- paste(
    "- Retry downloading as soon as as completed:\n",
    "  wf_transfer(url = '",
    "<user>,\n ",
    "',\n path = '",
    "',\n filename = '",
    "',\n service = \'",
    "- Delete the job upon completion using:\n",
    "  wf_delete(<user>,\n url ='",
    sep = ""

  # combine all messages
  exit_msg <- paste(intro, options, sep = "")
    "- Your request has been submitted as a %s request.\n\n  %s",

# Startup message when attaching the package.
.onAttach <-
  function(libname = find.package("ecmwfr"),
           pkgname = "ecmwfr") {
    vers <- as.character(utils::packageVersion("ecmwfr"))
    txt <- paste(
      "\n     This is 'ecmwfr' version ",
      ". Please respect the terms of use:\n",
      "     - https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/disclaimer-privacy\n",
      "     - https://www.ecmwf.int/en/terms-use\n"
    if (interactive())

# check if server is reachable
# returns bolean TRUE if so
ecmwf_running <- function(url) {
  ct <- try(httr::GET(url))

  # trap time-out, httr should exit clean but doesn't
  # it seems
  if (inherits(ct, "try-error")) {

  # trap 400 errors
  if (ct$status_code >= 404) {
  } else {

# builds keychain service name from service
make_key_service <- function(service = "") {
  paste("ecmwfr", service, sep = "_")

# gets url where to get API key
wf_key_page <- function(service) {
         webapi = "https://api.ecmwf.int/v1/key/",
         cds = "https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/user/login?destination=user",
         ads = "https://ads.atmosphere.copernicus.eu/user/login?destination=user")

# checks credentials
wf_check_login <- function(user, key, service) {

  # WEBAPI (old)
  if (service == "webapi") {
    info <- httr::GET(
        "Accept" = "application/json",
        "Content-Type" = "application/json",
        "From" = user,
        "X-ECMWF-KEY" = key
      encode = "json"
    return(!httr::http_error(info) &&
           (any(user %in% unclass(httr::content(info)[c("uid", "email")]))))


  # CDS service
  if (service == "cds") {
    url <- paste0(wf_server(service = "cds"), "/tasks/")
    ct <- httr::GET(url, httr::authenticate(user, key))
    return(httr::status_code(ct) < 400)

  # ADS service
  if (service == "ads") {
    url <- paste0(wf_server(service = "ads"), "/tasks/")
    ct <- httr::GET(url, httr::authenticate(user, key))
    return(httr::status_code(ct) < 400)

# build an archetype from arguments and body (either list or expression)
new_archetype <- function(args, body) {
  if (is.list(body)) {
    body_exp <- rlang::expr(list())
    body_exp[names(body)] <- body
    body <- body_exp
  f <- rlang::new_function(args, body)
  class(f) <- c("ecmwfr_archetype", class(f))

# Creates a script to then run as a job
make_script <- function(call, name) {
  script <- tempfile()

  call$job_name <- NULL

  lines <-
      " <- ",
      paste0(deparse(call), collapse = "")
    ), script)

# generate a unique id to use in workflow
# download queue
wf_unique_id <- function() {
  uuid::UUIDgenerate(output = "string")

# Downlaods only the header information
retrieve_header <- function(url, headers) {
  h <- curl::new_handle()
  curl::handle_setheaders(h, .list = headers)
  con <- curl::curl(url, handle = h)

  open(con, "rf")
  head <- curl::handle_data(h)

  head$headers <- curl::parse_headers_list(head$headers)

# Encapsulates errors are warnings logic.
warn_or_error <- function(..., error = FALSE) {
  if (error) {
  } else {

# Guesses the username and service from request
guess_service <- function(request, user = NULL) {
  is_workflow <- !is.null(request[["workflow_name"]])

  # Workflow only works in CDS (maybe?)
  if (is_workflow) {
    if (missing(user) || is.null(user)) {
      user <- keyring::key_list(service = make_key_service("cds"))[["username"]][1]

    service <- "cds_workflow"
    url <- wf_server(service = "cds")

    return(list(user = user,
                service = service,
                url = url))

  if (missing(user) || is.null(user)) {
    user <-
        keyring::key_list(service = make_key_service(c("webapi"))),
        keyring::key_list(service = make_key_service(c("cds"))),
        keyring::key_list(service = make_key_service(c("ads")))
    serv <- make_key_service()
    user <-
      user[substr(user$service, 1,  nchar(serv)) == serv, ][["username"]]

  # checks user login, the request layout and
  # returns the service to use if successful
  wf_check <-
    lapply(user, function(u)
      try(wf_check_request(u, request), silent = TRUE))
  correct <- which(!vapply(wf_check, inherits, TRUE, "try-error"))

  if (length(correct) == 0) {
        "Data identifier %s is not found in Web API, CDS or ADS datasets.
                 Or your login credentials do not match your request.",
      call. = FALSE

  wf_check <- wf_check[[correct]]
  user <- user[correct]

  return(list(user = user,
              service = wf_check$service,
              url = wf_check$url))

Try the ecmwfr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ecmwfr documentation built on Jan. 22, 2023, 1:23 a.m.