contour: Contour functions for tidy and geospatial kernel estimates

contourR Documentation

Contour functions for tidy and geospatial kernel estimates


Contour functions for tidy and geospatial kernel estimates.


## S3 method for class 'tidy_ks'
contourLevels(x, cont=c(25,50,75), group=FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'sf_ks'
contourLevels(x, cont=c(25,50,75), group=FALSE, ...)
contour_breaks(data, cont=c(25,50,75), group=FALSE)

st_get_contour(x, cont=c(25,50,75), breaks, which_deriv_ind, disjoint=TRUE,


x, data

tidy kernel estimate (output from tidy_k*) or geospatial kernel estimate (output from st_k*)


vector of contour levels. Default is c(25,50,75).


flag to compute contour levels per group. Default is FALSE.


tibble or vector of contour levels (e.g. output from contour_breaks)


derivative index (only required for st_kdde objects)


flag to compute disjoint contours. Default is TRUE.


flag to return polygons as point coordinates in tidy format. Default is TRUE.


factor variable


other parameters (not implemented)


By default, the 1% to 99% contours are computed for an st_k* output, though a plot of all 99 of them would be too crowded. st_get_contour selects a subset of these, as specified by cont. If a contour level in cont does not already exist or if absolute contour levels are specified in breaks, then the corresponding contours are computed. If disjoint=TRUE (default) then the contours are computed as a set of disjoint multipolygons: this allows for plotting without overlapping transparent colours. If disjoint=FALSE then the contours are overlapping and so their colours alpha-mixed, but they strictly satisfy the probabilistic definition, e.g. a 25% contour region is the smallest region that contains 25% of the probability mass defined by the kernel estimate, see geom_contour_ks.

Since these default probability contours are relative contour levels, they aren't suitable for producing a contour plot with fixed contour levels across all groups. It may require trial and error to obtain a single set of contour levels which is appropriate for all groups: one possible choice is provided by contour_breaks.


The output from contour_breaks is a tibble of the values of the contour breaks. The output from st_get_contour is an sf object of the contours as multipolygons.

See Also



data(crabs, package="MASS")
crabs2 <- dplyr::select(crabs, FL, CW, sex)
crabs2 <- dplyr::group_by(crabs2, sex)
t1 <- tidy_kde(crabs2)
b <- contour_breaks(t1)
ggplot(t1, aes(x=FL, y=CW)) + 
    geom_contour_filled_ks(colour=1, breaks=b) + facet_wrap(~sex)

crabs3 <- dplyr::select(crabs, FL, CW)
t2 <- tidy_kde(crabs3)
ggplot(t2, aes(x=FL, y=CW)) + 
    geom_contour_filled_ks(colour=1, cont=c(50,75,97.5))

## extract contour polygons
crabs2s <- sf::st_as_sf(crabs2, coords=c("FL","CW"))
t2 <- st_kde(crabs2s)
t2 <- st_get_contour(t2, breaks=b, as_point=TRUE)
t2 <- dplyr::rename(t2, FL=X, CW=Y)
ggplot(t2, aes(x=FL, y=CW)) + 
    geom_polygon(aes(fill=contlabel, subgroup=contlabel_group), col=1) + 
    scale_fill_viridis_d() + guides(fill=guide_legend(reverse=TRUE)) + 

eks documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:17 a.m.