
#' Metropolis Algorithm for ecological Inference
#' @description
#' This function is a wrapper function which calls the appropriate Metropolis algorithm 
#' depending on the hyperpriori which is chosen.
#' @param convList output of \code{\link{convertEiData}}-function.
#' @param whichPriori character string specifying the chosen hyperpriori. 
#'          Options are \code{"gamma"} or \code{"expo"} (see Details)
#' @param prioriPars vector or matrix of parameters for the specified hyperpriori in \var{whichPriori}
#' @param startValsAlpha matrix with dimension \code{c(rows,columns)} giving the starting values for alpha.
#'          If \code{NULL} random numbers of rdirichlet with chosen hyperpriori will be chosen.
#' @param startValsBeta array with dimension \code{c(rows,columns,districts)} giving the starting values of beta
#'          If \code{NULL} random multinomial numbers will be chosen.
#' @param sample the sample size to be saved in output.
#'          Total length of chain will be \var{burnin} \code{+} \var{sample} \code{*} \var{thinning}
#' @param burnin number of draws to be cut away from the beginning of the Markov-Chain. \code{default=0}
#' @param thinning number specifying the thinning interval. \code{default=1}
#' @param verbose an integer specifying whether the progress of the sampler is printed to the screen (defaults to 0).
#'       If verbose is greater than 0, the iteration number is printed to the screen every verboseth iteration
#' @param betaVars array-object with dimensions \code{(rows, columns-1, districts)}
#'          giving variance of proposal density for \eqn{\beta}-values
#' @param alphaVars matrix of dimensions \code{(rows, columns)} giving variance 
#'          of proposal density for \eqn{\alpha}-values.
#' @param retBeta logical \code{TRUE} if estimated \eqn{\beta}-parameters should be returned.
#'          With large number of precincts there can be problems with memory
#' @param seed Default is \code{NULL}. Can be given the \code{"seed"}-attribute of
#'        an \code{eiwild}-object to reproduce an \code{eiwild}-object
#' @details 
#' The \code{whichPriori}-parameter has the options \code{"gamma"} or \code{"expo"} and
#' corresponding \code{prioriPars}-parameters in a \code{"list"}:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item \code{"expo"} and \code{numeric} list-element called \code{"lam"} corresponding to:
#'          \eqn{\alpha_{rc} \sim Exp(\lambda)}
#'    \item \code{"expo"} and \code{matrix} list-element called \code{"lam"} corresponding to:
#'          \eqn{\alpha_{rc} \sim Exp(\lambda_{rc})}
#'    \item \code{"gamma"} and two \code{numeric} list-element called \code{"shape"} and \code{"rate"} corresponding to:
#'          \eqn{\alpha_{rc} \sim Gamma(\lambda_1, \lambda_2)}
#'    \item \code{"gamma"} and two \code{matrix} list-element called \code{"shape"} and \code{"rate"} corresponding to:
#'          \eqn{\alpha_{rc} \sim Gamma(\lambda_1^{rc}, \lambda_2^{rc})}
#' }
#' The \code{"seed"} attribute is generated by the \code{\link{.Random.seed}}-function.
#' @return \code{list}-Object with elements:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item \code{alphaDraws} \code{\link[coda]{mcmc}}-object
#'    \item \code{cellCounts} \code{\link[coda]{mcmc}}-object
#'    \item \code{betaDraws} \code{\link[coda]{mcmc}}-object
#'    \item \code{betaAcc} \code{"numeric"} with Acceptance ratios
#'    \item \code{alphaAcc} \code{"numeric"} with Acceptance ratios
#'    \item \code{alphaVars} \code{matrix} with variances for proposal density
#'    \item \code{betaVars} \code{array} with variances for proposal density
#' }
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link[eiwild]{convertEiData}}, \code{\link[eiwild]{runMBayes}}, \code{\link[coda]{mcmc}}
#' \code{\link[eiwild]{tuneVars}}, \code{\link[eiwild]{indAggEi}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # loading some fake election data
#' data(topleveldat)
#' form <- cbind(CSU_2, SPD_2, LINK_2, GRUN_2) ~ cbind(CSU_1, SPD_1, Link_1)
#' conv <- convertEiData(form=form, aggr=aggr, indi=indi, IDCols=c("ID","ID"))
#' set.seed(1234)
#' res <- runMBayes(conv, sample=1000, thinning=2, burnin=100,verbose=100)
#' ## !!! not an eiwild object !!!
#' class(res)
#' # better to use indAggEi
#' set.seed(12345)
#' res2 <- indAggEi(form=form, aggr=aggr, indi=indi, IDCols=c("ID","ID"),
#'                  sample=1000, thinning=2, burnin=100,verbose=100)
#' class(res2)
#' summary(res2)
#' # with individual alpha-hyperpriori-parameters
#' hypMat <- list(shape = matrix(c(30,4,4,4,
#'                                 4,30,4,4,
#'                                 4,4,30,4), nrow=3, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE),
#'                rate = matrix(c(1,2,2,2,
#'                                2,1,2,2,
#'                                2,2,1,2), nrow=3, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE))
#' set.seed(12345)
#' res2 <- indAggEi(form=form, aggr=aggr, indi=indi, IDCols=c("ID","ID"),
#'                  sample=1000, thinning=2, burnin=100, verbose=100,
#'                  prioriPars=hypMat, whichPriori="gamma")
#' }
#' @export

runMBayes <- function(convList, 
                      whichPriori="gamma", prioriPars=list(shape=4, rate=2),
                      startValsAlpha=NULL, startValsBeta=NULL,
                      betaVars=NULL, alphaVars=NULL,
                      sample, burnin=0,thinning=1,
                      verbose=1, retBeta=FALSE, 
    if (!exists(".Random.seed")) {
      runif(1) # force generation of a .Random.seed
    seed <- get(".Random.seed") 
  .Random.seed <<-seed 
  formula <- convList$formula
  rowdf <- convList$rowdf
  coldf <- convList$coldf
  M <- convList$M
  Mdf <- convList$Mdf
  Zdf <- convList$Zdf
  Zrc <- convList$Zrc
  N <- convList$N
  Xdf <- convList$Xdf
  Tdf <- convList$Tdf
  if(sample <1)
    stop("sample size has to be greater than 0!", call. = FALSE)
  if(burnin < 0)
    stop("burnin has to be a positive number!", call. = FALSE)
  if(thinning < 1)
    stop("thinning has to be greater than 0!", call. = FALSE)
  if(verbose < 1)
    stop("verbose has to be greater than 0!", call. = FALSE)
  r <- ncol(rowdf)
  c <- ncol(coldf)
  prec <- nrow(rowdf)
  # variance of alphas and betas
    alphaVars <- matrix(0.25,r,c)
  } else{
      stop("alphaVars values have to be greater than 0!", call. = FALSE)
      stop("alphaVars matrix must have dimensions ", paste(c(r,c),collapse=", "),"!", call. = FALSE)
    betaVars <- array(0.05,c(r,c-1,prec))
  } else{
      stop("betaVars array must have dimensions ", paste(c(r,c-1,prec),collapse=", "),"!", call. = FALSE)
      stop("betaVars values have to be greater than 0!\n districts: ",
           paste(ceiling(which(betaVars <=0)/(r*(c-1))),collapse=", "), call. = FALSE)
  if(!( whichPriori %in% c("expo","gamma") ))
    stop("no correct hyperpriori has been specified", call. = FALSE)
  #### Gamma priori ###########################################################
    if(is.matrix(prioriPars$shape) & is.matrix(prioriPars$rate)){
      ## multiple shapes and rates ##
      if(any(prioriPars$shape<=0) | any(prioriPars$rate<=0)){
        stop("shape and rate have to be >0", call. = FALSE)
      } else{
        shape <- prioriPars$shape
        rate <- prioriPars$rate
      # starting values of alpha
        alphas <- matrix(NA,r,c)
        for(rr in 1:r) for(cc in 1:c)
          alphas[rr,cc] <- rgamma(1,shape=shape[rr,cc],rate=rate[rr,cc])
      } else{
        alphas <- alphaCheck(startValsAlpha,r,c)
      # starting values of beta
        betas <- array(NA, dim=c(r,c,prec))
        for(pp in 1:prec)
          betas[,,pp] <- rdirichlet(r, rep(1,c))
        #                betas[rr,,] <- t(rdirichlet(prec, alphas[rr,]))
      } else{
        betas <- betaCheck(startValsBeta,r,c,prec)
      out <- .Call("eiIndiMDGmulti", 
                   as.integer(c),as.integer(r), as.integer(prec),
                   as.numeric(alphas), as.numeric(betas),
                   as.integer(Tdf), as.integer(Zrc), as.numeric(Xdf), as.integer(rowdf),
                   as.integer(burnin), as.integer(thinning), as.integer(sample),
                   as.integer(verbose), as.integer(retBeta))
    } else{
      ## one shape and rate ##
      if((prioriPars$shape<=0) | (prioriPars$rate <=0)){
        stop("shape and rate have to be >0!", call. = FALSE)
      } else{
        shape <- prioriPars$shape
        rate <- prioriPars$rate
      # starting values of alpha
        alphas <- matrix(rgamma(r*c, shape=shape, rate=rate), r,c)
      } else{
        alphas <- alphaCheck(startValsAlpha,r,c)
      # starting values of beta
        betas <- array(NA, dim=c(r,c,prec))
        for(pp in 1:prec)
          betas[,,pp] <- rdirichlet(r, rep(1,c))
      } else{
        betas <- betaCheck(startValsBeta,r,c,prec)
      # generating chain
      out <- .Call("eiIndiMDG1", 
                   as.integer(c),as.integer(r), as.integer(prec),
                   as.numeric(alphas), as.numeric(betas),
                   as.integer(Tdf), as.integer(Zrc), as.numeric(Xdf), as.integer(rowdf),
                   as.integer(burnin), as.integer(thinning), as.integer(sample),
                   as.integer(verbose), as.integer(retBeta))
  #### Exponential priori #####################################################
  else if(whichPriori=="expo"){
      ## multiple lambdas #############
        stop("lambda's have to be >0", call. = FALSE)
      } else{
        lam <- prioriPars$lam
      # starting values of alpha
        alphas <- matrix(NA,r,c)
        for(rr in 1:r) for(cc in 1:c)
          alphas[rr,cc] <- rexp(1,rate=lam[rr,cc])
      } else{
        alphas <- alphaCheck(startValsAlpha,r,c)
      # starting values of beta
        betas <- array(NA, dim=c(r,c,prec))
        for(pp in 1:prec)
          betas[,,pp] <- rdirichlet(r, rep(1,c))               
        #                betas[rr,,] <- t(rdirichlet(prec, alphas[rr,]))
      } else{
        betas <- betaCheck(startValsBeta,r,c,prec)
      out <- .Call("eiIndiMDEmulti", 
                   as.integer(c),as.integer(r), as.integer(prec),
                   as.numeric(alphas), as.numeric(betas),
                   as.integer(Tdf), as.integer(Zrc), as.numeric(Xdf), as.integer(rowdf),
                   as.integer(burnin), as.integer(thinning), as.integer(sample),
                   as.integer(verbose), as.integer(retBeta))
    } else{
      ## one lambda #############
        stop("lambda has to be >0!", call. = FALSE)
      } else{
        lam <- prioriPars$lam
      # starting values of alpha
        alphas <- matrix(rexp(r*c, rate=lam), r,c)
      } else{
        alphas <- alphaCheck(startValsAlpha,r,c)
      # starting values of beta
        betas <- array(NA, dim=c(r,c,prec))
        for(pp in 1:prec)
          betas[,,pp] <- rdirichlet(r, rep(1,c))
        #                betas[rr,,] <- t(rdirichlet(prec, alphas[rr,]))
      } else{
        betas <- betaCheck(startValsBeta,r,c,prec)
      # generating chain
      out <- .Call("eiIndiMDE1", 
                   as.integer(c),as.integer(r), as.integer(prec),
                   as.numeric(alphas), as.numeric(betas),
                   as.integer(Tdf), as.integer(Zrc), as.numeric(Xdf), as.integer(rowdf),
                   as.integer(burnin), as.integer(thinning), as.integer(sample),
                   as.integer(verbose), as.integer(retBeta))
  # converting to coda objects
  colnames(out$alphaDraws) <- paste("alpha",
  colnames(out$cellCounts) <- paste("counts",
    colnames(out$betaDraws) <- paste(rep(paste("beta",
    out$betaDraws <- mcmc(out$betaDraws)
  #no thin=thinning because of plot problems
  out$alphaDraws <- mcmc(out$alphaDraws)
  out$cellCounts <- mcmc(out$cellCounts)
  out$alphaVars <- alphaVars
  out$betaVars <- betaVars
  attr(out, "seed")<-seed

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eiwild documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:43 a.m.