
Defines functions pipeline_ver pipeline_simulate pipeline_delete pipeline_get pipeline_attachment pipeline_create

Documented in pipeline_attachment pipeline_create pipeline_delete pipeline_get pipeline_simulate

#' Ingest API operations
#' @references
#' <https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/ingest-apis.html>,
#' <https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/plugins/current/using-ingest-attachment.html>
#' @name ingest
#' @param conn an Elasticsearch connection object, see [connect()]
#' @param id (character) one or more pipeline id's. with delete, you can use 
#' a wildcard match
#' @param body body describing pipeline, see examples and Elasticsearch docs
#' @param filter_path (character) fields to return. deafults to all if not given
#' @param index (character) an index. only used in `pipeline_attachment`
#' @param type (character) a type. only used in `pipeline_attachment`. by default
#' ths is set to `NULL` - optional in ES <= v6.3; not allowed in ES >= v6.4
#' @param pipeline (character) a pipeline name. only used in `pipeline_attachment`
#' @param ... Curl args passed on to [crul::verb-POST], [crul::verb-GET],
#' [crul::verb-PUT], or [crul::verb-DELETE]
#' @return a named list
#' @details ingest/pipeline functions available in Elasticsearch v5 and
#' greater
#' @section Attachments:
#' See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/plugins/current/ingest-attachment.html
#' You need to install the attachment processor plugin to be able to use
#' attachments in pipelines
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # connection setup
#' (x <- connect())
#' # create
#' body1 <- '{
#'   "description" : "do a thing",
#'   "version" : 123,
#'   "processors" : [
#'     {
#'       "set" : {
#'         "field": "foo",
#'         "value": "bar"
#'       }
#'     }
#'   ]
#' }'
#' body2 <- '{
#'   "description" : "do another thing",
#'   "processors" : [
#'     {
#'       "set" : {
#'         "field": "stuff",
#'         "value": "things"
#'       }
#'     }
#'   ]
#' }'
#' pipeline_create(x, id = 'foo', body = body1)
#' pipeline_create(x, id = 'bar', body = body2)
#' # get
#' pipeline_get(x, id = 'foo')
#' pipeline_get(x, id = 'bar')
#' pipeline_get(x, id = 'foo', filter_path = "*.version")
#' pipeline_get(x, id = c('foo', 'bar')) # get >1
#' # delete
#' pipeline_delete(x, id = 'foo')
#' # simulate
#' ## with pipeline included
#' body <- '{
#'   "pipeline" : {
#'     "description" : "do another thing",
#'     "processors" : [
#'       {
#'         "set" : {
#'           "field": "stuff",
#'           "value": "things"
#'         }
#'       }
#'     ]
#'   },
#'   "docs" : [
#'     { "_source": {"foo": "bar"} },
#'     { "_source": {"foo": "world"} }
#'   ]
#' }'
#' pipeline_simulate(x, body)
#' ## referencing existing pipeline
#' body <- '{
#'   "docs" : [
#'     { "_source": {"foo": "bar"} },
#'     { "_source": {"foo": "world"} }
#'   ]
#' }'
#' pipeline_simulate(x, body, id = "foo")
#' # attchments - Note: you need the attachment plugin for this, see above
#' body1 <- '{
#'   "description" : "do a thing",
#'   "version" : 123,
#'   "processors" : [
#'     {
#'       "attachment" : {
#'         "field" : "data"
#'       }
#'     }
#'   ]
#' }'
#' pipeline_create(x, "baz", body1)
#' body_attach <- '{
#'   "data": "e1xydGYxXGFuc2kNCkxvcmVtIGlwc3VtIGRvbG9yIHNpdCBhbWV0DQpccGFyIH0="
#' }'
#' if (!index_exists(x, "boomarang")) index_create(x, "boomarang")
#' docs_create(x, 'boomarang', id = 1, body = list(title = "New title"))
#' pipeline_attachment(x, "boomarang", "1", "baz", body_attach)
#' pipeline_get(x, id = 'baz')
#' }

#' @export
#' @rdname ingest
pipeline_create <- function(conn, id, body, ...) {
  url <- conn$make_url()
  es_PUT(conn, file.path(url, "_ingest/pipeline", esc(id)), body = body, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname ingest
pipeline_attachment <- function(conn, index, id, pipeline, body, type = NULL,
  ...) {

  url <- conn$make_url()
  type <- if (!is.null(type)) esc(type) else "_doc"
  es_PUT(conn, file.path(url, index, type, esc(id)),
    body = body, args = list(pipeline = pipeline), ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname ingest
pipeline_get <- function(conn, id, filter_path = NULL, ...) {
  url <- file.path(conn$make_url(), "_ingest/pipeline", 
    paste0(esc(id), collapse = ","))
  es_GET_(conn, url, ec(list(filter_path = filter_path)), ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname ingest
pipeline_delete <- function(conn, id, body, ...) {
  url <- file.path(conn$make_url(), "_ingest/pipeline", esc(id))
  out <- conn$make_conn(url, list(), ...)$delete()
  geterror(conn, out)
  if (conn$warn) catch_warnings(out)

#' @export
#' @rdname ingest
pipeline_simulate <- function(conn, body, id = NULL, ...) {
  url <- conn$make_url()
  base <- "_ingest/pipeline"
  part <- if (is.null(id)) {
    file.path(base, "_simulate") 
  } else {
    file.path(base, esc(id), "_simulate")
  url <- file.path(url, part)
  tt<-conn$make_conn(url, json_type(), ...)$post(body = body, encode = "json")
  geterror(conn, tt)
  if (conn$warn) catch_warnings(tt)

pipeline_ver <- function(conn) {
  if (conn$es_ver() < 500) {
    stop("ingest/pipeline fxns available in ES v5 and greater", call. = FALSE)

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

elastic documentation built on March 17, 2021, 1:07 a.m.