tidyst_kdr: Tidy and geospatial kernel density ridge estimates

tidyst_kdrR Documentation

Tidy and geospatial kernel density ridge estimates


Tidy and geospatial versions of kernel density ridge estimates for 2-dimensional data.


tidy_kdr(data, dTolerance, ...)
st_kdr(x, dTolerance, ...)



data frame/tibble of data values


sf object with point geometry


tolerance parameter in sf::st_simplify for reducing complexity of density ridge


other parameters in ks::kdr function


A density ridge can be interpreted as the line connecting the peaks in the kernel density estimate, like for a mountain range. It can also be interpreted as the filament generalisation of 2-d principal components. For details of the computation and the bandwidth selection procedure of the kernel density ridge estimate, see ?ks::kdr. The bandwidth matrix of smoothing parameters is computed as in ks::kdde(deriv_order=2).

To reduce the complexity of the density ridge, a call to sf::st_simplify(,dTolerance) is made. If dTolerance is missing, then it defaults to approximately the mean distance between each pair of consecutive points in each segment of the density ridge. If dTolerance=0 then this step of Ramer-Douglas-Peucker simplification is not carried out.


The output from *_kdr have the same structure as the kernel density estimate from *_kde, except that x,y indicate the points on the density ridge, rather than the grid points themselves, and estimate becomes NA. For st_kdr, the density ridge is stored as a multipoints sf object.


## tidy density ridge estimate
data(cardio, package="ks")
cardio <- dplyr::as_tibble(cardio[,c("ASTV","Mean")])
cardio <- cardio[sample(1:nrow(cardio), round(nrow(cardio)/4,0)),]
## gridsize=c(21,21) is for illustrative purposes only
## remove for more complete KDR
t1 <- tidy_kdr(cardio, gridsize=c(21,21))
gt <- ggplot(t1, aes(x=ASTV, y=Mean)) 
gt + geom_point_ks(colour=3, alpha=0.8) + 
    geom_path(aes(colour=label, group=segment), linewidth=1.2, alpha=0.8) +

## geospatial density ridge estimate
hakeoides <- dplyr::filter(grevilleasf, species=="hakeoides")
## gridsize=c(21,21) is for illustrative purposes only 
## remove for more complete KDR
s1 <- st_kdr(hakeoides, gridsize=c(21,21))

## base R plot
xlim <- c(1.2e5, 1.1e6); ylim <- c(6.1e6, 7.2e6)
plot(wa, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
plot(sf::st_geometry(hakeoides), add=TRUE, col=3, pch=16)
plot(s1, add=TRUE, col=6, lwd=3, alpha=0.8)

## geom_sf plot
gs <- ggplot(s1) + geom_sf(data=wa, fill=NA) + ggthemes::theme_map()
gs + geom_sf(data=hakeoides, colour=3, alpha=0.5) +
    geom_sf(data=s1$sf, aes(colour=label), linewidth=1.2, alpha=0.8) +
    scale_colour_manual(values=6) + coord_sf(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) 

eks documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:17 a.m.