
Defines functions eigenvalues_method reflections_method fitness_method complexity_measures

Documented in complexity_measures eigenvalues_method fitness_method reflections_method

#' Complexity Measures
#' @description \code{complexity_measures()} computes the Economic Complexity
#' Index and the Product Complexity Index.
#' @details The current implementation follows
#' \insertCite{measuringcomplexity2015}{economiccomplexity} to obtain different
#' alternatives that account for diversification in bipartite relations.
#' @return A list of two named numeric vectors.
#' @param balassa_index (Type: dgCMatrix) the output from
#' \code{balassa_index()}) or an equivalent arrangement.
#' @param method (Type: character) one of these methods: fitness,
#' reflections or eigenvalues. By default this is set to \code{"fitness"}.
#' @param iterations (Type: numeric) the number of iterations to use.
#' By default this is set to \code{20}.
#' @param extremality (Type: numeric) the parameter to use in the fitness
#' method. The other methods don't use this parameter.
#' By default this is set to \code{1}.
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums colSums
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @examples
#' co <- complexity_measures(economiccomplexity_output$balassa_index)
#' # partial view of indexes
#' co$complexity_index_country[1:5]
#' co$complexity_index_product[1:5]
#' @references
#' For more information on this index see:
#' \insertRef{measuringcomplexity2015}{economiccomplexity}
#' and the references therein.
#' @keywords functions
#' @export
complexity_measures <- function(balassa_index, method = "fitness", iterations = 20, extremality = 1) {
  # sanity checks ----
  if (!(any(class(balassa_index) %in% "dgCMatrix") == TRUE)) {
    stop("'balassa_index' must be a dgCMatrix")

  if (!(any(method %in% c("fitness", "reflections", "eigenvalues")) == TRUE)) {
    stop("'method' must be 'fitness', 'reflections' or 'eigenvalues'")

  if (!is.integer(iterations)) {
    iterations <- as.integer(iterations)

    if (iterations < 2L) {
      stop("'iterations' must be integer and >= 2")

  if (iterations %% 2 != 0) {
    iterations <- iterations + 1
    warning("'iterations' was changed to 'iterations + 1' to work with an even number of iterations")

  # compute complexity measures ----
  rows_balassa_index <- rowSums(balassa_index)[rowSums(balassa_index) > 0]
  cols_balassa_index <- colSums(balassa_index)[colSums(balassa_index) > 0]

  balassa_index <- balassa_index[
    rownames(balassa_index) %in% names(rows_balassa_index),
    colnames(balassa_index) %in% names(cols_balassa_index)

  if (method == "fitness") {
    fitness_output <- fitness_method(balassa_index, iterations, extremality)
    xci <- fitness_output$xci
    yci <- fitness_output$yci

  if (method == "reflections") {
    reflections_output <- reflections_method(balassa_index, iterations)
    xci <- reflections_output$xci
    yci <- reflections_output$yci

  if (method == "eigenvalues") {
    # to check if a sign correction is needed
    reflections_output <- reflections_method(balassa_index, iterations)
    xci_r <- reflections_output$xci
    yci_r <- reflections_output$yci

    eigenvalues_output <- eigenvalues_method(balassa_index, iterations)
    xci <- eigenvalues_output$xci
    yci <- eigenvalues_output$yci

    # correct xci sign when required
    if (isTRUE(cor(xci, xci_r, use = "pairwise.complete.obs") < 0)) {
      xci <- (-1) * xci

    # correct yci sign when required
    if (isTRUE(cor(yci, yci_r, use = "pairwise.complete.obs") < 0)) {
      yci <- (-1) * yci

      complexity_index_country = xci,
      complexity_index_product = yci

#' Fitness Method
#' @param balassa_index (Type: dgCMatrix) the output from
#' \code{balassa_index()}) or an equivalent arrangement.
#' @param iterations (Type: numeric) the number of iterations to use.
#' By default this is set to \code{20}.
#' @param extremality (Type: numeric) the parameter to use in the fitness
#' method. The other methods don't use this parameter.
#' By default this is set to \code{1}.
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix crossprod
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @keywords internal
fitness_method <- function(balassa_index, iterations, extremality) {
  # create empty matrices
  kx <- Matrix(0,
    nrow = nrow(balassa_index), ncol = iterations,
    sparse = TRUE,
    forceCheck = TRUE

  ky <- Matrix(0,
    nrow = ncol(balassa_index), ncol = iterations,
    sparse = TRUE,
    forceCheck = TRUE

  # fill the first columns with rowSums(balassa_index) and colSums(balassa_index) to start iterating
  kx[, 1] <- 1
  ky[, 1] <- 1

  # compute cols 2 to "no. of iterations" by iterating from col 1
  for (j in 2:ncol(kx)) {
    kx[, j] <- balassa_index %*% ky[, (j - 1)]
    kx[, j] <- kx[, j] / mean(kx[, j], na.rm = T)

    ky[, j] <- 1 / (crossprod(balassa_index, (1 / kx[, (j - 1)])^extremality))^(1 / extremality)
    ky[, j] <- ky[, j] / mean(ky[, j], na.rm = T)

      xci = setNames(
        kx[, iterations],
      yci = setNames(
        ky[, iterations],

#' Reflections Method
#' @param balassa_index (Type: dgCMatrix) the output from
#' \code{balassa_index()}) or an equivalent arrangement.
#' @param iterations (Type: numeric) the number of iterations to use.
#' By default this is set to \code{20}.
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix crossprod
#' @importFrom stats sd setNames
#' @keywords internal
reflections_method <- function(balassa_index, iterations) {
  # create empty matrices
  kx <- Matrix(0,
    nrow = nrow(balassa_index), ncol = iterations,
    sparse = TRUE,
    forceCheck = TRUE

  ky <- Matrix(0,
    nrow = ncol(balassa_index), ncol = iterations,
    sparse = TRUE,
    forceCheck = TRUE

  # fill the first columns with rowSums(balassa_index) and colSums(balassa_index) to start iterating
  kx[, 1] <- rowSums(balassa_index)
  ky[, 1] <- colSums(balassa_index)

  # compute cols 2 to "no. of iterations" by iterating from col 1
  for (j in 2:ncol(kx)) {
    kx[, j] <- (balassa_index %*% ky[, (j - 1)]) / rowSums(balassa_index)
    ky[, j] <- (crossprod(balassa_index, kx[, (j - 1)])) / colSums(balassa_index)

  # xci is of odd order and normalized
  # yci is of even order and normalized
      xci = setNames(
        (kx[, iterations - 1] - mean(kx[, iterations - 1], na.rm = T)) /
          sd(kx[, iterations - 1], na.rm = T),
      yci = setNames(
        (ky[, iterations] - mean(ky[, iterations], na.rm = T)) /
          sd(ky[, iterations], na.rm = T),

#' Eigenvalues Method
#' @param balassa_index (Type: dgCMatrix) the output from
#' \code{balassa_index()}) or an equivalent arrangement.
#' @param iterations (Type: numeric) the number of iterations to use.
#' By default this is set to \code{20}.
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix t
#' @importFrom stats sd setNames
#' @keywords internal
eigenvalues_method <- function(balassa_index, iterations) {
  # compute eigenvalues for xci
  xci <- eigen((balassa_index / rowSums(balassa_index)) %*% (t(balassa_index) / colSums(balassa_index)))
  xci <- Re(xci$vectors[, 2])

  # compute eigenvalues for yci
  yci <- eigen((t(balassa_index) / colSums(balassa_index)) %*% (balassa_index / rowSums(balassa_index)))
  yci <- Re(yci$vectors[, 2])

      xci = setNames(
        (xci - mean(xci, na.rm = T)) / sd(xci, na.rm = T),
      yci = setNames(
        (yci - mean(yci, na.rm = T)) / sd(yci, na.rm = T),

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