
#' Quantification of marginal effects in linear-in-means models.
#' @param object numeric number
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @noRd
#' @export
"quantify" <- function(object, ...){
#' @rdname quantify
#' @name quantify
#' @title quantify: quantification of marginal effects in linear-in-means models.
#' @param object first object in the list of outcomes returned by \code{net_dep} (available only if the argument \code{model} is set to \code{"model_B"}).
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @return an object of class \code{data.frame} listing direct and indirect variable effects (mean, standard deviation, max, min).
#' @details
#' \code{quantify} returns marginal effects for \code{net_dep} objects when \code{model = "model_B"} and \code{hypothesis = "lim"}.
#' For additional details, see the vignette (doi:10.18637/jss.v102.i08).
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Load data
#' data("db_cosponsor")
#' data("G_alumni_111")
#' db_model_B <- db_cosponsor
#' G_model_B <- G_cosponsor_111
#' G_exclusion_restriction <- G_alumni_111
#' are_factors <- c("party", "gender", "nchair")
#' db_model_B[are_factors] <- lapply(db_model_B[are_factors], factor)
#' # Specify formula
#' f_model_B <- formula("les ~gender + party + nchair")
#' # Specify starting values
#' starting <- c(alpha = 0.23952,
#'               beta_gender1 = -0.22024,
#'               beta_party1 = 0.42947,
#'               beta_nchair1 = 3.09615,
#'               phi = 0.40038,
#'               unobservables = 0.07714)
#' # Fit Linear-in-means model
#' lim_model_B <- net_dep(formula = f_model_B, data = db_model_B,
#'                        G = G_model_B, model = "model_B", estimation = "NLLS",
#'                        hypothesis = "lim", endogeneity = TRUE, correction = "heckman",
#'                        first_step = "standard",
#'                        exclusion_restriction = G_exclusion_restriction,
#'                        start.val = starting)
#' quantify(lim_model_B)
#' }
#' # WARNING, This toy example is provided only for runtime execution.
#' # Please refer to previous examples for sensible calculations.
#' data("db_alumni_test")
#' data("G_model_A_test")
#' db_model <- db_alumni_test
#' G_model <- G_model_A_test
#' f_model <- formula("les ~ dw")
#' lim_model_test <- net_dep(formula = f_model, data = db_model,
#'                        G = G_model, model = "model_B", estimation = "NLLS",
#'                        hypothesis = "lim", start.val = c(alpha = 0.4553039,
#'                                                          beta_dw = -0.7514903,
#'                                                          phi = 1.6170539))
#' quantify(lim_model_test)
#' @seealso \code{\link{net_dep}}
#' @importFrom Matrix solve
#' @export
"quantify.econet" <- function(object, ...) {

  if(inherits(object, "econet") &
    attributes(object)$model == "model_B" &
    attributes(object)$hypothesis == "lim") {

    fit <- object

    if (!is.null(attributes(object)$attr)) {
      Gn <- fit$second_step$`parameter-dependent`$data$G
    } else {
      Gn <- fit$second_step$data$G

    fit <- summary.econet(fit, ...)$coefficients
    to_display <- rownames(fit)
    fit <- fit[ - which(rownames(fit) %in% "alpha"), ]
    sel <- which(rownames(fit) %in% "phi")
    regressor <- fit[ - sel, 1]
    parameter <- fit[sel, 1]
    to_display <- to_display[grepl("alpha|phi", to_display) == FALSE]
    fit <- c(parameter,regressor)

    res.b <- fit
    n <- nrow(Gn)

    D <- NULL
    M <- NULL
    Sn <- solve(diag(dim(Gn)[1]) - res.b[1] * Gn) %*% diag(n)

    for (i in 2:length(res.b)) {
      beta_k <- i

      Me <- rep(0, n)
      Ie <- rep(0, n)
      Dx <- rep(1, n)
      C_i <- Sn * res.b[beta_k]
      Me <- diag(C_i)
      D <- rbind(D, matrix(c(mean(Me), sd(Me), max(Me), min(Me)), 1, 4))

      Me2 <- Me
      Me <- diag(length(Me2))
      diag(Me) <- Me2

      C_i <- C_i - Me;
      Ie <- c(C_i[C_i != 0])
      M <- rbind(M, matrix(c(mean(Ie), sd(Ie), max(Ie), min(Ie)), 1, 4))

    res <- cbind(round(D,4), round(M,4))
    res <- data.frame(res)
    res <- cbind(round(regressor,4), res)
    colnames(res) <- c("beta",
                              c("mean", "std", "max", "min")),
                              c("mean", "std", "max", "min")))
    rownames(res) <- to_display

  else warning("This is not an econet object with attributes 'lim' and 'model_B'")


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econet documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:46 p.m.