
## ---- eval=T------------------------------------------------------------------

# load the data and split it in two parts

data(Boston, package = 'KernelKnn')


Boston = as.matrix(Boston)
dimnames(Boston) = NULL

X = Boston[, -dim(Boston)[2]]
xtr = X[1:350, ]
xte = X[351:nrow(X), ]

# prepare / convert the train-data-response to a one-column matrix

ytr = matrix(Boston[1:350, dim(Boston)[2]], nrow = length(Boston[1:350, dim(Boston)[2]]),
             ncol = 1)

# perform a fit and predict [ elmNNRcpp ]

fit_elm = elm_train(xtr, ytr, nhid = 1000, actfun = 'purelin',
                    init_weights = "uniform_negative", bias = TRUE, verbose = T)

pr_te_elm = elm_predict(fit_elm, xte)

# perform a fit and predict [ lm ]

data(Boston, package = 'KernelKnn')

fit_lm = lm(medv~., data = Boston[1:350, ])

pr_te_lm = predict(fit_lm, newdata = Boston[351:nrow(X), ])

# evaluation metric

rmse = function (y_true, y_pred) {
  out = sqrt(mean((y_true - y_pred)^2))

# test data response variable

yte = Boston[351:nrow(X), dim(Boston)[2]]

# mean-squared-error for 'elm' and 'lm'

cat('the rmse error for extreme-learning-machine is :', rmse(yte, pr_te_elm[, 1]), '\n')

cat('the rmse error for liner-model is :', rmse(yte, pr_te_lm), '\n')

## ---- eval=T------------------------------------------------------------------

# load the data

data(ionosphere, package = 'KernelKnn')

y_class = ionosphere[, ncol(ionosphere)]

x_class = ionosphere[, -c(2, ncol(ionosphere))]     # second column has 1 unique value

x_class = scale(x_class[, -ncol(x_class)])

x_class = as.matrix(x_class)                        # convert to matrix
dimnames(x_class) = NULL 

# split data in train-test

xtr_class = x_class[1:200, ]                    
xte_class = x_class[201:nrow(ionosphere), ]

ytr_class = as.numeric(y_class[1:200])
yte_class = as.numeric(y_class[201:nrow(ionosphere)])

ytr_class = onehot_encode(ytr_class - 1)                                     # class labels should begin from 0 (subtract 1)

# perform a fit and predict [ elmNNRcpp ]

fit_elm_class = elm_train(xtr_class, ytr_class, nhid = 1000, actfun = 'relu',
                          init_weights = "uniform_negative", bias = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)

pr_elm_class = elm_predict(fit_elm_class, xte_class, normalize = FALSE)

pr_elm_class = max.col(pr_elm_class, ties.method = "random")

# perform a fit and predict [ glm ]

data(ionosphere, package = 'KernelKnn')

fit_glm = glm(class~., data = ionosphere[1:200, -2], family = binomial(link = 'logit'))

pr_glm = predict(fit_glm, newdata = ionosphere[201:nrow(ionosphere), -2], type = 'response')

pr_glm = as.vector(ifelse(pr_glm < 0.5, 1, 2))

# accuracy for 'elm' and 'glm'

cat('the accuracy for extreme-learning-machine is :', mean(yte_class == pr_elm_class), '\n')

cat('the accuracy for glm is :', mean(yte_class == pr_glm), '\n')

## ---- eval = F, echo = T------------------------------------------------------
#  # using system('wget..') on a linux OS
#  #-------------------------------------
#  system("wget")
#  mnist <- read.table(unz("", "mnist.csv"), nrows = 70000, header = T,
#                      quote = "\"", sep = ",")
#  x = mnist[, -ncol(mnist)]
#  y = mnist[, ncol(mnist)]
#  # using system('wget..') on a linux OS
#  #-------------------------------------
#  system("wget")
#  mnist <- read.table(unz("", "mnist.csv"), nrows = 70000, header = T,
#                      quote = "\"", sep = ",")
#  x = mnist[, -ncol(mnist)]
#  y = mnist[, ncol(mnist)] + 1
#  # use the hog-features as input data
#  #-----------------------------------
#  hog = OpenImageR::HOG_apply(x, cells = 6, orientations = 9, rows = 28, columns = 28, threads = 6)
#  y_expand = elmNNRcpp::onehot_encode(y - 1)
#  # 4-fold cross-validation
#  #------------------------
#  folds = KernelKnn:::class_folds(folds = 4, as.factor(y))
#  str(folds)
#  START = Sys.time()
#  fit = lapply(1:length(folds), function(x) {
#    cat('\n'); cat('fold', x, 'starts ....', '\n')
#    tmp_fit = elmNNRcpp::elm_train(as.matrix(hog[unlist(folds[-x]), ]), y_expand[unlist(folds[-x]), ],
#                                   nhid = 2500, actfun = 'relu', init_weights = 'uniform_negative',
#                                   bias = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
#    cat('******************************************', '\n')
#    tmp_fit
#  })
#  END = Sys.time()
#  # Time difference of 5.698552 mins
#  str(fit)
#  # predictions for 4-fold cross validation
#  #----------------------------------------
#  test_acc = unlist(lapply(1:length(fit), function(x) {
#    pr_te = elmNNRcpp::elm_predict(fit[[x]], newdata = as.matrix(hog[folds[[x]], ]))
#    pr_max_col = max.col(pr_te, ties.method = "random")
#    y_true = max.col(y_expand[folds[[x]], ])
#    mean(pr_max_col == y_true)
#  }))
#  test_acc
#  # [1] 0.9825143 0.9848571 0.9824571 0.9822857
#  cat('Accuracy ( Mnist data ) :', round(mean(test_acc) * 100, 2), '\n')
#  # Accuracy ( Mnist data ) : 98.3

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elmNNRcpp documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:26 p.m.