
Defines functions setequal.egor setdiff.egor union_all.egor union.egor intersect.egor sample_frac.egor sample_n.egor rowwise.egor pull.egor explain.egor do.egor distinct_if.egor distinct_at.egor distinct_all.egor distinct.egor append_cols append_rows group_vars.egor groups.egor group_trim.egor n_groups.egor group_size.egor group_data.egor group_nest.egor group_modify.egor group_split.egor group_keys.egor group_indices.egor group_by_drop_default.egor group_vars.egor tbl_vars.egor anti_join.egor nest_join.egor semi_join.egor full_join.egor right_join.egor left_join.egor inner_join.egor arrange.egor summarize.egor summarise.egor ungroup.egor group_by.egor slice_sample.egor slice_max.egor slice_min.egor slice_tail.egor slice_head.egor slice.egor filter.egor rename.egor select.egor transmute.egor mutate.egor return_egor_with_result tibble_egos bind_IDs_if_missing trim_alters trim_aaties

Documented in append_cols append_rows trim_aaties trim_alters

if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1")

dplyr_version <- utils::packageDescription("dplyr")$Version

# dplyr helper functions

#' Trims alter-alter ties of alters that are missing/ deleted from alters data.
#' This is used in the background by `dplyr` methods, to maintain the alter-alter
#' ties according to changes made to the ego and alter data levels.
#' @param object An `egor` object.
#' @return An `egor` object with trimmed alter-alter ties (.aaties).
#' @export
trim_aaties <- function(object) {
  # keep only aaties that have .egoID in ego
  object$aatie <-
    filter(object$aatie, .egoID %in% as_tibble(object$ego)$.egoID)
  # keep only aaties that have .egoID in alters
  object$aatie <-
    filter(object$aatie, .egoID %in% unique(object$alter$.egoID))
  # keep only aaties that have .srcID AND .tgtID in alters
  object$alter$..tmp_unique_altID <-
    paste0(object$alter$.egoID, object$alter$.altID)
  object$aatie$..tmp_unique_srcID <-
    paste0(object$aatie$.egoID, object$aatie$.srcID)
  object$aatie$..tmp_unique_tgtID <-
    paste0(object$aatie$.egoID, object$aatie$.tgtID)
  object$aatie <-
      ..tmp_unique_srcID %in% object$alter$..tmp_unique_altID,
      ..tmp_unique_tgtID %in% object$alter$..tmp_unique_altID
  object$aatie <-
           -..tmp_unique_srcID, -..tmp_unique_tgtID)
  object$alter <-
  if (!all(c(".egoID", ".srcID", ".tgtID") %in% names(object$aatie)))
    #' @importFrom stats setNames
    object$aatie <-
    setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 0)),
             c(".egoID", ".srcID", ".tgtID"))

#' Trims alters that are missing/ deleted from ego data.
#' This is used in the background by `dplyr` methods, to maintain the alter
#' ties according to changes made to the ego data level.
#' @param object An `egor` object.
#' @return An `egor` object with trimmed alter-alter ties (.aaties).
#' @export
trim_alters <- function(object) {
  object$alter <-
    filter(object$alter, .egoID %in% as_tibble(object$ego)$.egoID)

bind_IDs_if_missing <- function(.data, result) {
  a <-
    unlist(IDVARS[IDVARS %in% names(.data[[attr(.data, "active")]])], use.names = FALSE)
  b <- a[!a %in% names(result)]
  if (length(b) >= 1)
    result <- bind_cols(select(.data[[attr(.data, "active")]], all_of(b)),
  select(result, all_of(a), everything())

# This is a very ugly workaround, necessary because srvyr does not
# have some dplyr methods for [`tbl_svy`] objects as of this writing. This
# temporarily converts ego table into a tibble with an extra column
# containing the row ID so that we could later figure out what subset
# of rows to pass to [.svy_tbl() in return_egor_with_result().
tibble_egos <- function(.data) {
  if (attr(.data, "active") == "ego" && has_ego_design(.data)) {
    .data[["ego"]] <-
      bind_cols(.data[["ego"]][["variables"]], .rowID_for_design = seq_len(nrow(.data[["ego"]])))

return_egor_with_result <- function(.data, result, trim = TRUE) {
  # The following takes the subsetting done by whatever method did it,
  # and applies it to the svy_design object, before replacing its
  # variables with the result tibble.
  if (attr(.data, "active") == "ego" && has_ego_design(.data)) {
    i <- result[[".rowID_for_design"]]
    if (!is.null(i)) {
      result[[".rowID_for_design"]] <- NULL
      res_ego <- .data[["ego"]][i, ]
      # res_ego should now be a svy_tbl object that has the same number of
      # rows as result, so the following shouldn't break things:
      res_ego$variables <- result
      result <- res_ego
  .data[[attr(.data, "active")]] <- result
  if (trim) {
    .data <- trim_alters(.data)
  } else

# mutate ------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method mutate egor
mutate.egor <- function(.data, ...) {
  result <- mutate(.data[[attr(.data, "active")]], ...)
  return_egor_with_result(.data, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method transmute egor
transmute.egor <- function(.data, ...) {
  result <-
    transmute(tibble_egos(.data)[[attr(.data, "active")]], ...)
  result <-
    bind_IDs_if_missing(.data, result)
  return_egor_with_result(.data, result)

# select ------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method select egor
select.egor <- function(.data, ...) {
  result <- select(tibble_egos(.data)[[attr(.data, "active")]], ...)
  result <-
    bind_IDs_if_missing(.data, result)
  return_egor_with_result(.data, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method rename egor
rename.egor <- function(.data, ...) {
  result <- rename(.data[[attr(.data, "active")]], ...)
  result <-
    bind_IDs_if_missing(.data, result)
  return_egor_with_result(.data, result)

#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method rename_with egor
#' rename_with.egor <- function(.data, .fn, .cols = everything(), ...) {
#'   result <- rename_with(.data[[attr(.data, "active")]], .fn, .cols = everything(), ...)
#'   result <-
#'     bind_IDs_if_missing(.data, result)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.data, result)
#' }
#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method relocate egor
#' relocate.egor <- function(.data, ...) {
#'   result <- relocate(.data[[attr(.data, "active")]], ...)
#'   result <-
#'     bind_IDs_if_missing(.data, result)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.data, result)
#' }

# filter ------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method filter egor
filter.egor <- function(.data, ...) {
  result <- filter(.data[[attr(.data, "active")]], ...)
  return_egor_with_result(.data, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method slice egor
slice.egor <- function(.data, ...) {
  result <- slice(tibble_egos(.data)[[attr(.data, "active")]], ...)
  return_egor_with_result(.data, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method slice_head egor
slice_head.egor <- function(.data, ...) {
  result <- slice_head(tibble_egos(.data)[[attr(.data, "active")]], ...)
  return_egor_with_result(.data, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method slice_tail egor
slice_tail.egor <- function(.data, ...) {
  result <- slice_tail(tibble_egos(.data)[[attr(.data, "active")]], ...)
  return_egor_with_result(.data, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method slice_min egor
slice_min.egor <- function(.data, ...) {
  result <- slice_min(tibble_egos(.data)[[attr(.data, "active")]], ...)
  return_egor_with_result(.data, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method slice_max egor
slice_max.egor <- function(.data, ...) {
  result <- slice_max(tibble_egos(.data)[[attr(.data, "active")]], ...)
  return_egor_with_result(.data, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method slice_sample egor
slice_sample.egor <- function(.data, ...) {
  result <- slice_sample(tibble_egos(.data)[[attr(.data, "active")]], ...)
  return_egor_with_result(.data, result)

# group_by count tally summarise ------------------------------------------

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method group_by egor
group_by.egor <- function(.data,
                          .add = FALSE,
                          .drop = group_by_drop_default(.data)) {
  dplyr_version <- utils::packageDescription("dplyr")$Version
  if (utils::compareVersion(dplyr_version, "0.8.5") < 0)
    result <-
      group_by(.data[[attr(.data, "active")]], ..., add = .add, .drop = group_by_drop_default(.data))
    result <-
      group_by(.data[[attr(.data, "active")]], ..., .add = .add, .drop = group_by_drop_default(.data))
  return_egor_with_result(.data, result, trim = FALSE)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method ungroup egor
ungroup.egor <- function(x, ...) {
  result <- ungroup(x[[attr(x, "active")]], ...)
  return_egor_with_result(x, result)

#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method count egor
#' count.egor <- function(.data, ...) {
#'   count(.data[[attr(.data, "active")]], ...)
#' }

#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method tally egor
#' tally.egor <- function(x, wt = NULL, sort = FALSE, name = "n") {
#'   tally(x[[attr(x, "active")]], wt = NULL, sort = FALSE, name = "n")
#' }

#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method add_count egor
#' add_count.egor <- function(.data, ...) {
#'   result <- add_count(.data[[attr(.data, "active")]], ...)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.data, result)
#' }

#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method add_tally egor
#' add_tally.egor <- function(x, wt = NULL, sort = FALSE, name = "n") {
#'   result <- add_tally(x[[attr(x, "active")]], wt = NULL, sort = FALSE, name = "n")
#'   return_egor_with_result(.data, result)
#' }

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method summarise egor
summarise.egor <- function(.data, ...) {
  summarise(.data[[attr(.data, "active")]], ...)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method summarize egor
summarize.egor <- function(.data, ...) {
  summarize(.data[[attr(.data, "active")]], ...)

# arrange -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method arrange egor
arrange.egor <- function(.data, ...) {
  result <- arrange(tibble_egos(.data)[[attr(.data, "active")]], ...)
  return_egor_with_result(.data, result)
# should arrange commands to ego level ripple through to the other two levels?

# joins -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method inner_join egor
inner_join.egor <- function(x,
                            by = NULL,
                            copy = FALSE,
                            suffix = c(".x", ".y"),
                            ...) {
  result <-
      tibble_egos(x)[[attr(x, "active")]],
      by = by,
      copy = copy,
      suffix = suffix,
  return_egor_with_result(x, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method left_join egor
left_join.egor <- function(x,
                           by = NULL,
                           copy = FALSE,
                           suffix = c(".x", ".y"),
                           ...) {
  result <-
      tibble_egos(x)[[attr(x, "active")]],
      by = by,
      copy = copy,
      suffix = suffix,
  return_egor_with_result(x, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method right_join egor
right_join.egor <- function(x,
                            by = NULL,
                            copy = FALSE,
                            suffix = c(".x", ".y"),
                            ...) {
  result <-
      tibble_egos(x)[[attr(x, "active")]],
      by = by,
      copy = copy,
      suffix = suffix,
  return_egor_with_result(x, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method full_join egor
full_join.egor <- function(x,
                           by = NULL,
                           copy = FALSE,
                           suffix = c(".x", ".y"),
                           ...) {
  result <-
      tibble_egos(x)[[attr(x, "active")]],
      by = by,
      copy = copy,
      suffix = suffix,
  return_egor_with_result(x, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method semi_join egor
semi_join.egor <- function(x,
                           by = NULL,
                           copy = FALSE,
                           suffix = c(".x", ".y"),
                           ...) {
  result <-
      tibble_egos(x)[[attr(x, "active")]],
      by = by,
      copy = copy,
      suffix = suffix,
  return_egor_with_result(x, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method nest_join egor
nest_join.egor <- function(x,
                           by = NULL,
                           copy = FALSE,
                           keep = FALSE,
                           name = NULL,
                           ...) {
  result <-
      tibble_egos(x)[[attr(x, "active")]],
      by = by,
      copy = copy,
      keep = keep,
      name = name,
  return_egor_with_result(x, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method anti_join egor
anti_join.egor <- function(x,
                           by = NULL,
                           copy = FALSE,
                           suffix = c(".x", ".y"),
                           ...) {
  result <-
      tibble_egos(x)[[attr(x, "active")]],
      by = by,
      copy = copy,
      suffix = suffix,
  return_egor_with_result(x, result)

# select_ rename_ ---------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method tbl_vars egor
tbl_vars.egor <-
  function(x) {
    tbl_vars(x[[attr(x, "active")]])

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method group_vars egor
group_vars.egor <-
  function(x) {
    group_vars(x[[attr(x, "active")]])

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method rename_ egor
rename_.egor <- rename.egor

#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method select_all egor
#' select_all.egor <- function(.tbl, .funs = list(), ...) {
#'   result <- select_all(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .funs = .funs, ...)
#'   result <-
#'     bind_IDs_if_missing(.tbl, result)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }

#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method rename_all egor
#' rename_all.egor <- function(.tbl, .funs = list(), ...) {
#'   result <- rename_all(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .funs = .funs, ...)
#'   result <-
#'     bind_IDs_if_missing(.tbl, result)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }

#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method select_if egor
#' select_if.egor <- function(.tbl, .predicate, .funs = list(), ...) {
#'   result <- select_if(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .predicate, .funs = .funs, ...)
#'   result <-
#'     bind_IDs_if_missing(.tbl, result)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }

#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method rename_if egor
#' rename_if.egor <- function(.tbl, .predicate, .funs = list(), ...) {
#'   result <- rename_if(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .predicate, .funs = .funs, ...)
#'   result <-
#'     bind_IDs_if_missing(.tbl, result)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }

#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method select_at egor
#' select_at.egor <- function(.tbl, .vars, .funs = list(), ...) {
#'   result <- select_at(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .vars, .funs = .funs, ...)
#'   result <-
#'     bind_IDs_if_missing(.tbl, result)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }

#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method rename_at egor
#' rename_at.egor <- function(.tbl, .vars, .funs = list(), ...) {
#'   result <- rename_at(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .vars = .vars, .funs = .funs, ...)
#'   result <-
#'     bind_IDs_if_missing(.tbl, result)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }

# filter_ -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method filter_all egor
#' filter_all.egor <- function(.tbl, .vars_predicate, .preserve = FALSE) {
#'   result <- filter_all(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .vars_predicate, .preserve)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }
#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method filter_at egor
#' filter_at.egor <- function(.tbl, .vars, .vars_predicate, .preserve = FALSE) {
#'   result <- filter_at(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .vars, .vars_predicate, .preserve = FALSE)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }
#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method filter_if egor
#' filter_if.egor <- function(.tbl, .predicate, .vars_predicate, .preserve = FALSE) {
#'   result <- filter_if(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .predicate, .vars_predicate, .preserve)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }

# mutate_ -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method mutate_all egor
#' mutate_all.egor <- function(.tbl, .funs, ...) {
#'   result <- mutate_all(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .funs, ...)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }
#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method mutate_at egor
#' mutate_at.egor <- function(.tbl, .vars, .funs, ..., .cols = NULL) {
#'   result <- mutate_at(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .vars, .funs, ..., .cols = NULL)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }
#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method mutate_if egor
#' mutate_if.egor <- function(.tbl, .predicate, .funs, ...) {
#'   result <- mutate_if(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .predicate, .funs, ...)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }
#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method transmute_all egor
#' transmute_all.egor <- function(.tbl, .funs, ...) {
#'   result <- transmute_all(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .funs, ...)
#'   result <- bind_IDs_if_missing(.data, result)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }
#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method transmute_at egor
#' transmute_at.egor <- function(.tbl, .vars, .funs, ..., .cols = NULL) {
#'   result <- transmute_at(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .vars, .funs, ..., .cols = NULL)
#'   result <- bind_IDs_if_missing(.data, result)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }
#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method transmute_if egor
#' transmute_if.egor <- function(.tbl, .predicate, .funs, ...) {
#'   result <- transmute_if(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .predicate, .funs, ...)
#'   result <- bind_IDs_if_missing(.data, result)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }

# arrange_ ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method arrange_all egor
#' arrange_all.egor <- function(.tbl, .funs = list(), ..., .by_group = FALSE) {
#'   result <- arrange_all(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .funs = list(), ..., .by_group = FALSE)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }
#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method arrange_at egor
#' arrange_at.egor <- function(.tbl, .vars, .funs = list(), ..., .by_group = FALSE) {
#'   result <- arrange_at(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .vars, .funs = list(), ..., .by_group = FALSE)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }
#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method arrange_if egor
#' arrange_if.egor <- function(.tbl, .predicate, .funs = list(), ..., .by_group = FALSE) {
#'   result <- arrange_if(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .predicate, .funs = list(), ..., .by_group = FALSE)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }

# summarise_ ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method summarise_all egor
#' summarise_all.egor <- function(.tbl, .funs, ...) {
#'   result <- summarise_all(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .funs, ...)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }
#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method summarise_at egor
#' summarise_at.egor <- function(.tbl, .vars, .funs, ..., .cols = NULL) {
#'   result <- summarise_at(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .vars, .funs, ..., .cols = NULL)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }
#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method summarise_if egor
#' summarise_if.egor <- function(.tbl, .predicate, .funs, ...) {
#'   result <- summarise_if(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .predicate, .funs, ...)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }
#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method summarize_all egor
#' summarize_all.egor <- function(.tbl, .funs, ...) {
#'   result <- summarize_all(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .funs, ...)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }
#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method summarize_at egor
#' summarize_at.egor <- function(.tbl, .vars, .funs, ..., .cols = NULL) {
#'   result <- summarize_at(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .vars, .funs, ..., .cols = NULL)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }
#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method summarize_if egor
#' summarize_if.egor <- function(.tbl, .predicate, .funs, ...) {
#'   result <- summarize_if(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .predicate, .funs, ...)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }

# group_by_ group variants ------------------------------------------------

#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method group_by_all egor
#' group_by_all.egor <- function(.tbl, .funs, ...) {
#'   result <- group_by_all(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .funs, ...)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }

#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method group_by_at egor
#' group_by_at.egor <- function(.tbl, .vars, .funs, ...) {
#'   result <- group_by_at(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .vars, .funs, ...)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }

#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method group_by_if egor
#' group_by_if.egor <- function(.tbl, .vars, .funs, ...) {
#'   result <- group_by_if(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .vars, .funs, ...)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method group_by_drop_default egor
group_by_drop_default.egor <- function(.tbl) {
  group_by_drop_default(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]])

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method group_indices egor
group_indices.egor <- function(.data, ...) {
  result <- group_indices(.data[[attr(.data, "active")]], ...)
  return_egor_with_result(.data, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method group_keys egor
group_keys.egor <- function(.tbl, ...) {
  result <- group_keys(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], ...)
  return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method group_split egor
group_split.egor <- function(.tbl, ...) {
  result <- group_split(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], ...)
  return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)

#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method group_map egor
#' group_map.egor <- function(.tbl, .f, ...) {
#'   result <- group_map(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .f)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method group_modify egor
group_modify.egor <- function(.data, .f, ..., .keep = FALSE) {
  result <-
    group_modify(.data[[attr(.data, "active")]], .f = .f, ..., .keep = .keep)
  return_egor_with_result(.data, result)

#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method group_walk egor
#' group_walk.egor <- function(.tbl, .f, ...) {
#'   result <- group_walk(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .f, ...)
#'   return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)
#' }

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method group_nest egor
group_nest.egor <- function(.tbl, ...) {
  result <- group_nest(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], ...)
  return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method group_data egor
group_data.egor <- function(.data) {
  result <- group_data(.data[[attr(.data, "active")]])
  return_egor_with_result(.data, result)

#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method group_rows egor
#' group_rows.egor <- function(.data) {
#'   result <- group_rows(.data[[attr(.data, "active")]])
#'   return_egor_with_result(.data, result)
#' }

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method group_size egor
group_size.egor <- function(x) {
  result <- group_size(x[[attr(x, "active")]])
  return_egor_with_result(x, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method n_groups egor
n_groups.egor <- function(x) {
  result <- n_groups(x[[attr(x, "active")]])
  return_egor_with_result(x, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method group_trim egor
group_trim.egor <- function(.tbl, .drop = group_by_drop_default(.tbl)) {
  result <-
    group_trim(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .drop = group_by_drop_default(.tbl))
  return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method groups egor
groups.egor <- function(x) {
  result <- groups(x[[attr(x, "active")]])
  return_egor_with_result(x, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method group_vars egor
group_vars.egor <- function(x) {
  group_vars(x[[attr(x, "active")]])

# bind --------------------------------------------------------------------

# bind_cols/bind_rows don't seem to be generics

#' Append rows/columns to ego, alter or aatie data
#' These work like dplyr's bind_cols() and bind_rows(). The first
#' argument has to be an egor object. Additional rows/columns are added bottom/RHS
#' of the active data level (ego, alter, aatie).
#' @template egor_param
#' @param ... Data frames to combine.
#' @param .id Data frame identifier.
#' @name append_egor
#' @return `egor` object containing the additional rows/ columns on the active level.
#' @examples 
#' e <- make_egor(12, 15)
#' # Adding a column to the ego level
#' additional_ego_columns <-
#'   tibble(x = sample(1:3, 12, replace = TRUE))
#' append_cols(e, additional_ego_columns)
#' # Adding rows to the ego and alter level
#' additional_ego_rows <-
#'   list(
#'     .egoID = 13,
#'     sex = "w",
#'     age = factor("56 - 65"),
#'     age.years = 60,
#'     country = "Australia"
#'   ) %>%
#'   as_tibble()
#' additional_alter_rows <-
#'   list(
#'     .altID = 1:5,
#'     .egoID = rep(13, 5),
#'     sex = sample(c("f", "m"), 5, replace = TRUE)
#'   ) %>%
#'   as_tibble()
#' append_rows(e, additional_ego_rows) %>%
#'   activate(alter) %>%
#'   append_rows(additional_alter_rows)

#' @rdname append_egor
#' @export
append_rows <- function(.egor, ..., .id = NULL) {
  result <- bind_rows(.egor[[attr(.egor, "active")]], ..., .id)
  return_egor_with_result(.egor, result)

#' @export
#' @rdname append_egor
append_cols <- function(.egor, ...) {
  result <- bind_cols(.egor[[attr(.egor, "active")]], ...)
  return_egor_with_result(.egor, result)

# distinct ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method distinct egor
distinct.egor <- function(.data,
                          .keep_all = FALSE) {
  result <-
    distinct(.data[[attr(.data, "active")]], ..., .keep_all = .keep_all)
  return_egor_with_result(.data, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method distinct_all egor
distinct_all.egor <- function(.tbl,
                              .funs = list(),
                              .keep_all = FALSE) {
  result <-
    distinct_all(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .funs = .funs, ..., .keep_all = .keep_all)
  return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method distinct_at egor
distinct_at.egor <- function(.tbl,
                             .funs = list(),
                             .keep_all = FALSE) {
  result <-
    distinct_at(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]], .vars, .funs = .funs, ..., .keep_all = .keep_all)
  return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method distinct_if egor
distinct_if.egor <- function(.tbl,
                             .funs = list(),
                             .keep_all = FALSE) {
  result <-
    distinct_if(.tbl[[attr(.tbl, "active")]],
                .funs = .funs,
                .keep_all = .keep_all)
  return_egor_with_result(.tbl, result)

# do  ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method do egor
do.egor <- function(.data, ...) {
  result <- do(.data[[attr(.data, "active")]], ...)
  return_egor_with_result(.data, result)

# explain -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method explain egor
explain.egor <- function(x, ...) {
  explain(x[[attr(x, "active")]], ...)

# pull --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method pull egor
pull.egor <- function(.data, var = -1, name = NULL, ...) {
  pull(.data[[attr(.data, "active")]], var = !!enquo(var), ...) 

# rowwise -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Not a generic :(

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method rowwise egor
rowwise.egor <- function(data, ...) {
  result <- rowwise(data[[attr(data, "active")]], ...)
  return_egor_with_result(data, result)

# sample_n sample_frac ----------------------------------------------------

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method sample_n egor
sample_n.egor <- function(tbl,
                          replace = FALSE,
                          weight = NULL,
                          .env = NULL,
                          ...) {
  result <-
    sample_n(tbl[[attr(tbl, "active")]],
             replace = FALSE,
             weight = NULL,
             .env = NULL,
  return_egor_with_result(tbl, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method sample_frac egor
sample_frac.egor <- function(tbl,
                             replace = FALSE,
                             weight = NULL,
                             .env = NULL,
                             ...) {
  result <-
    sample_frac(tbl[[attr(tbl, "active")]],
                replace = FALSE,
                weight = NULL,
                .env = NULL,
  return_egor_with_result(tbl, result)

# top_frac top_n ----------------------------------------------------------

#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method top_n egor
#' top_n.egor <- function(x, n, wt) {
#'   result <- top_n(x[[attr(x, "active")]], n, wt)
#'   return_egor_with_result(x, result)
#' }

#' #' @export
#' #' @noRd
#' #' @method top_frac egor
#' top_frac.egor <- function(x, n, wt) {
#'   result <- top_frac(x[[attr(x, "active")]], n, wt)
#'   return_egor_with_result(x, result)
#' }

# Set operations intersect x---------------------------------------------

# This could be improved to check what y is and in case it is another egor object,
# select the same data level and operate on those

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method intersect egor
intersect.egor <- function(x, y, ...) {
  result <- intersect(x[[attr(x, "active")]], y, ...)
  result <- bind_IDs_if_missing(x, result)
  return_egor_with_result(x, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method union egor
union.egor <- function(x, y, ...) {
  result <- union(x[[attr(x, "active")]], y, ...)
  result <- bind_IDs_if_missing(x, result)
  return_egor_with_result(x, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method union_all egor
union_all.egor <- function(x, y, ...) {
  result <- union_all(x[[attr(x, "active")]], y, ...)
  result <- bind_IDs_if_missing(x, result)
  return_egor_with_result(x, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method setdiff egor
setdiff.egor <- function(x, y, ...) {
  result <- setdiff(x[[attr(x, "active")]], y, ...)
  result <- bind_IDs_if_missing(x, result)
  return_egor_with_result(x, result)

#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @method setequal egor
setequal.egor <- function(x, y, ...) {
  result <- setequal(x[[attr(x, "active")]], y, ...)
  result <- bind_IDs_if_missing(x, result)
  return_egor_with_result(x, result)

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egor documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:10 p.m.